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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Greetingz gentz, someone helped me with this rawmode code to display who got effected by various bans and extended bans as well as ipv6 banmasks i forgot who it was but thanks a lot for that as it works excellent except for it freezing client whenever multiple bans are set in a line like :
13:19:00 Falcon Sets Mode on #channel to: -bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb G:SV u:G:CO u:G:SG u:G:FI u:G:SE u:G:ES u:G:RU u:G:PR u:G:GR u:G:MU u:G:AZ u:G:BG u:G:RO u:G:AR u:G:LK
13:19:01 AutoBot Sets Mode on #channel to: +bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb G:SV u:G:CO u:G:SG u:G:FI u:G:SE u:G:ES u:G:RU u:G:PR u:G:GR u:G:MU u:G:AZ u:G:BG u:G:RO u:G:AR u:G:LK
13:19:03 Falcon Sets Mode on #channel to: -bbbbbbbbbbbbb u:G:CN u:G:IE u:G:SI u:G:BS u:G:FR u:G:NZ u:G:BR u:G:BB u:G:TR u:G:BT u:G:TH u:G:CZ u:G:ID
13:19:04 AutoBot Sets Mode on #channel to: +bbbbbbbbbbbbb u:G:CN u:G:IE u:G:SI u:G:BS u:G:FR u:G:NZ u:G:BR u:G:BB u:G:TR u:G:BT u:G:TH u:G:CZ u:G:ID
here is the code i use :
echo -t $chan 12,08 $nick 1,15 Sets Mode on 5,15 $chan 1,15 to: 12,15 $strip($1-,bcru)
var %b = $countcs($1,b,e,I,q),%y = 1
if (%b) {
while (%y <= %b) {
var %x = 1
while (%x <= $nick($chan,0)) {
var %banmask = $wildtok($2-,*!*@*,%y,32)
if (~quiet:?* iswm %banmask) var %banmask $mid(%banmask,8)
if (~?:?* iswm %banmask) var %banmask $mid(%banmask,4)
if (?:?* iswm %banmask) var %banmask $mid(%banmask,3)
if (%banmask iswm $address($nick($chan,%x),5)) var %bl = %bl $nick($chan,%x)
inc %x
inc %y
if (%bl) { var %i $query(0) | while (%i) { if ($istok(%bl,$query(%i),32)) echo -t $query(%i) 01,00 *** ( $+ $numtok(%bl,32) $iif($numtok(%bl,32) < 2,User,Users) $+ ) $iif($numtok(%bl,32) < 2,Is,Are) effected 12 $regsubex(%bl,/(\S+)/g,( $+ \n $+ ) \t) 14 05 $1- | dec %i } | haltdef }
if (%bl) {
if ($me isin %bl && +q isin $1 ) { mode # set $replace($1-,+,-) }
if ( +b isin $gettok($1-,1,32)) echo $chan $timestamp 08,14 ( $+ $numtok(%bl,32) $iif($numtok(%bl,32) < 2,User,Users) $+ ) $iif($numtok(%bl,32) < 2,is,Are) Banned 04,00 $regsubex(%bl,/(\S+)/g,( $+ \n $+ ) \t)
if ( -b isin $gettok($1-,1,32)) echo $chan $timestamp 08,14 ( $+ $numtok(%bl,32) $iif($numtok(%bl,32) < 2,User,Users) $+ ) $iif($numtok(%bl,32) < 2,is,Are) UNBanned 04,00 $regsubex(%bl,/(\S+)/g,( $+ \n $+ ) \t)
if ( +I isin $gettok($1-,1,32)) echo $chan $timestamp 08,14 ( $+ $numtok(%bl,32) $iif($numtok(%bl,32) < 2,User,Users) $+ ) $iif($numtok(%bl,32) < 2,is,Are) Invited 04,00 $regsubex(%bl,/(\S+)/g,( $+ \n $+ ) \t)
if ( -I isin $gettok($1-,1,32)) echo $chan $timestamp 08,14 ( $+ $numtok(%bl,32) $iif($numtok(%bl,32) < 2,User,Users) $+ ) $iif($numtok(%bl,32) < 2,is,Are) UNInvited 04,00 $regsubex(%bl,/(\S+)/g,( $+ \n $+ ) \t)
if ( +e isin $gettok($1-,1,32)) echo $chan $timestamp 08,14 ( $+ $numtok(%bl,32) $iif($numtok(%bl,32) < 2,User,Users) $+ ) $iif($numtok(%bl,32) < 2,is,Are) excempted 04,00 $regsubex(%bl,/(\S+)/g,( $+ \n $+ ) \t)
if ( -e isin $gettok($1-,1,32)) echo $chan $timestamp 08,14 ( $+ $numtok(%bl,32) $iif($numtok(%bl,32) < 2,User,Users) $+ ) $iif($numtok(%bl,32) < 2,is,Are) UNexcempted 04,00 $regsubex(%bl,/(\S+)/g,( $+ \n $+ ) \t)
if ( +q isin $gettok($1-,1,32)) echo $chan $timestamp 08,14 ( $+ $numtok(%bl,32) $iif($numtok(%bl,32) < 2,User,Users) $+ ) $iif($numtok(%bl,32) < 2,is,Are) MuteBanned 04,00 $regsubex(%bl,/(\S+)/g,( $+ \n $+ ) \t)
