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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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<rant> Your comparisons between Khaled's user-relations and those of professional software companies (ie. Microsoft) is unfair. First off, does Bill Gates or Steve Balmer come to forums to talk to you about Microsoft programs? Hell no, you get someone else whose job description particularly states 'talk crap to users for a few mins every once in a while'. In mIRC's case, you get these forums, and the guys who gets the unfortunate task of dealing with the users is Tjerk and the moderators. Only differences being this isn't their job and they don't get paid.
Even then it's not like Khaled is unreachable, his email address is given out openly and anyone is free to use it. Obviously there's a delay - expecting otherwise would be ridiculous, after all there's a lot for one man to go through - and that is the essence of the problem - Khaled doesn't have a department which handles user emails, he doesn't have a building filled with phones manned by technicians, he doesn't have top coders working with him in his projects - and why? Because the people behind mIRC aren't a software company, because this isn't a 'standard' commercial program - it's just a program a guy made which got way more popular than anyone ever expected.
This thread isn't even about Khaled's 'secrecy' anymore, it's gone into "why doesn't Khaled come talk to me?", quite frankly the answer's are obvious. </rant>
Spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, and stupid comments are intentional.
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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Personally, I have nothing to ask Khaled. But other people do.
Everybody is ready to give 100 valid reasons why there is some "conspiracy" about mIRC. I agree with yours too, starbucks. You're damn right.
But does it solve anything? The problem remains, it wasn't thought up by me. You may hang a bunch of sticky threads, you may release FAQs daily... but it's like asking poor people to accept the laws of economics.
Sincerely, Necroman, #mIRC @ Undernet
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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i have to ask
'the problem remains'
and what problem would that be? the fact is that this is K 's program .. and his system .. if these had been made in the form of a reqest, rather than a critisizem. then he would have somethign to reply to .. but frankly .. this entire thread is a waist of time.
myself, and the other moderators, and #mIRC staff everywhere accross all the networks deal with ppl like you in and out of every day .. infact .. unfortuantly .. ever ones worse .. lol
get a life man, grow up a little.
in regards to you compairing this with religion .. if you think that this is heaven .. or that K is God himself .. well then you have issues of your own to work out. seak conciling. I can asure you, both Khaled, and God (although 2 different entities) both exist :P
but we can discuse religion elsewhere (feel free to email me)
as far as this thread goes.. i've yet to see 1 valid point .. just a bunch of 'flameing' as u put it. .. which is in itself worthless .. and a waist of time.
so good day and good night .. i'm going to bed :P
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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myself, and the other moderators, and #mIRC staff everywhere accross all the networks deal with ppl like you in and out of every day .. infact .. unfortuantly .. ever ones worse .. lol
Are you a #mIRC 'staff member' voluntarily? It's just that your comments sound like you and the others are whipped into submission. I differ in one respect - I don't take people's opinions personally even if they are wrong. Going by what you say it's almost like you have to be a host on #mIRC somewhere to be a valid contributor, if so then that's the biggest load of bull I've ever seen. Many of the BIG contributors to the mIRC fraternity, whether it be suggestions for improvements to mIRC, creators of dll's, good scripts, tutorials, etc, over time arn't hosts on any mIRC related room.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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I am. Life is like that
I was going to write a whole long thing, but the more I think about it, the more I think Starbucks is right. Bitterness doesn't become anyone this time of year.
Happy Holidays, Nec
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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He secretly is Bill Gates taking a bathroom break (14%, 6 Votes)
secretive? Read his webpages! (9%, 4 Votes)
flamebait, more flamebait (7%, 3 Votes)
because of his development model (9%, 4 Votes)
why doesn't he talk to me? (7%, 3 Votes)
Khaled? Arnie! (11%, 5 Votes)
Happy Holidays (43%, 19 Votes)
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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Thanks for warming the athmosphere up a bit, Tjerk
Sincerely, Necroman, #mIRC @ Undernet
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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Happy holidays, Karen. May Santa bring you posters who never complain There are still a lot of things that unite us. If we both didn't care about mIRC, would we have typed so much?
Last edited by Necroman; 23/12/02 04:22 PM.
Sincerely, Necroman, #mIRC @ Undernet
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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LMAO Tjerk...happy holidays gets my vote. Oops, now I've let the cat out of the bag which way I voted. /umode +very_secretive * useless comment deleted by Krejt *
Last edited by Krejt; 23/12/02 06:49 PM.
Never compare yourself to others - they're more screwed up than you think.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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nope, sorry for giving the wrong impresion there
i'm a volenteer just like the others :P Here hecause its a hobbie, i enjoy codeing and apricate the opertunity to do more.
it just gets iritating listing to ppl do nothing but complain :P lol
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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Can't we all get along? :tongue:
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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Well there is no problem with the creator of mIRC making a few public appearances, havent you ever been in IRC for a game release or movie release? They are very exciting and generally alot of fun to be a part of for the short time they last. I saw the moderators replies to Necroman and didnt like what I saw here today, hes just asking, and its a good suggestion. Lay off and let a suggestion be just a suggestion, alot of of people use the program day in and out and are generally interested in Khaleds coding career with this application, is it so wrong. The worst part of this thread was the general feeling of " WE deal with people like you all the time" sheesh that guy Necroman has contributed to mIRC is so many ways, give him a bit more respect Cobra, whoever you are. Rant finished.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Well whether or not Khaled makes an appearance on IRC is basically his call alone...and Cobra does make valid points by how Khaled has far too many things that are going on in his life...But some people just dont understand people do have lives outside of "Chat" i mean whats the big deal if he shows up or not people get tired of discussing Star trek re-runs? Wait i take that back that was so stereotypical of me but anyways the comment about someone stating that People "Expect" him to show up ....some may say yes because they may be having problems with mIRC or whatnot and others may say no because it may not be important to them whether he shows up or not and another may think that for the people that ask about him all the time they ask the question..."Are you his daddy or something?" i say although everyone has their personal opinions here...i just think that this particular post has just about had everything that needed to be said and on that note....i say next subject! thanks for letting me be heard and whether or not you agree i have my opinions as well...