Khaled, thanks for implementing this function, although I described doing it in a slightly different way. Perhaps you misunderstood because of my poor online translation.
It was assumed that the user could choose how many and which fonts mIRC will use, taking into account an immutable the basic set (
Courier New,
Tahoma, ... etc).
Also meant to mIRC had an option in the form of a checkbox, when enabled, an edit field next to it became active, in which you can enter the path to the folder with fonts.
Perhaps the user wants to specify such a path to the folder "
$mircdir\my_scripts\fonts\" and he will be able to configure it.
If the checkbox is not checked, the default Windows system fonts are used.
Example of an options layout created in Photoshop, of what this might look like:
![[Linked Image from]](
In addition, if the user forgot to look in the mIRC option, then is it possible to make an empty "fonts" folder automatically created when starting mIRC? So that this feature does not remain hidden from users who do not follow updates. The existence of this folder will hint that can add your own fonts to it. But to activate this function, will still need to check the box in the mIRC options.