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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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How can I get all of the property names of a class without looking them up beforehand, or having to go through PowerShell. After browsing the web for hours and hours, I've come to the conclusion that it can be done outside of mIRC. The problem is that no matter what I do, I fail to get the same results with mIRC. Something something something Properties_ something. alias wmitest {
.comopen locator WbemScripting.SWbemLocator
.comclose locator $com(locator,ConnectServer,3,bstr,.,bstr,root\cimv2,dispatch* class)
.comclose class $com(class,InstancesOf,3,bstr,Win32_OperatingSystem,dispatch* properties)
;.comclose class $com(class,ExecQuery,3,bstr,select * from Win32_OperatingSystem,dispatch* properties)
var %x = $comval(properties,0,Properties_)
echo -a Instances of Properties_: %x
while (%x) {
echo -a Instance %x $+ : $comval(properties,%x,Properties_)
dec %x
.comclose properties
} All I can get out of it is one instance of an integer that keeps changing. I assume I'm missing something painfully obvious.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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"Properties_" is a property of the SWbemObject object, you're not using that object.
Trying to use that object result in an error, I don't know if this is possible in mIRC, I doubt it.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Yeah, I tried that once, but it failed so fast that I just ignored it. I was hoping some kind of a miracle would happen, and it would work with SWbemLocator. Stupid I know, but the alternative wasn't any better.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I forgot. You can write a vb/js/others? script which will do it, and then with mIRC you can connect to the shell and execute the vb/js code, you must be able to make a workaround with that 
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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After a big fight with vbs, I finally made it: alias getmethod {
.comopen getmethod MSScriptControl.ScriptControl
if (!$comerr) {
var -s %v $&
strComputer = "." $lf $&
strNameSpace = "root\cimv2" $lf $&
strClass = $qt($1) $lf $&
Set objClass = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\" & strNameSpace & ":" & strClass) $lf $&
Set objFSO=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") $lf $&
Set objFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile( $qt($mircdirtempcom) ) $lf $&
For Each objClassProperty In objClass.Properties_ $lf $&
objFile.Write objClassProperty.Name & " " $lf $&
Next $lf $&
noop $com(getmethod,Language,4,bstr,VBScript)
if (!$comerr) noop $com(getmethod,ExecuteStatement,1,bstr,%v)
if (!$comerr) {
.comclose getmethod
var %r $read(tempcom,tn,1)
.remove tempcom
return %r
if ($error) reseterror
if ($com(getmethod)) .comclose getmethod
} //echo -a > $getmethod(Win32_OperatingSystem) > BootDevice BuildNumber BuildType Caption CodeSet CountryCode CreationClassName CSCreationClassName CSDVersion CSName CurrentTimeZone DataExecutionPrevention_32BitApplications DataExecutionPrevention_Available DataExecutionPrevention_Drivers DataExecutionPrevention_SupportPolicy Debug Description Distributed EncryptionLevel ForegroundApplicationBoost FreePhysicalMemory FreeSpaceInPagingFiles FreeVirtualMemory InstallDate LargeSystemCache LastBootUpTime LocalDateTime Locale Manufacturer MaxNumberOfProcesses MaxProcessMemorySize MUILanguages Name NumberOfLicensedUsers NumberOfProcesses NumberOfUsers OperatingSystemSKU Organization OSArchitecture OSLanguage OSProductSuite OSType OtherTypeDescription PAEEnabled PlusProductID PlusVersionNumber Primary ProductType RegisteredUser SerialNumber ServicePackMajorVersion ServicePackMinorVersion SizeStoredInPagingFiles Status SuiteMask SystemDevice SystemDirectory SystemDrive TotalSwapSpaceSize TotalVirtualMemorySize TotalVisibleMemorySize Version WindowsDirectory
Note that I worded everything in the script as though it was grabbing methods, but this is for the properties. If anyone want to get the method, just change objClass.Properties_ to objClass.Methods_ Edit: in my previous post I said it would be using the shell, I mixed things up there.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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That's almost perfect! I'm a visual basic newbie, but thanks to your lovely example, I was able to conjure up this one without the file part: alias getmethod {
.comopen getmethod MSScriptControl.ScriptControl
if (!$comerr) {
var -s %v $&
strComputer = "." $lf $&
strNameSpace = "root\cimv2" $lf $&
strClass = $qt($1) $lf $&
Set objClass = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\" & strNameSpace & ":" & strClass) $lf $&
For Each objClassProperty In objClass.Properties_ $lf $&
result = result & objClassProperty.Name & " " $lf $&
noop $com(getmethod,Language,4,bstr,VBScript)
if (!$comerr) noop $com(getmethod,ExecuteStatement,1,bstr,%v)
if (!$comerr) noop $com(getmethod,eval,3,bstr*,result)
if (!$comerr) {
tokenize 1 $com(getmethod).result
.comclose getmethod
return $1
if ($error) reseterror
if ($com(getmethod)) .comclose getmethod
} It's pretty damn close to what I wanted! Thanks!
