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Tano Offline OP
Ameglian cow
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Ameglian cow
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#proxyscan off
on *:LOGON:*:{ unset %dns.* }
on *:SNOTICE:Client Connecting on port*:{
prxyscan $9
raw 302:*:{
if (%bl_exempt. [ $+ [ $gettok($mid($gettok($2,2,$asc(=)),2),2,$asc(@)) ] ]) { return }
else {
inc %dnscount. [ $+ [ $gettok($mid($gettok($2,2,$asc(=)),2),2,$asc(@)) ] ] 1
if (%dnscount. [ $+ [ $gettok($mid($gettok($2,2,$asc(=)),2),2,$asc(@)) ] ] > 4) { unset %dnscount. [ $+ [ $gettok($mid($gettok($2,2,$asc(=)),2),2,$asc(@)) ] ] | set %dns. [ $+ [ $gettok($mid($gettok($2,2,$asc(=)),2),2,$asc(@)) ] ] 1 | .timer_rstdns -o 1 900 unset %dns. [ $+ [ $gettok($mid($gettok($2,2,$asc(=)),2),2,$asc(@)) ] ] }
if (!%dns. [ $+ [ $gettok($mid($gettok($2,2,$asc(=)),2),2,$asc(@)) ] ]) { prxyscan -h $gettok($mid($gettok($2,2,$asc(=)),2),2,$asc(@)) }
#proxyscan end
alias scan { if ($1 == on) { .enable #proxyscan | echo -a *** Proxy scanning enabled } | elseif ($1 == off) { .disable #proxyscan | echo -a *** Proxy scanning disabled } | else { echo -a *** Proxy scanning is currently $group(#proxyscan) } }
alias proxyscan { scan $1- }
alias exempt { set %bl_exempt. [ $+ [ $$1 ] ] 1 | echo -a *** IP/Host $$1 has been added to scan exemption }
alias unexempt { unset %bl_exempt. [ $+ [ $$1 ] ] | echo -a *** IP/Host $$1 has been removed from scan exemption }
alias clearexempts { unset %bl_exempt.* | echo -a *** Scan exemption list has been cleared }
alias prxyscan { set %proxyscan On | .dns $1- }
on *:DNS:{
if (%ipscan.status == On) && ($dns(0) != 0) {
var %x = $dns(0)
var %a = 1
while (%a <= %x) {
ipscan $dns(%a).ip
inc %a
if (%ipscan.status == On) && ($dns(0) == 0) {
if (!%scan) && (%ipscan.status != On) && (%userdns == On) {
if ($dns(0) == 0) && (%ipscan.status != On) {
echo -a $timestamp 12,1 ¥(0,1 $+ Error $+ 15)12,1¥0,1 Unable To Resolve $iif($iaddress,$iaddress,$dns(0).addr)
else {
var %numhosts $dns(0), %host = 0
var %hosts
while (%host < %numhosts) {
inc %host 1
set %hosts %hosts $iif($dns(1) == $dns(1).ip,$dns(%host).addr,$dns(%host).ip) $+ $chr(44)
if ($dns(1).nick) echo -a $timestamp 12,1 ¥(0,1 $+ DNS $+ 15)12,1¥0,1 $dns(1).nick
if (!$dns(1).nick) echo -a $timestamp 12,1 ¥(0,1 $+ DNS $+ 15)12,1¥0,1 $dns(1)
echo -a $timestamp 12,1 ¥(0,1 $+ DNS $+ 15)12,1¥0,1 Hostname: $dns(1).addr
echo -a $timestamp 12,1 ¥(0,1 $+ DNS $+ 15)12,1¥0,1 IP: $dns(1).ip
echo -a $timestamp 12,1 ¥(0,1 $+ DNS $+ 15)12,1¥0,1 LongIP: $longip($dns(1).ip)
echo -a $timestamp 12,1 ¥(0,1 $+ DNS $+ 15)12,1¥0,1 Time to resolve: $calc(($ticks - %time) / 1000) $+ sec
echo -a $timestamp 12,1 ¥(0,1 $+ DNS $+ 15)12,1¥0,1 End of DNS
if ($raddress == $null) && ((list.dsbl.org isin $dns(0).addr) || (rbl.efnet.org isin $dns(0).addr) || (ircbl.ahbl.org isin $dns(0).addr) || (dnsbl.njabl.org isin $dns(0).addr) || (dnsbl.sorbs.net isin $dns(0).addr) || (tor.dnsbl.sectoor.de isin $dns(0).addr)) {
haltdef | return
elseif ($raddress != $null) && (ircbl.ahbl.org isin $dns(1).addr) {
var %i = 4
while (%i > 0) { var %x_ = %x_ $+ $gettok($dns(1).addr,%i,46) $+ . | dec %i 1 }
var %x_ = $left(%x_,-1)
if (%bl_exempt. [ $+ [ %x_ ] ]) { globops IP address %x_ is listed as an open proxy/infected host in ircbl.ahbl.org DNSBL ( $+ $raddress $+ ), but has been exempted | return }
akill *@ $+ %x_ (ID: $+ $(1,100) $+ A) 12,1 ¥(0,1 $+ PROXY KLINE $+ 15)12,1¥0,1 if you belive your ip isent a proxy contact uremail@yoursite.com
akill *@ $+ %x_ (ID: $+ $(1,100) $+ B) 12,1 ¥(0,1 $+ PROXY KLINE $+ 15)12,1¥0,1 if you belive your ip isent a proxy contact uremail@yoursite.com
elseif ($raddress != $null) && (dnsbl.njabl.org isin $dns(1).addr) {
var %n = $dns(0)
while (%n > 0) {
if ($dns(%n).ip != { goto njaend }
var %x_ = $null
var %i = 4
while (%i > 0) { var %x_ = %x_ $+ $gettok($dns(%n).addr,%i,46) $+ . | dec %i 1 }
var %x_ = $left(%x_,-1)
if (%bl_exempt. [ $+ [ %x_ ] ]) { globops IP address %x_ is listed as an open proxy in dnsbl.njabl.org DNSBL ( $+ $dns(%n).ip $+ ), but has been exempted | return }
