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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Hello. I'd like to have an addon that give a temporary voice (+v) on join in a channel (i.e.: #test), but only if that nick is registered and identified on the net (MindForge). Thanks
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Hello. I'd like to have an addon that give a temporary voice (+v) on join in a channel (i.e.: #test), but only if that nick is registered and identified on the net (MindForge). Thanks I mean something like:
on *:JOIN:#Alessandra: {
if (MindUser* iswm $nick) {return}
if ($nick == NOT REGISTERED or IDENTIFIED) { return }
if ($nick == REGISTERED or IDENTIFIED) { mode # +v $nick }
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Pan-dimensional mouse
Pan-dimensional mouse
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It looks like you would need to /whois the person when they join the channel in order to get their login status. Could try this script:
on *:join:#Alessandra:{
if ($network == MindForge) {
if (MindUser* iswm $nick) { return }
whois $nick
; User is logged in, +v them.
; :Unixverse.MindForge.org 330 TestNick KindOne KindOne :is logged in as
raw 330:*:{
if ($network == MindForge) {
if ($2 ison #Alessandra) { mode #Alessandra +v $2 }
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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It perfecty works sir. Really thanks a lot and all my best for You P.S.: I stil didn't get about raw XXX rule... I need to study more Thanks again
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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It looks like you would need to /whois the person when they join the channel in order to get their login status. Could try this script:
on *:join:#Alessandra:{
if ($network == MindForge) {
if (MindUser* iswm $nick) { return }
whois $nick
; User is logged in, +v them.
; :Unixverse.MindForge.org 330 TestNick KindOne KindOne :is logged in as
raw 330:*:{
if ($network == MindForge) {
if ($2 ison #Alessandra) { mode #Alessandra +v $2 }
} I noticed the whois is printed in active windows. If i add echo -s so to have ---> .echo -s whois $nick will be printed only in status, right? Thanks
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Pan-dimensional mouse
Pan-dimensional mouse
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I noticed the whois is printed in active windows. If i add echo -s so to have --->.echo -s whois $nick will be printed only in status, right? No. This way you will receive an echo message with the string " whois", which will be displayed in the status window. To display the information received by the " /whois" command in the status window, can change the mIRC settings: " Options/IRC" -> " Show in active" -> uncheck the box " Whois" -> OK.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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It looks like you would need to /whois the person when they join the channel in order to get their login status. Could try this script:
on *:join:#Alessandra:{
if ($network == MindForge) {
if (MindUser* iswm $nick) { return }
whois $nick
; User is logged in, +v them.
; :Unixverse.MindForge.org 330 TestNick KindOne KindOne :is logged in as
raw 330:*:{
if ($network == MindForge) {
if ($2 ison #Alessandra) { mode #Alessandra +v $2 }
} What to add if I want to send a message (notice) to that user not registered/identified i.e.: "Please , register/identify Your nick! Thanks"
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Pan-dimensional mouse
Pan-dimensional mouse
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on *:join:#Alessandra:{
if ($network == MindForge) {
if (MindUser* iswm $nick) { return }
whois $nick
; Beginning of whois.
; Set a global variable on the nick.
raw 313:*:{
if ($network == MindForge) {
if ($2 ison #Alessandra) {
set %reg_check_ $+ $2 1
; User is logged in, +v them and unset the global variable.
; :Unixverse.MindForge.org 330 TestNick KindOne KindOne :is logged in as
raw 330:*:{
if ($network == MindForge) {
if ($2 ison #Alessandra) {
mode ##test +v $2
unset %reg_check_ $+ $2
; End of whois.
; If the nick is not registered message them and unset the global variable.
raw 318:*:{
if ($network == MindForge) {
if (($2 ison #Alessandra) && (%reg_check_ $+ $2)) {
.msg $2 Please, register/identify Your nick! Thanks
unset %reg_check_ $+ $2
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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on *:join:#Alessandra:{
if ($network == MindForge) {
if (MindUser* iswm $nick) { return }
whois $nick
; Beginning of whois.