Last edited by Dazuz; 25/07/18 07:50 PM. Reason: Corrected a brainfart.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Ah nice, i wrote to a file in case the result is too long for mIRC to handle. it's pretty damn close to what I wanted! what's missing?
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Well, it's unlikely to be too long with properties, but there's always binary variables. if (!$comerr) return $com(getmethod,&x).result It would have been nice to be able to access them directly without the VB middleman, although this way it probably works faster.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Using VB is not faster if we write to a file, your return variable usage is neat though. By 'close to what you wanted' are you referring to the usage of VB compared to mIRC doing all the job (if it were possible?)?
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Yes, although using VB opens some doors, and now that I've been playing around with it for a while, it's actually quite nice. For run, I made this little WMI exploration thing (which is basically just a crappier version of WMI Code Creator without the code creator part): dialog -l wmie {
title "WMI Exploration - /wmie"
size -1 -1 545 340
option dbu
text "Looking up namespaces...", 10, 2 1 130 8
list 11, 2 10 160 320, sort size
text "Select a namespace", 20, 163 1 130 8
list 21, 163 10 160 320, sort size
text "Select a class", 30, 324 1 200 8
list 31, 324 10 220 320, size
check "Hide properties with $!null value", 32, 436 330 87 10
edit "", 12, 2 330 160 10
edit "", 22, 163 330 160 10
edit "", 33, 324 330 109 10
list 13, 1 340 10 10, hide size
list 23, 163 340 10 10, hide size
list 34, 324 340 10 10, hide size
alias wmie dialog $iif($dialog(wmie),-c,-m) wmie wmie
on *:dialog:wmie:*:*: {
if ($devent == init) {
.timerwmie.load -iom 1 1 wmie.namespaces
elseif ($devent == sclick) {
if ($did == 11) && ($did(11).seltext) {
var %x = 1,%v Set objClass = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\ $+ $did(11).seltext $+ ") $lf For Each objClassProperty In objClass.SubclassesOf() $lf result = result & objClassProperty.Path_.Class & $qt($chr(1)) $lf Next $lf
if ($com(wmie.vb)) .comclose wmie.vb
.comopen wmie.vb MSScriptControl.ScriptControl
.comclose wmie.vb $com(wmie.vb,Language,4,bstr,VBScript) $com(wmie.vb,ExecuteStatement,1,bstr,%v) $com(wmie.vb,eval,3,bstr*,result) $com(wmie.vb,&x).result
var %s = $did(21).seltext
did -rh wmie 21,23
while ($bfind(&x,%x,$chr(1))) {
var %d = $bvar(&x,%x,$calc($v1 -%x)).text,%x $v1 + 1
did -a wmie 23 %d
filter -ioc wmie 23 wmie 21 $+(*,$did(wmie,22),*)
did -ra wmie 20 Classes ( $+ $bytes($did(21).lines,b) out of $bytes($did(23).lines,b) $+ ):
did -v wmie 21
if ($didwm(21,%s)) did -c wmie 21 $v1
else {
did -r wmie 31
did -ra wmie 30 Select a class
elseif ($did == 21) {
var %v = Set objClass = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\ $+ $did(11).seltext $+ : $+ $did(21).seltext $+ ") $lf For Each objClassProperty In objClass.Properties_ $lf result = result & objClassProperty.Name & " " $lf Next
if ($com(wmie.vb)) .comclose wmie.vb
.comopen wmie.vb MSScriptControl.ScriptControl
noop $com(wmie.vb,Language,4,bstr,VBScript) $com(wmie.vb,ExecuteStatement,1,bstr,%v) $com(wmie.vb,eval,3,bstr*,result)
var %p = $com(wmie.vb).result
.comclose wmie.vb
if ($com(wmie.open)) .comclose wmie.open