if ( -q isin $gettok($1-,1,32)) echo $chan $timestamp 08,14 ( $+ $numtok(%bl,32) $iif($numtok(%bl,32) < 2,User,Users) $+ ) $iif($numtok(%bl,32) < 2,is,Are) UN-MuteBanned 04,00 $regsubex(%bl,/(\S+)/g,( $+ \n $+ ) \t)
Last edited by Simo; 13/09/22 11:52 AM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I don't know how much some of these inefficiencies affect time, but...
while (%x <= $nick($chan,0))
... This is inside a nested while loop, so this is calling $nick() repeatedly to find out how many people are in the channel, but it would be more efficient to create a variable above your nested loop, then compare against that variable, since the nick-count isn't going to change while the alias is running. It's probably not as bad as doing like...
while (%line.number <= $lines(filename))
if (%banmask iswm $address($nick($chan,%x),5)) var %bl = %bl $nick($chan,%x)
While this is more efficient than using $addtok, this is assuming that there aren't 2 different masks affecting the same nick, and looks like this can result in the same nick appearing multiple times if they match several masks.
... is inefficient. Just use $1
It's been a while since I benchmarked it, but $iif is slower than the alternative. But even if not, there's no need to have code which could encounter one of these $iif's multiple times. Just have at the beginning:
var %user User , %is Is | if ($chr(32) isin %bl) var %user Users, %is Are
... and then you can replace
$iif($numtok(%bl,32) < 2,User,Users)
... with %user and ditto for the $iif deciding whether to use Is or Are.
Your code echoing the affected nicks has the potential for executing that $regsubex multiple times if you have bans affecting several query windows.
so instead of repeatedly doing
echo -t $query(%i) regsubex
... instead do
var %affected regsubex
.... and then echo %affected instead of calculating the same string repeatedly.
if ($me isin %bl && +q isin $1 ) { mode # set $replace($1-,+,-) }
Please get out of the habit of using as few parenthesis as legally possible. It's going to eventually bite you, such as how skipping the parenthesis can sometimes affect the values filled into $v1 and $v2. Plus, the lack of parenthesis makes your code harder to read. No clue what this 'set' is supposed to do...
if ( +I isin $gettok($1-,1,32)) echo $chan $timestamp 08,14 ( $+ $numtok(%bl,32) $iif($numtok(%bl,32) < 2,User,Users) $+ ) $iif($numtok(%bl,32) < 2,is,Are) Invited 04,00 $regsubex(%bl,/(\S+)/g,( $+ \n $+ ) \t)
Since you originally used $countcs to see if I is within $1, shouldn't it be using isincs here?
So you have 8 if() for these different + and - modes, so if the mode list has each of these used 1 time, and each affecting 1 different nick, then your %bl will contain 8 nicks. But your script will echo 8 lines, each of which is informing the user that there were 8 nicks invited, 8 nicks uninvited etc.
Your code always falls through to the bottom and executes that final /haltdef, so there's no need to have 3 of them.
-- you have 2 consecutive "if (%bl) { stuff }" that can all be combined into a single if()...
It would help if you had some debug info to report what kind of freezes are encountered/or-not for different conditions. I suspect that the slowness comes from looping through a huge nicklist for each mask in your mode list. It would be more efficient to instead use $ialchan to identify who (if any) of the nicks matches each wildmask. Of course that requires a /who #channel having been done...
