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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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If some1 would be very very nice and script something for me?
I need so if i type /anotice text the channels will get the notice "text" but not ops! Please help me //Proxy
Last edited by Proxy; 19/12/02 09:52 PM.
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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This should work: anotice { var %i = 1 while ($nick($chan,0,r) >= %i) { msg $nick($chan,%i,r) $$1 | inc %i } var %a = 1 while ($nick($chan,0,v) >= %a) { msg $nick($chan.%a,v) $$1 | inc %a } } hope it helps
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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anotice { var %i = 1 while ($nick($chan,0,r) >= %i) { msg $nick($chan,%i,r) $$1 | inc %i } var %a = 1 while ($nick($chan,0,v) >= %a) { msg $nick($chan.%a,v) $$1 | inc %a } } _______________________ That wont work Typed /anotice Hello All the chans i where in didnt get an notice saying "hello" Msg: ANOTICE Unknown command
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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alias anotice {
if $window($active).type == channel && $1 {
var %i 1
while %i <= $nick(#,0) { if $nick(#,%i) !isop # { .notice $nick(#,%i) $1- } | inc %i }
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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but that code will notice all nicks! I need so it notices chan, but not ops! In every chan i'm in! Like /amsg !
Please help me!
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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watchers script won't notice ops thats what the second if is about...
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Wanna give me the complete script for /anotice all chans exept ops in chans please?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Why can't I think of other use for such script than spamming users?
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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alias anotice {
if $chan(0) != 0 && $1 {
var %i 1,%x 1
while %x <= $chan(0) {
while %i <= $nick($chan(%x),0) { if $nick($chan(%x),%i) !isop # && $nick($chan(%x),%i) != $me { .notice $nick($chan(%x),%i) $1- } | inc %i }
%i = 1
inc %x
} :|
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Good point, Online. I can't think of another reason for anyone wanting to /notice users but not ops either
Never compare yourself to others - they're more screwed up than you think.
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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alias anotice { if $chan(0) != 0 && $1 { var %i 1,%x 1 while %x <= $chan(0) { while %i <= $nick($chan(%x),0) { if $nick($chan(%x),%i) !isop # && $nick($chan(%x),%i) != $me { .notice $nick($chan(%x),%i) $1- } | inc %i } %i = 1 inc %x } } }
Thats only to current chan i'm in! I need it to be ALL chans i have! And timers so i dont get exess flood, please help!
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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why dont u post a reason for that script `?
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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To notice all exept ops, so if i say: /anotice hey all wont get kicked.. (as u do if u notice most chans) Thats my reason!
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Lame. If you don't abide by a particular channel's rules, you will get kicked. Furthermore, if the ops get wind of the fact that you're messaging everyone but them (and they will) with your lame 'I'm too clever to be kicked' messages, you will get a well earned ban. And if any of said ops happen to be an IRCop, you could even earn yourself a bonus k-line, thrown in at no added cost.
Never compare yourself to others - they're more screwed up than you think.
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Bowl of petunias
Bowl of petunias
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I highly don't suggest this, due to the fact if there's more than 5 people, you'll start to lag; more than 10, you'll get kicked off the server instantly. Those numbers are variables; the longer the string, the faster you'll be disconnected. Note you can also get akilled on several servers for this.
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Bowl of petunias
Bowl of petunias
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For these who want anotice to be like amsg: anotice { var %i 0 | while (%i != $chan(0)) { inc %i | notice $chan(%i) $$1- } }
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Actually this would behave more like /amsg: anotice {
var %i = 1,%t = $chan(0)
if (!%t) return
while (%i <= %t) {
var %chans = $addtok(%chans,$chan(%i),44)
inc %i
notice %chans $$1-
} It simply sends one multiple target notice instead of a whole bunch of individual ones. Many networks would not take kindly to what could be dozens of notices being sent within a second. At the very least each notice would have a slight delay, at the worst you could be booted off the server. I'm not entirely certain that all networks will accept multiple targets for notices, but I don't know of any raw 005 token which signifies if they do (or if there's a limit to how many targets they accept).
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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I want to say that new release ircu (ircu2.10.11.03) has that feature but you need to be voiced. /wallvoices command will allow voiced users to send messages just to other voiced users.