if ($com(wmie.locator)) .comclose wmie.locator
if ($com(wmie.properties)) .comclose wmie.properties
.comopen wmie.open WbemScripting.SWbemLocator
.comclose wmie.open $com(wmie.open,ConnectServer,3,bstr,.,bstr,$did(11).seltext,dispatch* wmie.locator)
noop $com(wmie.locator,InstancesOf,3,bstr,$did(21).seltext,dispatch* wmie.properties)
noop $com(wmie.properties,Count,3)
.comclose wmie.locator
var %t = $iif($com(wmie.properties).result isnum,$v1,0),%x 1
did -ra wmie 30 Properties $bytes($numtok(%p,32),b) properties in $bytes(%t,b) instance(s):
did -rh wmie 31,34
while (%x <= %t) && (%x <= 500) {
did -a wmie 34 Instance $+($chr(35),%x,:)
tokenize 32 %p
while ($1) {
did -a wmie 34 $1 = $comval(wmie.properties,%x,$1)
tokenize 32 $2-
did -a wmie 34 $chr(160)
inc %x
.comclose wmie.properties
if ($did(32).state) filter -iocx wmie 34 wmie 31 * =
else filter -ioc wmie 34 wmie 31 $+(*,$did(33),*)
did -v wmie 31
elseif ($did == 32) {
var %s = $did(31).seltext
did -h wmie 31
if ($did(32).state) filter -iocx wmie 31 wmie 31 * =
else filter -ioc wmie 34 wmie 31 $+(*,$did(33),*)
if ($didwm(31,%s)) did -c wmie 31 $v1
did -v wmie 31
elseif ($devent == dclick) && ($did($did).seltext) clipboard $v1
elseif ($devent == edit) {
if ($did == 12) {
var %s = $did(11).seltext
did -rh wmie 11
filter -ioc wmie 13 wmie 11 $+(*,$did(12),*)
did -ra wmie 10 Namespaces ( $+ $did(11).lines out of $did(13).lines $+ ):
if ($didwm(11,%s)) did -c wmie 11 $v1
else {
did -r wmie 21,31
did -ra wmie 20 Select a namespace
did -ra wmie 30 Select a class
did -v wmie 11
elseif ($did == 22) {
var %s = $did(21).seltext
did -rh wmie 21
filter -ioc wmie 23 wmie 21 $+(*,$did(22),*)
did -ra wmie 20 Classes ( $+ $bytes($did(21).lines,b) out of $bytes($did(23).lines,b) $+ ):
if ($didwm(21,%s)) did -c wmie 21 $v1
else {
did -r wmie 31
did -ra wmie 30 Select a class
did -v wmie 21
elseif ($did == 33) {
var %s = $did(31).seltext
did -rh wmie 31
filter -ioc wmie 34 wmie 31 $+(*,$did(33),*)
if ($did(32).state) filter -iocx wmie 31 wmie 31 * =
if ($didwm(31,%s)) did -c wmie 31 $v1
did -v wmie 31
elseif ($devent == close) {
if ($com(wmie.vb)) .comclose wmie.vb
if ($com(wmie.open)) .comclose wmie.open
if ($com(wmie.locator)) .comclose wmie.locator
if ($com(wmie.properties)) .comclose wmie.properties
.timerwmie.* off
alias -l wmie.namespaces {
var %v = dim result $lf Call EnumNameSpaces("root") $lf Sub EnumNameSpaces(strNameSpace) $lf On Error Resume Next $lf result = result & " " & strNameSpace $lf Set objWMIService=GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}\\.\" & strNameSpace) $lf Set colNameSpaces = objWMIService.InstancesOf("__NAMESPACE") $lf For Each objNameSpace In colNameSpaces $lf Call EnumNameSpaces(strNameSpace & "\" & objNameSpace.Name) $lf Next $lf End Sub $lf
if ($com(wmie.vb)) .comclose wmie.vb
.comopen wmie.vb MSScriptControl.ScriptControl
noop $com(wmie.vb,Language,4,bstr,VBScript) $com(wmie.vb,ExecuteStatement,3,bstr,%v) $com(wmie.vb,eval,3,bstr*,result)
tokenize 32 $com(wmie.vb).result
.comclose wmie.vb
did -rh wmie 11,13
did -a wmie 13 $*
filter -ioc wmie 13 wmie 11 $+(*,$did(wmie,12),*)
did -ra wmie 10 Namespaces ( $+ $did(wmie,11).lines out of $did(wmie,13).lines $+ ):
did -v wmie 11
} The startup takes a while, unless you're running mIRC in admin mode.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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