If not, it would help to get some debug info to identify which line has most of the freeze in it.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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thanks maroon for your reply apreciated, altho im not sure how to get you the info you asked for, where to add what kind of debug
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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var %start.time $ticksqpc do stuff echo -s debug line $scriptline ticks: $calc($ticksqpc - %start.time)
Note that echoing to screen can affect how long something takes, so don't do it inside the loop. You can also save them all up to show them at the same time:
var %start.time $ticksqpc , %msg $null do stuff var %msg %msg line $scriptline ticks: $calc($ticksqpc - %start.time) do stuff var %msg %msg line $scriptline ticks: $calc($ticksqpc - %start.time) echo -s debug %msg
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Thanks maroon i dont know where to add those lines and loops always give me issues of freezing client and ill have to close and restart
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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You'd put the var %start.time $ticksqpc right after the ON RAWMODE, and you'd sprinkle the echoes to the status window at various lines, where hopefully you'd narrow down where the long interval is located. But by 'freeze' you mean the client completely locks up so that ctrl+break doesn't work? I don't see anything here that should do that. But first, your code doesn't do what you want it to do, so it's back to the drawing board, and hopefully you remember who it was.
When you're trying to get code to work, you should have echoes to status window showing what values are being filled into variables, etc, and your while() can be spread across several rows. Then when you get the code working, you can take out the -s switches from var statements, the echoes, and can consolidate the code to fewer lines.
But again, you didn't address the fact that your code reports as if all affected nicks are affected by all of the modes being present.
But in addition to those false positives, it's going to have false negatives in some situations. For example, here's one that won't get reported because it doesn't contain the +I or +e strings you're looking for:
/mode #channelname +vIe nick1 mask1 mask2
You can verify from channel central that the exempt list (not excempted) and invite list are both affected, but there's no +I or +e present. Your script is going to need to do like some of these pushmode scripts do, which is to walk through each character of $1 to identify whether + or - is in effect when it reaches each letter, and there's a corresponding pointer through $2- to identify which 'word' matches each switch letter. Also note that + is implied, so the next command is the same as if +Ie were used.
/mode #channelname Ie mask1 mask2
Also, you can have masks affecting a nick without it matching your search for a token that wild-matches *!*@*, as the following are both equivalents, and your code doesn't see the 2nd one containing +e, and doesn't see it containing any wildmasks:
/mode #channelname e nick1 /mode #channelname +e nick1!*@*
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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It freezes for like 5 or 10 seconds
Last edited by Simo; 14/09/22 09:11 AM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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All the code below does is change some of the inefficiencies I mentioned above plus insert some strategic echoes to status window. If it no longer freezes 5-10 sec, then it's because of the inefficiencies like calculating $nick(channel,0) 1000 times if there's 1000 nicks, or using the $regsubex parameters multiple times for the same inputs. It doesn't fix the issues where you're assuming that these 6 on/off modes are going to be paired with a parameter that looks like one of these wildcard-banmasks, which I showed isn't necessarily true. And that your code shows as if all nicks in %bl are affected by all 6 modes. But, if it's still freezing, you should see from status window where the ticks count has a milliseconds gap that shouldn't be there. Note the ticks times are all a 'count up' of the total time from the beginning, and not showing the interval since the last echo
echo -t $chan 12,08 $nick 1,15 Sets Mode on 5,15 $chan 1,15 to: 12,15 $strip($1-,bcru)
var %b = $countcs($1,b,e,I,q),%y = 1 , %start.time $ticksqpc
if (%b) {
while (%y <= %b) {
var %x = 1 , %nick.count $nick($chan,0)
while (%x <= %nick.count) {
var %banmask = $wildtok($2-,*!*@*,%y,32)
if (~quiet:?* iswm %banmask) var %banmask $mid(%banmask,8)
elseif (~?:?* iswm %banmask) var %banmask $mid(%banmask,4)
elseif (?:?* iswm %banmask) var %banmask $mid(%banmask,3)
if (%banmask iswm $address($nick($chan,%x),5)) var %bl = %bl $nick($chan,%x)
inc %x
echo -s line $scriptline ticks $calc($ticksqpc - %start.time) y %y < b %b nicks %nick.count
inc %y
if (%bl) {
var %bl.count $numtok(%bl,32) , %user User , %is Is
if (%bl.count > 1) var %user Users, %is Are
var %regsubex $regsubex(%bl,/(\S+)/g,( $+ \n $+ ) \t )
var %i 1 | while ($query(%i)) {
var %query $v1 | if ($istok(%bl,%query,32)) echo -t %query 01,00 *** ( $+ %bl.count %user $+ ) %Is effected 12 %regsubex 14 05 $1-
inc %i }
echo -s line $scriptline ticks $calc($ticksqpc - %start.time) query+1 %i bl.count %bl.count
if (($me isin %bl) && (+q isin $1)) { mode # set $replace($1-,+,-) }
