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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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I wish to have an addon that on join, check the user nick. I already have the one that invite to change nick in case of BADNICK (using BADWORD) Now I wish this addon also to check if: - Nick letters are less than 3 - Nick letters are more than 30% upper case. ON @*:JOIN:#channel: { if (LETTERS < 3) && ([UPPER LETTERS > 30%) badnick_alias $unsafe($chan $nick) }
ON *:NICK: { if (LETTERS < 3) && (UPPER LETTERS > 30%) && ($me isop #channel) && ($newnick ison #channel)) badnick_alias $unsafe(#channel $newnick) }
alias badnick_alias {
var %chan $1 , %nick $2
if ((MindUser* !iswm %nick) || (%nick !ison %chan)) return
if (!$3) {
.notice %nick Please change your nick within 2 minutes, or you will be kicked.
.timer 1 30 badnick_alias $unsafe($1-2 30)
.timer 1 90 badnick_alias $unsafe($1-2 90)
.timer 1 120 badnick_alias $unsafe($1-2 120)
elseif ($3 == 30) /notice %nick This is your second warning change your nick or be kicked 1 minute remaining!!
elseif ($3 == 90) /notice %nick This is your LAST warning change your nick or be kicked 30 seconds remaining!!
elseif ($3 == 120) kick %chan %nick Please change your nick Any help please? Thanks
Last edited by Fernet; 03/03/25 02:48 PM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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If you want to use && on the two conditions length of nick < 3 and % of uppercase in nick > 30% that makes no sense as you're really checking at best nickname of 2 character, aka either 100% or 50% which is then equivalent to checking if there's any uppercase at all. $unsafe should only be used on command which double evaluate, aka the typical /timer or /scid or /scon otherwise you'll be passing incorrect value to the alias. I'll use || which makes more sense for the condition. on *:nick:if (($len($nick) < 3) || ($calc($regex($nick,/[A-Z]/g) * 100 / $len($nick)) > 30)) && ($me isop #Alessandra) && ($newnick ison #Alessandra) badnick_alias #alessandra $newnick
For on join it is not so easy because when you join a channel, mIRC does not know the users on the channel yet. For that you must use raw 353 on *:join:#:set %checknick $+ $chan 1
raw 353:*:{
if ($($+(%,checknick,$3),2)) {
var %chan $3
tokenize 32 $regsubex($regsubex($4-,^:,),/(?:[ $+ $prefix $+ ]*)([^ !]+)\S+/g,\1 $+ $chr(32))
echo -ag $1-
scon -r if ($len( $* ) < 3) || ($calc($regex( $* ,/[A-Z]/g) * 100 / $!len( $* )) > 30) badnick_alias $unsafe(%chan) $*
raw 366:*:if ($($+(%,checknick,$2),2)) unset %checknick $+ $2 You may restrict this to your channel only by setting %checknick $+ $chan only if you join your specific channel.
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Vogon poet
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Is it right?
on *:join:#channel:set %checknick $+ $chan 1
raw 353:*:{
if ($($+(%,checknick,$3),2)) {
var %chan $3
tokenize 32 $regsubex($regsubex($4-,^:,),/(?:[ $+ $prefix $+ ]*)([^ !]+)\S+/g,\1 $+ $chr(32))
echo -ag $1-
scon -r if ($len( $* ) < 3) || ($calc($regex( $* ,/[A-Z]/g) * 100 / $!len( $* )) > 30) badnick_alias $unsafe(%chan) $*
raw 366:*:if ($($+(%,checknick,$2),2)) unset %checknick $+ $2
alias badnick_alias {
var %chan $1 , %nick $2
if ((MindUser* !iswm %nick) || (%nick !ison %chan)) return
if (!$3) {
.notice %nick Please change your nick within 2 minutes, or you will be kicked.
