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#267845 08/10/20 11:54 AM
Joined: Oct 2020
Posts: 2
Bowl of petunias
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Bowl of petunias
Joined: Oct 2020
Posts: 2
I used to have a small hello popup (Hello Nickname) and when I played it, each letter would be a different color (3 colors) which included the nick
Would anyone have this command line?
Thank you

Joined: Jan 2012
Posts: 317
Pan-dimensional mouse
Pan-dimensional mouse
Joined: Jan 2012
Posts: 317
I read your question and tried to write my script from scratch. Perhaps you wanted to see something like this in the script and it looks really nice! cool
This is a pop-up window when starting the mIRC client, which greets the user by their nickname with an animated glitter effect.

All settings in the alias "ww_setting". You can reconfigure this script to your liking - change the welcome text, size, indentation, background and color of window frames, font and color gamut of changing letters, as well as the speed of the glitter effect and the off timer.

[Linked Image from i.ibb.co]

#   WelcomeWindow v1.0
#   Description: Pop-up welcome window with animated glitter effect.
#   Author: Epic
#   Email: epicnet@mail.ru
#   Site: http://epicnet.ru

on *:START: .timerWWSTART -m 1 1000 ww
alias ww { ww_setting | ww_window | ww_window_decor | ww_text_color }
alias -l ww_setting {
  .hadd -m ww text Hello, $+($me,!) :)))
  .hadd -m ww win-name @Welcome
  .hadd -m ww win-size-x 20
  .hadd -m ww win-size-y -10
  .hadd -m ww margin-w 50
  .hadd -m ww margin-h 30
  .hadd -m ww color-bg $rgb(14,12,18)
  .hadd -m ww color-line $rgb(91,76,116)
  .hadd -m ww color-text $rgb(147,122,187)
  .hadd -m ww font ComicSansMS
  .hadd -m ww fsize 28
  .hadd -m ww start-color 91
  .hadd -m ww end-color 97
  .hadd -m ww time-speed-color 150
  .hadd -m ww time-closing 5000
alias -l ww_window {
  set %ww_w $calc($width($hget(ww,text),$hget(ww,font),$hget(ww,fsize),0,1) + ($hget(ww,margin-w) *2))
  set %ww_h $calc($height($hget(ww,text),$hget(ww,font),$hget(ww,fsize)) + ($hget(ww,margin-h) *2))
  set %ww_mw $int($calc($window(-3).dw /2 + $hget(ww,win-size-x)))
  set %ww_x $calc($window(-2).dx + %ww_mw)
  set %ww_mh $int($calc($window(-3).dh /2 + $hget(ww,win-size-y)))
  set %ww_y $calc($window(-2).dy + %ww_mh)
  .window -pdBhiok0w0 +dL $hget(ww,win-name) %ww_x %ww_y %ww_w %ww_h | .window -a $hget(ww,win-name)
  .timerWW -m 1 $hget(ww,time-closing) .window -c $hget(ww,win-name)
alias -l ww_window_decor {
  .drawfill -r $hget(ww,win-name) $hget(ww,color-bg) %ww_w %ww_h 0 0
  .drawline -r $hget(ww,win-name) $hget(ww,color-line) 1 0 0 %ww_w 0
  .drawline -r $hget(ww,win-name) $hget(ww,color-line) 1 0 $calc(%ww_h -1) %ww_w $calc(%ww_h -1)
  .drawline -r $hget(ww,win-name) $hget(ww,color-line) 1 0 0 0 %ww_h
  .drawline -r $hget(ww,win-name) $hget(ww,color-line) 1 $calc(%ww_w -1) 0 $calc(%ww_w -1) $calc(%ww_h -1)
alias -l ww_text_color {
  if (!%ww_cc) { set %ww_cc $hget(ww,start-color) }
  if (%ww_cc <= $hget(ww,start-color)) set %ww_nc 1
  if (%ww_cc >= $hget(ww,end-color)) set %ww_nc 2
  if (%ww_nc == 1) inc %ww_cc | if (%ww_nc == 2) dec %ww_cc
  if ($hget(ww,ctext)) .hdel -sw ww ctext
  var %ww_ct $replace($hget(ww,text),$chr(32),$chr(160))
  var %ww_cl $len(%ww_ct) | var %ww_e %ww_cc | var %ww_w 1
  var %ww_q 1 | while (%ww_q <= %ww_cl) {
    .hadd -m ww ctext $+($hget(ww,ctext),$chr(3),%ww_e,$mid(%ww_ct,%ww_q,1))
    inc %ww_q | if (%ww_w == 1) inc %ww_e | if (%ww_w == 2) dec %ww_e
    if (%ww_e <= $hget(ww,start-color)) var %ww_w 1 | if (%ww_e >= $hget(ww,end-color)) var %ww_w 2
  if ($window($hget(ww,win-name))) {
    .drawtext -pr $hget(ww,win-name) $hget(ww,color-text) $hget(ww,font) $hget(ww,fsize) $hget(ww,margin-w) $hget(ww,margin-h) $hget(ww,ctext)
    .timerWWTC -m 1 $hget(ww,time-speed-color) ww_text_color

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