if ( +b isin $1) echo $chan $timestamp 08,14 ( $+ %bl.count %user $+ ) %is Banned 04,00 %regsubex
if ( -b isin $1) echo $chan $timestamp 08,14 ( $+ %bl.count %user $+ ) %is UNBanned 04,00 %regsubex
if ( +I isin $1) echo $chan $timestamp 08,14 ( $+ %bl.count %user $+ ) %is Invited 04,00 %regsubex
if ( -I isin $1) echo $chan $timestamp 08,14 ( $+ %bl.count %user $+ ) %is UNInvited 04,00 %regsubex
if ( +e isin $1) echo $chan $timestamp 08,14 ( $+ %bl.count %user $+ ) %is exempted 04,00 %regsubex
if ( -e isin $1) echo $chan $timestamp 08,14 ( $+ %bl.count %user $+ ) %is UNexempted 04,00 %regsubex
if ( +q isin $1) echo $chan $timestamp 08,14 ( $+ %bl.count %user $+ ) %is MuteBanned 04,00 %regsubex
if ( -q isin $1) echo $chan $timestamp 08,14 ( $+ %bl.count %user $+ ) %is UN-MuteBanned 04,00 %regsubex
echo -s line $scriptline ticks $calc($ticksqpc - %start.time) finish
edit: edited the last elseif out. I got carried away with changing the if's to elseif's edited again for missing parenthesis in %regsubex
Last edited by maroon; 14/09/22 03:55 PM.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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thanks maroon, ive added it and got this as output: line 3655 ticks 0 y 1 < b 15 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 2 < b 15 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 3 < b 15 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 4 < b 15 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 5 < b 15 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 6 < b 15 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 7 < b 15 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 8 < b 15 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 9 < b 15 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 10 < b 15 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 11 < b 15 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 12 < b 15 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 13 < b 15 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 14 < b 15 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 15 < b 15 nicks 195 line 3680 ticks 0 finish line 3655 ticks 0 y 1 < b 7 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 2 < b 7 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 3 < b 7 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 4 < b 7 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 5 < b 7 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 6 < b 7 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 7 < b 7 nicks 195 line 3680 ticks 0 finish line 3655 ticks 0 y 1 < b 15 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 2 < b 15 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 3 < b 15 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 4 < b 15 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 5 < b 15 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 6 < b 15 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 7 < b 15 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 8 < b 15 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 9 < b 15 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 10 < b 15 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 11 < b 15 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 12 < b 15 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 13 < b 15 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 14 < b 15 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 15 < b 15 nicks 195 line 3680 ticks 0 finish line 3655 ticks 0 y 1 < b 15 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 2 < b 15 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 3 < b 15 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 4 < b 15 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 5 < b 15 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 6 < b 15 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 7 < b 15 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 8 < b 15 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 9 < b 15 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 10 < b 15 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 11 < b 15 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 12 < b 15 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 13 < b 15 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 14 < b 15 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 15 < b 15 nicks 195 line 3680 ticks 0 finish line 3655 ticks 0 y 1 < b 6 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 2 < b 6 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 3 < b 6 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 4 < b 6 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 5 < b 6 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 6 < b 6 nicks 195 line 3680 ticks 0 finish line 3655 ticks 0 y 1 < b 6 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 2 < b 6 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 3 < b 6 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 4 < b 6 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 5 < b 6 nicks 195 line 3655 ticks 0 y 6 < b 6 nicks 195 line 3680 ticks 0 finish
wich seems to be this line echo -s line $scriptline ticks $calc($ticksqpc - %start.time) y %y < b %b nicks %nick.count
Last edited by Simo; 14/09/22 02:56 PM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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sorry, try again with the edited code, it wasn't putting anything into %bl yet
also, I edited the code a 2nd time because there was a missing parenthesis in the %regsubex definition.