; Set a global variable on the nick.
raw 313:*:{
if ($network == MindForge) {
if ($2 ison #Alessandra) {
set %reg_check_ $+ $2 1
; User is logged in, +v them and unset the global variable.
; :Unixverse.MindForge.org 330 TestNick KindOne KindOne :is logged in as
raw 330:*:{
if ($network == MindForge) {
if ($2 ison #Alessandra) {
mode ##test +v $2
unset %reg_check_ $+ $2
; End of whois.
; If the nick is not registered message them and unset the global variable.
raw 318:*:{
if ($network == MindForge) {
if (($2 ison #Alessandra) && (%reg_check_ $+ $2)) {
.msg $2 Please, register/identify Your nick! Thanks
unset %reg_check_ $+ $2
This send message also if a nick is registered / identified. Maybe because to identify takes about 20 sec. Maybe is better to set a timer on whois?
Last edited by Fernet; 21/06/24 12:36 PM.
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Pan-dimensional mouse
Pan-dimensional mouse
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Try using my variant of the script code:
alias -l my_channel { return #Alessandra }
on *:JOIN:$($my_channel):{
if ($network == MindForge && *MindUser* !iswm $nick) { .enable #CHECKUSERS | whois $nick }
raw *:*:{
if ($numeric == 312 && *MindForge* iswm $1-) { .hadd -m cu-network $2 $true }
if ($numeric == 330) { .hadd -m cu-logged $2 $true }
if ($numeric == 318) {
if ($hget(cu-network,$2)) {
if ($hget(cu-logged,$2)) {
if ($2 ison $my_channel) mode $my_channel +v $2
else .notice $2 Please, register/identify Your nick! Thanks
.hdel -sw cu-network $2 | .hdel -sw cu-logged $2 | .disable #CHECKUSERS
To simplify, it is enough to indicate the channel name only in the alias " my_channel".
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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[quote=Epic]Try using my variant of the script code:
else .notice $2 Please, register/identify Your nick! Thanks
I wonder if is possible to set a timer in this line: on connect there's an initialization that need about 20 seconds. So an user may skip the warn.
else [b][color:#FF0000].timerwarn 1 60[/color][/b] .notice $2 Please, register/identify Your nick! Thanks
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Pan-dimensional mouse
Pan-dimensional mouse
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I wonder if is possible to set a timer in this line: on connect there's an initialization that need about 20 seconds. So an user may skip the warn. Hmm... It is not entirely clear what could be causing such a long initialization. Logically, the script should work immediately after the bot enters the channel, and should immediately check all users joining the channel. This should not cause any lag unless it depends on the settings/load of the IRCd network you are on or if your bot is using too many complex unoptimized scripts that are causing some lag. In this case, you can try moving this script higher in the run order list. Also, to check, try running this script on pure mIRC without other installed scripts. And of course you can try adding a timer to send a notice message to each user. Only for correct operation, you need to add the user's nickname $2 to the name of the timer so that the name is unique and the timer is independent from other similar working timers: else .timerCU_WARN $+ $2 1 20 .notice $2 Please, register/identify Your nick! Thanks I hope this helps you and you find a solution to the problem, because when I tested the script, everything worked quickly, without any delays.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Would this be usefull Epic to check if nick is actually a chan founder/admin/op/hop/ or already voiced ?
Alias CheckAccess { if (!$nick($1,$2,~&@%+)) { .enable #CHECKUSERS | whois $2 } }
alias -l my_channel { return #Alessandra }
on *:JOIN:$($my_channel):{
if (!$Timer($+($1,.,$2,.,CheckOP,.,$network)) && $network == MindForge && *MindUser* !iswm $nick) {
.timer $+ $+($1,.,$2,.,CheckOP,.,$network) -m 1 800 CheckAccess $unsafe($chan) $nick
raw *:*:{
if ($numeric == 312 && *MindForge* iswm $1-) { .hadd -m cu-network $2 $true }
if ($numeric == 330) { .hadd -m cu-logged $2 $true }
if ($numeric == 318) {
if ($hget(cu-network,$2)) {
if ($hget(cu-logged,$2)) {
if ($2 ison $my_channel) mode $my_channel +v $2
else .notice $2 Please, register/identify Your nick! Thanks
.hdel -sw cu-network $2 | .hdel -sw cu-logged $2 | .disable #CHECKUSERS
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Hmm... It is not entirely clear what could be causing such a long initialization. Simply because many users have t join in so many channels  Or maybe their scripts have to load other addons. Not mine. But I noticed there're scripts who takes also 30secs to be full working. Of course a "naked" mIRC doesn't has this problem. As always thanks a lot sir. I'll try everything
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Would this be usefull Epic to check if nick is actually a chan founder/admin/op/hop/ or already voiced ?