.timer 1 30 badnick_alias $unsafe($1-2 30)
.timer 1 90 badnick_alias $unsafe($1-2 90)
.timer 1 120 badnick_alias $unsafe($1-2 120)
elseif ($3 == 30) /notice %nick This is your second warning change your nick or be kicked 1 minute remaining!!
elseif ($3 == 90) /notice %nick This is your LAST warning change your nick or be kicked 30 seconds remaining!!
elseif ($3 == 120) kick %chan %nick Please change your nick
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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you could try this
ON *:nick:{
var %whloop = 1
while ( $comchan($newnick,%whloop) != $null ) {
var %chan $v1
if ($istok(Dalnet undernet,$network,32) && $istok(#chan,%chan,32)) {
if ($nick(%chan,$newnick,@&~%) || !$nick(%chan,$me,@&~%)) { halt }
badnick_alias %chan $newnick
inc %whloop
on !*:JOIN:#:{
if ($istok(Dalnet undernet,$network,32) && $istok(#chan,$chan,32)) {
if (!$Timer($+(CheckNicks,.,$network,.,$chan,.,$nick))) { .Timer $+ $+(CheckNicks,.,$network,.,$chan,.,$nick) -md 1 750 badnick_alias $unsafe($chan) $nick }
alias badnick_alias {
var %chan $1 , %nick $2
if (MindUser* !iswm %nick || %nick !ison %chan || $nick( %chan , %nick ,@&~%)) { halt }
if ($len( %nick ) > 3 || ($calc($regex(%nick,/[A-Z]/g) * 100 / $len(%nick)) > 30)) { kick %chan %nick please change your nick thanks you.... }
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Thanks sir. Then can I add warning?
if (!$3) {
.notice %nick Please change your nick within 2 minutes, or you will be kicked.
.timer 1 30 badnick_alias $unsafe($1-2 30)
.timer 1 90 badnick_alias $unsafe($1-2 90)
.timer 1 120 badnick_alias $unsafe($1-2 120)
elseif ($3 == 30) /notice %nick This is your second warning change your nick or be kicked 1 minute remaining!!
elseif ($3 == 90) /notice %nick This is your LAST warning change your nick or be kicked 30 seconds remaining!!
elseif ($3 == 120) kick %chan %nick Please change your nick
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Yes, there's a small error with the on join event (my mistake), it must only trigger when you join the channel, not for others:
on me:*:join:#channel:set %checknick $+ $chan 1
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Vogon poet
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Yes, there's a small error with the on join event (my mistake), it must only trigger when you join the channel, not for others:
on me:*:join:#channel:set %checknick $+ $chan 1 Doesn't work on join. On an user nick change, it works, warn included. On nick jooin, it doesn't work
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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you could try this
if ($istok(Dalnet undernet,$network,32) && $istok(#chan,%chan,32))
if ($istok(Dalnet undernet,$network,32) && $istok(#chan,$chan,32)) {
I'm on another net. This doesn't work for me. I dunno if is just a matter of net...
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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i guess you could add your network in it.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I misunderstood, you may keep the current code for when YOU (the bot) rejoin the channel to do a one time scan on all nick. You then need to add an on join event which trigger for others only which would be a copy of the on nick event: on @:join:#alessandra:if (($len($nick) < 3) || ($calc($regex($nick,/[A-Z]/g) * 100 / $len($nick)) > 30)) badnick_alias #alessandra $nick
The @ event prefix should ensure that the event only triggers for others (you are not op when you join)
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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I misunderstood, you may keep the current code for when YOU (the bot) rejoin the channel to do a one time scan on all nick. You then need to add an on join event which trigger for others only which would be a copy of the on nick event: on @:join:#alessandra:if (($len($nick) < 3) || ($calc($regex($nick,/[A-Z]/g) * 100 / $len($nick)) > 30)) badnick_alias #alessandra $nick
The @ event prefix should ensure that the event only triggers for others (you are not op when you join) No need brackets?
on @:join:#alessandra: {
if (($len($nick) < 3) || ($calc($regex($nick,/[A-Z]/g) * 100 / $len($nick)) > 30)) badnick_alias #alessandra $nick
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Vogon poet
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i guess you could add your network in it. I'll try again again sir. Thanks in advance for help of course
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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No, brackets can be omitted when the commands associated to the alias/event are on a single line separated by |, and for conditional statement when there's only a single command associated to that condition. Though, one may note that mIRC has issues parsing certain keywords (reserved words for statement such as "if" or "while", these statement cannot be overrided with aliases) when they are chained together without bracket, it's pretty rare to be in such situation even for bracketless lovers like me but for example "//if (a) while (1) echo -ag test" will not result in an infinite loop, which it should.
edit: I forgot the * access level after the @ event prefix.