The fact that you didn't get an error message in status window indicates that you don't have 'identifier warning' enabled in options menu of scripts editor. When that's not checked, $no_such_identifier will return $null instead of giving you an error message telling you to fix your code
Last edited by maroon; 14/09/22 03:24 PM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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For the same reasons as seen in this thread https://forums.mirc.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/270488/ you need to properly parse the mode and their parameters, currently your code has a lot of logical issue because of that, if it works most of the time (ignoring the speed issue), it will break for a lot of rawmode being set. Here is an untested attempt: ON *:RAWMODE:#:{
var %takepara $remove($gettok($chanmodes,1-3,44),$chr(44)),%i 1,%j 2,%set +
while ($mid($1,%i,1)) {
var %t $v1
if (%t == +) %set = +
elseif (%t == -) %set = -
elseif (%t isincs $nickmode) inc %j
elseif (%t isincs %takepara) {
if (%t isincs beIq) {
var %banmask $eval($chr(36) $+ %j,2)
if (~quiet:?* iswm %banmask) %banmask = $mid(%banmask,8)
elseif (~?:?* iswm %banmask) %banmask = $mid(%banmask,4)
elseif (?:?* iswm %banmask) %banmask = $mid(%banmask,3)
if ($ialchan(%banmask,$chan,0)) {
var %n $v1,%m %n,%user user,%is is,%word $replacexcs(%set $+ %t,+b,Banned,-b,UNBanned,+I,Invited,-I,UNInvited,+e,Exempted,-e,UNExempted,+q,MuteBanned,-q,UN-MuteBanned)
if (%m > 1) {
%user = users
%is = are
while (%n) var %bl %bl $ialchan(%banmask,$chan,%n).nick,%n %n - 1
var %r $regsubex(%bl,/(\S+)/g,(\n) \t)
var %k 1
while ($gettok(%bl,%k,32)) {
if ($query($v1)) echo -t $v1 *** ( $+ %m %user $+ ) %is %word : %r
inc %k
echo -t $chan *** ( $+ %m %user $+ ) %is %word : %r
unset %bl
inc %j
inc %i
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Thank You wims ive tested it and it seems to work as expected excellent very much apreciated
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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the code works as expected thanks for that Wims exept for it not stacking the affected nicks for example: instead of doing 13:48:48 @Hawk Sets Mode on #test to: +bbbbbb *!*id3757@* *!*@ *!*@All4masti-48a5vs.DriftHosters.Com *!*@allformasti-g9l.b04.931.242.IP *!*@allformasti-654.e24.013.317.IP *!*@6o9u:x15y:8:zodv::27qa:7w22
13:48:48 (6 users) are Banned (1) Aturisme (2) Estrada (3) wilcat (4) Mikey (5) Riba (6) Talanta
it does 13:48:48 @Hawk Sets Mode on #test to: +bbbbbb *!*id3757@* *!*@ *!*@All4masti-48a5vs.DriftHosters.Com *!*@allformasti-g9l.b04.931.242.IP *!*@allformasti-654.e24.013.317.IP *!*@6o9u:x15y:8:zodv::27qa:7w22
13:48:48 (1 user) is Banned (1) Aturisme 13:48:48 (1 user) is Banned (1) Estrada 13:48:48 (1 user) is Banned (1) wildcat 13:48:48 (1 user) is Banned (1) Mikey 13:48:48 (1 user) is Banned (1) Riba 13:48:48 (1 user) is Banned (1) Talanta
Last edited by Simo; 15/09/22 04:26 PM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Yeah, my mistake, here is an update ON *:RAWMODE:#:{
var %takepara $remove($gettok($chanmodes,1-3,44),$chr(44)),%i 1,%j 2,%set +
while ($mid($1,%i,1)) {
var %t $v1
if (%t == +) %set = +
elseif (%t == -) %set = -
elseif (%t isincs $nickmode) inc %j
elseif (%t isincs %takepara) {
