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#272138 28/10/23 01:12 PM
Joined: May 2022
Posts: 78
Fernet Offline OP
Babel fish
OP Offline
Babel fish
Joined: May 2022
Posts: 78
I'm trying to make this condition work...:

This is the original site source:

<div class="article-content">
<h2 class="title"><a href="ANYLINK">ANY_TOPIC</a></h2>

I tried with:---> if ( *<h2 class="title"><a href="*">*</a></h2>* isin <div class="article-content"> iswm %read.topnews )

My target is:---> if class=title is inside <div class article-content> then read.topnews

Thanks for help

Fernet #272166 04/11/23 10:07 AM
Joined: Oct 2023
Posts: 16
Pikka bird
Pikka bird
Joined: Oct 2023
Posts: 16

i hope this can help you

Command: /mynews <www.myurl.com> <443> <page.html>

This is a simple untested Script

You still need to trim the output of %reading.temp
Use $remove / $gettok or what ever you want

You have any questions ? youre welcome ! ;-)

alias mynews {

    if ($1) { set -u30 %newsfeed.url $1 }
    if ($2) { set -u30 %newsfeed.port $2 }
    if ($3) { set -u30 %newsfeed.page $3 }
  if ((%newsfeed.url) && (%newsfeed.port)) {
    sockclose newsfeed

    if (%newsfeed.port == 443) { sockopen -e newsfeed %newsfeed.url 443 }
    elseif (%newsfeed.port == 80) { sockopen newsfeed %newsfeed.url 80 }
    else { noop $input(Wrong Port ! Use Port 80 for http or Port 443 for https Connections !,ow,Port error) | haltdef }
  else { noop $input(Parameter <url> or <port> is empty ! Use /mynews <url> <port> <page> ! $crlf <page> is optional,ow,Parameter error) | haltdef }

on *:sockopen:newsfeed:{

  if (%newsfeed.page) { sockwrite -n $sockname GET / $+ %newsfeed.page HTTP/1.0 }
  elseif (!%newsfeed.page) { sockwrite -n $sockname GET / HTTP/1.0 }

  sockwrite -n $sockname Host: %newsfeed.url
  sockwrite -n $sockname User-Agent: atomic10Script
  sockwrite -n $sockname Connection: close
  sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf

on *:sockread:newsfeed:{
  sockread %reading.temp
  var %search.txt <h2 class="title">
  if (%search.txt isin %reading.temp) {
    echo 4 -at [MyNEWS] %reading.temp

Best Regards from Germany

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