Last edited by Wims; 05/03/25 10:01 PM.
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No, brackets can be omitted when the commands associated to the alias/event are on a single line separated by |, and for conditional statement when there's only a single command associated to that condition. Though, one may note that mIRC has issues parsing certain keywords (reserved words for statement such as "if" or "while", these statement cannot be overrided with aliases) when they are chained together without bracket, it's pretty rare to be in such situation even for bracketless lovers like me but for example "//if (a) while (1) echo -ag test" will not result in an infinite loop, which it should.
edit: I forgot the * access level after the @ event prefix. What do You think with this:
on @*:join:#channel:if (($len($nick) < 3) || ($calc($regex($nick,/[A-Z]/g) * 100 / $len($nick)) > 30)) badnick_alias #channel $nick
on *:nick:if (($len($nick) < 3) || ($calc($regex($nick,/[A-Z]/g) * 100 / $len($nick)) > 30)) && ($me isop #channel) && ($newnick ison #channel) badnick_alias #channel $newnick
alias badnick_alias {
var %chan $1 , %nick $2
if ((MindUser* !iswm %nick) || (%nick !ison %chan)) return
if (!$3) {
.notice %nick WARN
.timer 1 30 badnick_alias $unsafe($1-2 30)
.timer 1 45 badnick_alias $unsafe($1-2 45)
.timer 1 60 badnick_alias $unsafe($1-2 60)
elseif ($3 == 30) /notice %nick SECOND WARN
elseif ($3 == 45) /notice %nick LAST WARN
elseif ($3 == 60) kick %chan %nick KICK
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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you could try this
ON *:nick:{
var %whloop = 1
while ( $comchan($newnick,%whloop) != $null ) {
var %chan $v1
if ($istok(Dalnet undernet,$network,32) && $istok(#chan,%chan,32)) {
if ($nick(%chan,$newnick,@&~%) || !$nick(%chan,$me,@&~%)) { halt }
badnick_alias %chan $newnick
inc %whloop
on !*:JOIN:#:{
if ($istok(Dalnet undernet,$network,32) && $istok(#chan,$chan,32)) {
if (!$Timer($+(CheckNicks,.,$network,.,$chan,.,$nick))) { .Timer $+ $+(CheckNicks,.,$network,.,$chan,.,$nick) -md 1 750 badnick_alias $unsafe($chan) $nick }
alias badnick_alias {
var %chan $1 , %nick $2
if (MindUser* !iswm %nick || %nick !ison %chan || $nick( %chan , %nick ,@&~%)) { halt }
if ($len( %nick ) > 3 || ($calc($regex(%nick,/[A-Z]/g) * 100 / $len(%nick)) > 30)) { kick %chan %nick please change your nick thanks you.... }
Doesn't work. Non error in status.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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If you want to use && on the two conditions length of nick < 3 and % of uppercase in nick > 30% that makes no sense as you're really checking at best nickname of 2 character, aka either 100% or 50% which is then equivalent to checking if there's any uppercase at all. $unsafe should only be used on command which double evaluate, aka the typical /timer or /scid or /scon otherwise you'll be passing incorrect value to the alias. I'll use || which makes more sense for the condition. on *:nick:if (($len($nick) < 3) || ($calc($regex($nick,/[A-Z]/g) * 100 / $len($nick)) > 30)) && ($me isop #Alessandra) && ($newnick ison #Alessandra) badnick_alias #alessandra $newnick
For on join it is not so easy because when you join a channel, mIRC does not know the users on the channel yet. For that you must use raw 353 on *:join:#:set %checknick $+ $chan 1
raw 353:*:{
if ($($+(%,checknick,$3),2)) {
var %chan $3
tokenize 32 $regsubex($regsubex($4-,^:,),/(?:[ $+ $prefix $+ ]*)([^ !]+)\S+/g,\1 $+ $chr(32))
echo -ag $1-
scon -r if ($len( $* ) < 3) || ($calc($regex( $* ,/[A-Z]/g) * 100 / $!len( $* )) > 30) badnick_alias $unsafe(%chan) $*
raw 366:*:if ($($+(%,checknick,$2),2)) unset %checknick $+ $2 You may restrict this to your channel only by setting %checknick $+ $chan only if you join your specific channel. Doesn't work