akill *@ $+ %x_ (ID: $+ $(1,100) $+ C) Your IP has been listed as an Open Proxy or Infected IP
dec %n 1
elseif ($raddress != $null) && (dnsbl.sorbs.net isin $dns(1).addr) {
var %n = $dns(0)
while (%n > 0) {
if ($dns(%n).ip == || ($dns(%n).ip == || ($dns(%n).ip == { goto sorbsend }
var %x_ = $null
var %i = 4
while (%i > 0) { var %x_ = %x_ $+ $gettok($dns(%n).addr,%i,46) $+ . | dec %i 1 }
var %x_ = $left(%x_,-1)
if (%bl_exempt. [ $+ [ %x_ ] ]) { globops IP address %x_ is listed as an open proxy/infected host in dnsbl.sorbs.net DNSBL ( $+ $dns(%n).ip $+ ), but has been exempted | return }
akill *@ $+ %x_ (ID: $+ $(1,100) $+ D) Your IP has been listed as an Open Proxy or Infected IP
dec %n 1
elseif ($raddress != $null) && (tor.dnsbl.sectoor.de isin $dns(1).addr) {
var %n = $dns(0)
while (%n > 0) {
if ($dns(%n).ip == { goto torend }
var %x_ = $null
var %i = 4
while (%i > 0) { var %x_ = %x_ $+ $gettok($dns(%n).addr,%i,46) $+ . | dec %i 1 }
var %x_ = $left(%x_,-1)
if (%bl_exempt. [ $+ [ %x_ ] ]) { globops IP address %x_ is listed as a TOR server in tor.dnsbl.sectoor.de DNSBL ( $+ $dns(%n).ip $+ ), but has been exempted | return }
akill *@ $+ %x_ (ID: $+ $(1,100) $+ E) Your IP has been listed as an Open Proxy or Infected IP
dec %n 1
elseif ($raddress != $null) && (list.dsbl.org isin $dns(1).addr) {
var %n = $dns(0)
while (%n > 0) {
if ($dns(%n).ip != { goto dsblend }
var %x_ = $null
var %i = 4
while (%i > 0) { var %x_ = %x_ $+ $gettok($dns(%n).addr,%i,46) $+ . | dec %i 1 }
var %x_ = $left(%x_,-1)
akill *@ $+ %x_ (ID: $+ $(1,100) $+ F) Your IP has been listed as an Open Proxy or Infected IP
dec %n 1
elseif ($raddress != $null) && (rbl.efnet.org isin $dns(1).addr) {
var %i = 4
while (%i > 0) { var %x_ = %x_ $+ $gettok($dns(1).addr,%i,46) $+ . | dec %i 1 }
var %x_ = $left(%x_,-1)
if (%bl_exempt. [ $+ [ %x_ ] ]) { globops IP address %x_ is listed as an open proxy/infected host in rbl.efnet.org DNSBL ( $+ $raddress $+ ), but has been exempted | return }
akill *@ $+ %x_ (ID: $+ $(1,100) $+ G) Your IP has been listed as an Open Proxy or Infected IP
elseif ($raddress != $null) && (dnsbl.dronebl.org isin $dns(1).addr) {
var %i = 4
while (%i > 0) { var %x_ = %x_ $+ $gettok($dns(1).addr,%i,46) $+ . | dec %i 1 }
var %x_ = $left(%x_,-1)
if (%bl_exempt. [ $+ [ %x_ ] ]) { globops IP address %x_ is listed as an open proxy/infected host in rbl.efnet.org DNSBL ( $+ $raddress $+ ), but has been exempted | return }
akill *@ $+ %x_ (ID: $+ $(1,100) $+ J) Your IP has been listed as an Open Proxy or Infected IP |
elseif ((list.dsbl.org !isin $dns(1).addr) && (dnsbl.dronebl.org !isin $dns(1).addr) && (list.dsbl.org !isin $dns(0).addr) && (rbl.efnet.org !isin $dns(1).addr) && (rbl.efnet.org !isin $dns(0).addr) && (ircbl.ahbl.org !isin $dns(1).addr) && (ircbl.ahbl.org !isin $dns(0).addr) && (dnsbl.njabl.org !isin $dns(1).addr) && (dnsbl.njabl.org !isin $dns(0).addr) && (dnsbl.sorbs.net !isin $dns(1).addr) && (dnsbl.sorbs.net !isin $dns(0).addr) && (tor.dnsbl.sectoor.de !isin $dns(1).addr) && (tor.dnsbl.sectoor.de !isin $dns(0).addr)) || ($dns(1).addr == $null) {
if ($raddress == $null) {
var %i = 4
while (%i > 0) { var %x__ = %x__ $+ $gettok($dns(0).ip,%i,46) $+ . | dec %i 1 }
if (%x__ != ....) && (.. !isin %x__) {
prxyscan %x__ $+ rbl.efnet.org
prxyscan %x__ $+ dnsbl.dronebl.org
prxyscan %x__ $+ ircbl.ahbl.org
prxyscan %x__ $+ dnsbl.njabl.org
prxyscan %x__ $+ dnsbl.sorbs.net
prxyscan %x__ $+ tor.dnsbl.sectoor.de
prxyscan %x__ $+ list.dsbl.org
else {
var %i = 4
while (%i > 0) { var %x__ = %x__ $+ $gettok($dns(1).ip,%i,46) $+ . | dec %i 1 }
if (%x__ != ....) && (.. !isin %x__) {
prxyscan %x__ $+ rbl.efnet.org
prxyscan %x__ $+ ircbl.ahbl.org
prxyscan %x__ $+ dnsbl.dronebl.org
prxyscan %x__ $+ dnsbl.njabl.org
prxyscan %x__ $+ dnsbl.sorbs.net
prxyscan %x__ $+ tor.dnsbl.sectoor.de
prxyscan %x__ $+ list.dsbl.org
unset %userdns
alias res {
set %userdns On
.dns $1-
set %time $ticks
alias -l dns {
.dns $1-

