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Joined: Mar 2004
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Darkmnm Offline OP
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Created a quicklaunch bar that docks at the top of my mirc for quick access to commonly used options. I would like to add a line separator between mIRC Options and Auto Identifier as well as between TBD and DCC Chat but whenever I add the separators it pushes my SCLICK over 1 each time I add a separator. Example: I add a separator between mIRC Options and Auto Identifier and save. Reload the quicklaunch bar and click on the Auto Join button and it opens Sound Events and so on down the line.

Also, I noticed for some reason my tooltips are not showing when I mouse over the icons in the quicklaunch bar and I have no idea why.

Can someone help me with these two issues?

;mIRC Quickbar

alias _qb { dodialog qbar }
dialog qbar {
title ""
size -1 -1 805 4
option dbu
list 1, 2 0 1337 1407, size

on *:dialog:qbar:init:0:{
mdx SetDialog $dname style tool
mdx SetFont $dname 1 -10 500 Tahoma
mdx SetBorderStyle 1
mdx SetControlMDX $dname 1 toolbar arrows nodivider flat wrap noresize > $bars
mdx SetControlMDX $dname 1 statusbar > $bars
hOS Dock $dname top 0

did -i $dname 1 1 bmpsize 16 16
did -i $dname 1 1 setimage icon small $icon12
did -i $dname 1 1 setimage icon small $icon1
did -i $dname 1 1 setimage icon small $icon3
did -i $dname 1 1 setimage icon small $icon10
did -i $dname 1 1 setimage icon small $icon9
did -i $dname 1 1 setimage icon small $icon6
did -i $dname 1 1 setimage icon small $icon28
did -i $dname 1 1 setimage icon small $icon27

did -a $dname 1 1 Options $chr(9) $+ mIRC Options
did -a $dname 1 2 AutoID $chr(9) $+ Auto Identifier
did -a $dname 1 3 AutoJoin $chr(9) $+ Auto Join
did -a $dname 1 4 Sounds $chr(9) $+ Sound Events
did -a $dname 1 5 Away $chr(9) $+ Away System
did -a $dname 1 6 TBD $chr(9) $+ TBD
did -a $dname 1 7 DCC Chat $chr(9) $+ DCC Chat
did -a $dname 1 8 DCC Send $chr(9) $+ DCC Send
on 1:dialog:qbar:sclick:*:{
if $did == 1 {
if $did(1).sel == 2 { /sendkeys % $+ o }
if $did(1).sel == 3 { scid $activecid _autos }
if $did(1).sel == 4 { scid $activecid _autos }
if $did(1).sel == 5 { scid $activecid _eso }
if $did(1).sel == 6 { scid $activecid _aways }
if $did(1).sel == 7 { scid $activecid tbd }
if $did(1).sel == 8 { /sendkeys % $+ c }
if $did(1).sel == 9 { /sendkeys % $+ s }

Last edited by Darkmnm; 18/09/20 10:08 PM.
Joined: Mar 2004
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Darkmnm Offline OP
Vogon poet
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Vogon poet
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I was able to get the separators to work without errors so that part is resolved but I still have not figured out why the "tooltips" aren't working.

I have tried the following lines and neither work:

did -a $dname 1 1 Options $chr(9) $+ mIRC Options


did -a $dname 1 1 $chr(9) $+ mIRC Options

Anyone know how I can get the "tooltip" to work?

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Pan-dimensional mouse
Pan-dimensional mouse
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Can you please tell me if there are any working (help files) or sites with full help information and examples on how to work with this DLL correctly?

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