Hi all, was wondering if someone could help me with this problem please ?
Ok, i found a website with an example of using ktools.dll, and so i copied it to add to my own statusbar, everythinhs works, from telling me how many DCC`s im sending/recieving to my system uptime changing, so i added an extra cell marked in
Red the cell shows the text "Nicks in channel" but doesnt however show how many nicks are in the channel, i have a script that somebody from the old boards helped me with that will count how many nicks are in the channel i`m in and how many are op`s, voiced, or normal and i also found the following info in the mirc help file.
$nick(#mIRC,0) returns the the total number of nicknames on #mIRC
$nick(#mIRC,1) returns the 1st nickname on #mIRC
Both aohvr parameters are optional. The first specifies which nicks you'd like included, and the second specifies the nicks you'd like excluded, where:
a = all nicks, o = ops, h = halfops, v = voiced, r = regular
$nick(#mIRC,1,o) return the first op on #mIRC
$nick(#mIRC,0,a,o) return the total number of nicks not including ops on #mIRC
My statusbar code
alias statusbar {
dll ktools.dll SbSetText 0 > > $chr(160) Connected to : $iif($scid($activecid).server != $null,$scid($activecid).server,Not Connected)
dll ktools.dll SbSetText 1 > > $chr(160) Nickname : $me
dll ktools.dll SbSetText 2 > > $chr(160) System uptime : $uptime(system,1)
dll ktools.dll SbSetText 3 > > $chr(160) DCC gets( $+ $get(0) $+ )/sends( $+ $send(0) $+ )
[color:red] dll ktools.dll SbSetText 4 > > $chr(160) Nicks in channel: $nick(#,0,a)[/color]
on *:start: {
dll ktools.dll CreateSb
dll ktools.dll SbSetParts 200 375 600 800 -1
dll ktools.dll SbSetPadding 5
.timer 0 1 statusbar
What i want to know is why doesnt the last cell, containing the number of nicks in that channel work ?, when i have a similar script that does work, and contains no conflicts, the only difference between the ktools status bar and my power script is that i have to use the right mouse button in the main chat screen to launch my power script.
Here is an example screenshot of my "Power Script" and the corner of my KTools Statusbar
Thanks in advance for any help
mIRC V6.03