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I tested this code with the non event prefixed on join and the raw events with both a nickname of 2 characters and a nickname with more than 30% of uppercase and it triggered a badnick_alias alias I had created to test the code. Feel free to join the channel in my signature if you want further help as there could be any kind of reason as to why it's not working for you, and figuring it out on a forum is more complicated than on IRC.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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I tested this code with the non event prefixed on join and the raw events with both a nickname of 2 characters and a nickname with more than 30% of uppercase and it triggered a badnick_alias alias I had created to test the code. Feel free to join the channel in my signature if you want further help as there could be any kind of reason as to why it's not working for you, and figuring it out on a forum is more complicated than on IRC. I decided to split the addon. So maybe I'll make 2 differents (one for upper and one for letters). This is the one if letters < 3:
on *:JOIN:#channel:{
if (($len($nick) < 3) { /badnick_alias $chan $nick }
on *:nick:if (($len($nick) < 3)) badnick_alias #channel $nick
alias badnick_alias {
var %chan $1 , %nick $2
if (%nick !ison %chan) return
if (!$3) {
notice %nick FIRST WARN
.timer 1 30 badnick_alias %chan %nick 30
.timer 1 45 badnick_alias %chan %nick 45
.timer 1 60 badnick_alias %chan %nick 60
elseif ($3 == 30) notice %nick SECOND WARN
elseif ($3 == 45) notice %nick LAST WARN
elseif ($3 == 60) kick %chan %nick KICK
And doesn't work. I forgot to tell: mIRC is 7.78 and no other addons loaded (so no conflict)
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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I tested this code........ I decided to split the addon. So maybe I'll make 2 differents (one for upper and one for letters). This is the one if letters < 3:
on *:nick:if (($len($nick) < 3)) badnick_alias #channel $nick
And doesn't work. I forgot to tell: mIRC is 7.78 and no other addons loaded (so no conflict) I solved with:
on *:nick:if (($len($newnick) < 3)) badnick_alias #`Chandra_Area51 $newnick
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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ive tested this and it all works for me Note: ive used a stacked nicks in the on op event if your networks allows stacked kicks and modes kick #channel nick,nick,nick,nick,nick,nick not sure on what network you are gonna use this as some networks allow stacked kicks.
ON *:nick:{
var %whloop = 1
while ( $comchan($newnick,%whloop) != $null ) {
var %chan $v1
if (!$nick(%chan,$newnick,@&~%) && $nick(%chan,$me,@&~%)) { badnick_alias %chan $newnick }
inc %whloop
ON *:op:#:{
if ($opnick == $me) {
var %loop = 1, %nick , %kickmsg = please change your nick thanks you....
while (%loop <= $nick($chan,0)) {
%nick = $nick($chan,%loop)
if ($len( %nick ) < 3 || ($calc($regex(%nick,/[A-Z]/g) * 100 / $len(%nick)) > 30)) {
if (!$nick( %chan , %nick ,~&@%)) { var %kick = $addtok(%kick,%nick,44) }
if ($numtok(%kick,44) == 4) { kick $chan %kick %kickmsg | unset %kick }
inc %loop 1
if (%kick) { kick $chan %kick %kickmsg }
on !*:JOIN:#test:{
if (!$Timer($+(CheckNicks,.,$network,.,$chan,.,$nick))) { .Timer $+ $+(CheckNicks,.,$network,.,$chan,.,$nick) -md 1 750 badnick_alias $unsafe($chan) $nick }
alias badnick_alias {
var %chan $1 , %nick $2
if (%nick !ison %chan || $nick( %chan , %nick ,@&~%)) { halt }
if ($len( %nick ) < 3 || ($calc($regex(%nick,/[A-Z]/g) * 100 / $len(%nick)) > 30)) { kick %chan %nick please change your nick thanks you.... }
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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ive tested this and it all works for me Note: ive used a stacked nicks in the on op event if your networks allows stacked kicks and modes kick #channel nick,nick,nick,nick,nick,nick not sure on what network you are gonna use this as some networks allow stacked kicks.
