Unless there's a need to differentiate between different messages having different color codes, just do a text match for the text within:
on *:TEXT:* has entered the battle!*:#:{
set %enemy $1
/os client join %enemy #battledome
Unless the /os alias contains code to verify that the text is being done by the correct gamebot, you should have code at the beginning of your event handler to make sure it's not me sending that message

Something like:
if ($nick != NameOfGameBot) return
Can you give me the exact textmatch for it the names are not the same the text with the Name bee was an example
but it can be another Name
To understand the matter better I try to explain it again ....
The Gamebot reads the names from a folder these names are databases where different things are in there ... but that's not important ..
It should be noted that it is not always the same name but the formatting of the text remains see first post.
So if the Gamebot writes now eg:
Dirt_Eater has entered the battle!You see it's a different name than Bee.
Then another Bot should join the bot client of Botserv using the command /os client join %enemy #battledome
into the room we get the variable %enemy with set %enemy $1 law.
Can you now understand what I want to achieve?
sry for bad english