I was recently banned by a crazy admin and i created a new channel/room i even added a topic...i was chatting in the room for about an hour and all of a sudden the "crazy" admin came im my room i banned him but he came back and he changed the room topic and he muted the chatter he kicked banned and added invite only to the room! needless to say im am very unhappy by this...is there a way i can secure my future rooms?
his user name is JAKE and JON he owns #diyprojector
He wouldnt be able to do that unless he was either opped in your channel or an IRCOp on the server. If he was opped on your channel then the answer is not to op him, if he is an IRCOp then talk to the network's admin or just use another network.
Thanks for the reply Collective. but i never opped him, i now registered my nick and my NEW room and i banned both his aliases is there anytihng im missing?
Well, if they are an IRC operator, that won't help. IRCop's can get into keyed, secret, invite only, banned, etc rooms. They are *god* as far as the server is concerned >:\
thats true and if you want to report him in the server window (connected to that server) type /admin it should list the netadmins info for contact but you might have a hard time convincing the netadmin about a ircop be abusive of there powers.
I myself prefer thos moments where you just go all out, and use a mass kick ban. Something colorful in the kick message too thats both satisfying and just plain cool!