alias badnick_alias {
var %chan $1 , %nick $2
if (%nick !ison %chan || $nick( %chan , %nick ,@&~%)) { halt }
if ($len( %nick ) < 3 || ($calc($regex(%nick,/[A-Z]/g) * 100 / $len(%nick)) > 30)) { kick %chan %nick please change your nick thanks you.... }
I looks really great and (of course) perfectly work. Can I change badnick_alias with this:
alias badnick_alias {
var %chan $1 , %nick $2
if (%nick !ison %chan || $nick( %chan , %nick ,@&~%)) { halt }
if ($len( %nick ) < 3 || ($calc($regex(%nick,/[A-Z]/g) * 100 / $len(%nick)) > 30)) {
notice %nick FIRST WARN
.timer 1 30 badnick_alias %chan %nick 30
.timer 1 45 badnick_alias %chan %nick 45
.timer 1 60 badnick_alias %chan %nick 60
elseif ($3 == 30) notice %nick SECOND WARN
elseif ($3 == 45) notice %nick LAST WARN
elseif ($3 == 60) kick %chan %nick KICK
} So to give warning to user and kick after 60 sec?
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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this seems to work for me :
on !*:JOIN:#:{
if (!$Timer($+(CheckNicks,.,$network,.,$chan,.,$nick))) { .Timer $+ $+(CheckNicks,.,$network,.,$chan,.,$nick) -md 1 750 badnick_alias $unsafe($chan) $nick }
ON *:nick:{
var %whloop = 1
while ( $comchan($newnick,%whloop) != $null ) {
var %chan $v1
if (!$nick(%chan,$newnick,@&~%) && $nick(%chan,$me,@&~%)) { badnick_alias %chan $newnick }
inc %whloop
ON *:op:#test:{
if ($opnick == $me) {
var %loop = 1, %nick , %kickmsg = please change your nick thank you....
while (%loop <= $nick($chan,0)) {
%nick = $nick($chan,%loop)
if ($len( %nick ) < 3 || ($calc($regex(%nick,/[A-Z]/g) * 100 / $len(%nick)) > 30)) {
if (!$nick($chan,%nick,~&@%+)) { var %kick = $addtok(%kick,%nick,44) }
if ($numtok(%kick,44) == 4) { kick $chan %kick %kickmsg | unset %kick }
inc %loop 1
if (%kick) { kick $chan %kick %kickmsg }
alias badnick_alias {
var %chan $1 , %nick $2
if (%nick !ison %chan || $nick( %chan , %nick ,@&~%)) { halt }
if ($len( %nick ) < 3 || ($calc($regex(%nick,/[A-Z]/g) * 100 / $len(%nick)) > 30)) {
if (!$Timer($+(CheckNickZ,.,$network,.,%chan,.,%nick))) {
.Timer $+ $+(CheckNickZ,.,$network,.,%chan,.,%nick) 3 15 badnick_still_on_chan $unsafe(%chan) %nick
alias badnick_still_on_chan {
inc % [ $+ [ $+(CheckWarnings,.,$network,.,$1,.,$2) ] ]
if ($2 ison $1 && % [ $+ [ $+(CheckWarnings,.,$network,.,$1,.,$2) ] ] < 3) { NOTICE $2 % [ $+ [ $+(CheckWarnings,.,$network,.,$1,.,$2) ] ] WARNINGS }
elseif ( % [ $+ [ $+(CheckWarnings,.,$network,.,$1,.,$2) ] ] == 3 && $2 ison $1 ) { kick $1 $2 % [ $+ [ $+(CheckWarnings,.,$network,.,$1,.,$2) ] ] WARNINGS | .Timer $+ $+(CheckNickZ,.,$network,.,$1,.,$2) off | unset % $+ $+(CheckWarnings,.,$network,.,$1,.,$2) }
elseif ($2 !ison $1) { .Timer $+ $+(CheckNickZ,.,$network,.,$1,.,$2) off | unset % [ $+ [ $+(CheckWarnings,.,$network,.,$1,.,$2) ] ] }
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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I'll test it Simo. Stay tuned  And of course thanks so so much for Your help