Alias CheckAccess { if (!$nick($1,$2,~&@%+)) { .enable #CHECKUSERS | whois $2 } }
alias -l my_channel { return #Alessandra }
on *:JOIN:$($my_channel):{
if (!$Timer($+($1,.,$2,.,CheckOP,.,$network)) && $network == MindForge && *MindUser* !iswm $nick) {
.timer $+ $+($1,.,$2,.,CheckOP,.,$network) -m 1 800 CheckAccess $unsafe($chan) $nick
raw *:*:{
if ($numeric == 312 && *MindForge* iswm $1-) { .hadd -m cu-network $2 $true }
if ($numeric == 330) { .hadd -m cu-logged $2 $true }
if ($numeric == 318) {
if ($hget(cu-network,$2)) {
if ($hget(cu-logged,$2)) {
if ($2 ison $my_channel) mode $my_channel +v $2
else .notice $2 Please, register/identify Your nick! Thanks
.hdel -sw cu-network $2 | .hdel -sw cu-logged $2 | .disable #CHECKUSERS
I'll try it too Thanks a lot sir
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Pan-dimensional mouse
Pan-dimensional mouse
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I noticed there're scripts who takes also 30secs to be full working ... This is a very long period of time, and it shouldn’t be like that, especially when it comes to security scripts that should work instantly. Only if the specifics of the script require such a long delay or if it is an infotainment script, then such long delays are acceptable. You need to optimize/fix all your scripts, disable something, change something, shorten or combine so that they execute quickly, ranging from milliseconds to 1-2 seconds. Of course, everything is at your discretion, these are just useful recommendations.
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Pan-dimensional mouse
Pan-dimensional mouse
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Would this be usefull Epic to check if nick is actually a chan founder/admin/op/hop/ or already voiced ? Yes, this can be useful if you need to give the user joining a channel a short time to get/set the channel mode ( ~&@%+) before the " whois" check starts. Only in the code you provided there are several errors with identifiers $1 and $2, which do not allow to correctly obtain the necessary data. In the event handler " ON JOIN" this should be $chan and $nick, and in the alias these are already passed parameters, which will be designated as $1 and $2. Taking into account your suggestions, I made changes to the script code:
alias -l my_channel { return #Alessandra }
alias -l check_access { if (!$nick($1,$2,!~&@%+)) { .enable #CHECKUSERS | whois $2 } }
on !*:JOIN:$($my_channel):{
if ($network == MindForge && *MindUser* !iswm $nick) {
.$+(timerACCESS,$network,$chan,$nick) -m 1 1500 check_access $unsafe($chan $nick)
raw *:*:{
if ($numeric == 312 && *MindForge* iswm $1-) { .hadd -m cu-network $2 $true }
if ($numeric == 330) { .hadd -m cu-logged $2 $true }
if ($numeric == 318) {
if ($hget(cu-network,$2)) {
if ($hget(cu-logged,$2)) {
if ($2 ison $my_channel) mode $my_channel +v $2
else .notice $2 Please, register/identify Your nick! Thanks
.hdel -sw cu-network $2 | .hdel -sw cu-logged $2
.disable #CHECKUSERS
I have set the timer value to " 1500" milliseconds, you can change this to another value. Psss: 1 sec = 1000 ms.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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There's a small mistake in the code provided by Kindone replace && (%reg_check_ $+ $2)) with && ($($+(%,reg_check_,$2),2)))
#mircscripting @ irc.swiftirc.net == the best mIRC help channel
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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oh yes i forgot to edit the timer for join event thanks Epic for the correction.