if (%t isincs beIq) {
var %banmask $eval($chr(36) $+ %j,2)
if (~quiet:?* iswm %banmask) %banmask = $mid(%banmask,8)
elseif (~?:?* iswm %banmask) %banmask = $mid(%banmask,4)
elseif (?:?* iswm %banmask) %banmask = $mid(%banmask,3)
var %n $ialchan(%banmask,$chan,0)
while (%n) var %bl $+ %set $+ %t $($+(%,bl,%set,%t) $ialchan(%banmask,$chan,%n).nick,%n %n - 1
inc %j
inc %i
var %n $var(bl*,0)
while (%n) {
var %v $var(bl*,%n),%p $(%v,2),%mode $right(%v,2),%m $numtok(%p,32),%k 1,%r $regsubex(%p,/(\S+)/g,(\n) \1),%user user,%is is,%word $replacexcs(%mode,+b,Banned,-b,UNBanned,+I,Invited,-I,UNInvited,+e,Exempted,-e,UNExempted,+q,MuteBanned,-q,UN-MuteBanned)
if (%m > 1) {
%user = users
%is = are
while ($gettok(%p,%k,32)) {
if ($query($v1)) echo -t $v1 *** ( $+ %m %user $+ ) %is %word : %r
inc %k
echo -t $chan *** ( $+ %m %user $+ ) %is %word : %r
dec %n
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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it only seems to stack the affected nicks if its from the same host/ip
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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thanks Wims ive loaded it and tested it and seem to outputs odd results : * Invalid format: $ (line 3657, script1.mrc)
this line while (%n) var %bl $+ %set $+ %t $($+(%,bl,%set,%t) $ialchan(%banmask,$chan,%n).nick,%n %n - 1
Last edited by Simo; 16/09/22 05:35 PM.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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this seems to work proper for me from your previous posted code besides the stacking part :
echo -t $chan 12,08 $theme2011($pn2011($nick,$chan)) 1,15 Sets Mode on 5,15 $chan 1,15 to: 12,15 $strip($1-,bcru)
var %takepara $remove($gettok($chanmodes,1-3,44),$chr(44)),%i 1,%j 2,%set +
while ($mid($1,%i,1)) {
var %t $v1
if (%t == +) %set = +
elseif (%t == -) %set = -
elseif (%t isincs $nickmode) inc %j
elseif (%t isincs %takepara) {
if (%t isincs beIq) {
var %banmask $eval($chr(36) $+ %j,2)
if (~quiet:?* iswm %banmask) %banmask = $mid(%banmask,8)
elseif (~?:?* iswm %banmask) %banmask = $mid(%banmask,4)
elseif (?:?* iswm %banmask) %banmask = $mid(%banmask,3)
if ($ialchan(%banmask,$chan,0)) {
var %n $v1,%m %n,%user user,%is is,%word $replacexcs(%set $+ %t,+b,Banned,-b,UNBanned,+I,Invited,-I,UNInvited,+e,Exempted,-e,UNExempted,+q,MuteBanned,-q,UN-MuteBanned)
if (%m > 1) {
%user = users
%is = are
while (%n) var %bl %bl $ialchan(%banmask,$chan,%n).nick,%n %n - 1
var %k 1
while ($gettok(%bl,%k,32)) {
if ($query($v1)) echo -t $v1 08,14 ( $+ %m %user $+ ) %is %word 04,00 $regsubex(%bl,/(\S+)/g,( $+ \n $+ ) \t)
inc %k
echo -t $chan 08,14 ( $+ %m %user $+ ) %is %word 04,00 $regsubex(%bl,/(\S+)/g,( $+ \n $+ ) \t)
unset %bl
inc %j
inc %i
Last edited by Simo; 16/09/22 07:24 PM.
Joined: Nov 2021
Posts: 119
Vogon poet
Vogon poet
Joined: Nov 2021
Posts: 119 |
If only the stacking part worked as well to limit the output lines
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Jul 2006
Posts: 4,188 |
Oops, the line should be while (%n) var %bl $+ %set $+ %t $($+(%,bl,%set,%t),2) $ialchan(%banmask,$chan,%n).nick,%n %n - 1
#mircscripting @ irc.swiftirc.net == the best mIRC help channel
Joined: Nov 2021
Posts: 119
Vogon poet
Vogon poet
Joined: Nov 2021
Posts: 119 |
excellent Wims that works flawless much apreciated