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#36163 14/07/03 01:15 AM
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I've searched countless sites and this message board, I just can't get it right. I'm trying to right a script that will recognize a word and then play the sound, but I'd like the word case sensative I know it has to do with If-Then-Else commands but I'm clueless.

#36164 14/07/03 01:21 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Use 'isincs' instead of 'isin'
ON *:TEXT:*:#: {
  if (WaTcHdoG isincs $1) {
    splay bark.wav
If someone calls me by matching the case used in the script then the sound will play. If they use all lower or all upper case then it won't.

#36165 14/07/03 01:26 AM
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Sorry that didnt work, it just sent my mirc into a endless loop that killed it, thx tho

#36166 14/07/03 01:33 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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It's tested code so you must have left out a closing brace. Try it in it's own remote file.

#36167 14/07/03 01:43 AM
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ON *:TEXT:*:#: { if (WakeUP isincs $1) { splay C:\WINDOWS\MEDIA\Robotz Default.wav }}
I can't see it

#36168 14/07/03 01:47 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Hmmm, you shouldn't have to for splay but try putting the filepath in inverted commas.
ON *:TEXT:*:#: {
 if (WakeUP isincs $1) {
   splay [color:red]"[/color]C:\WINDOWS\MEDIA\Robotz Default.wav[color:red]"[/color]

#36169 14/07/03 01:49 AM
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IM getting /if: close bracket not found in my status, to me it looks like they are all closed

#36170 14/07/03 01:54 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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How are you formatting the script? If you are doing it on a single line I would remove the outer set of braces but leave everything else. If it is over four lines then it should work as-is.

#36171 14/07/03 02:01 AM
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Its all a straight line, I dropped the outta brackets no errors now, but no sound either I know the path is correct I tried with the "..." and adding the splay command of -w for wav I'm sorry to be a bother But hankyou for the help

#36172 14/07/03 02:17 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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It should work without the -w. There must be something else in your script that may be interfering. Make sure that there is only one ON TEXT event in each script file otherwise they will clash, usually resulting in only the first one working.

#36173 14/07/03 02:23 AM
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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All my scripts are in working order frown Thanks for your help, Ill search the net some more

#36174 14/07/03 09:49 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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on *:TEXT:*:#: if ($1 === WakeUP) splay "C:\WINDOWS\MEDIA\Robotz Default.wav"

DALnet: #HelpDesk and #m[color:#FF0000]IR[color:#EEEE00]C
#36175 14/07/03 04:50 PM
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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He wrote:

ON *:TEXT:*:#: { if (WakeUP isincs $1) { splay C:\WINDOWS\MEDIA\Robotz Default.wav }}
I can't see it

He has }}

to closing backets which doesn't have space betweek them. I think that will make his script not to work.

#36176 14/07/03 06:00 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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WakeUp? that remins me of the old Multiplayer server MPlayer for games. You'd type it in a channel, and a wierd voice would yell "Wake up!".. Ahh, those were the days >:S


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