Can't seem to find a way to do this.
What I want to do is 'devoice' myself.
I have 2 or 3 chatrooms open.
Some are for me, some for wife or children.
If I leave the keyboard, I want my room to still be active, with messages
scrolling along.
But I don't want my wife or kids to intentionally/unintentionally be able to
send anything in my chatroom. Nor do I want to send anything into their rooms.
This way when I come back, I can scroll up, see what I missed and continue.
But I can't 'devoice' myself as I'm not a channel op, nor is the channel
Basically I wish to lock the keyboard out only for MY channel and easily
unlock it when I return.
Can this be done?
I'm sure it can be, I should have asked can it be done easily enough for a
dummy like me?
Please and Thank You.