you say "other", that makes it sound like you're having 2 ON TEXT events in the same script. You can do that, as long as you don't intend that the same message trigger more than one. A message will test against all the ON TEXT events in a script, and will match the topmost one that matches.
on *:text:!help:#:{ echo -a $scriptline message: $1- }
on *:text:*:#:{ echo -a $scriptline message: $1- }
For this example, the message being !help triggers the 1st one, and everything else matches the 2nd one
If you wish, you can have it trigger for everything, but do nothing (or do something) when it matches the word list
on *:text:*:#:{
if ($istok(red orange yellow green blue,$1,32)) { echo -a match found in $1- }
if ($!istok(red orange yellow green blue,$1,32)) { echo -a no match found in $1- }
If this isnt your answer, try pasting some code to give us an idea what you're wanting