Joined: Apr 2018
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Tano Offline OP
Ameglian cow
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Ameglian cow
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This is for chatspace bot script i need it for mirc the same script to convert any idea guys to help me, thx

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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i don't understand what you want

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Tano Offline OP
Ameglian cow
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Ameglian cow
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maroon this script is for bot ,i need this script to be for mirc only, is for chatspace bot and in my mirc is not working frown

Last edited by Tano; 12/04/18 07:38 PM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Are you saying it works in a bot, but not also in your mirc?

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Tano Offline OP
Ameglian cow
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Ameglian cow
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example to start first scan make dns of all
client on connecting
to read whitelist.text
every real ip in exemption list inside of whitelist.text
later to make dns to every ip and longip with domain
and to have 2 3 dsnbl scaner check the ip , when the ip is not in whitelist.text to be banned with comand /os akill add +2h *@IP Proxy Not Allowed Here
and to put teh real Ip client in whitelist.text with comand /addip 141.23. or /addip 141.23.14. /delip 141.23. and every ip on connect with 141.23. to be except from dnsbl scanner

Last edited by Tano; 12/04/18 08:55 PM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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If it works in 1 mIRC but not another, then the script works except for you figuring out why it doesn't work in one of them. Such as one of them has network privileges the other doesn't, or has variables set differently or the scripts aren't exactly the same, different mIRC versions, etc.

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Tano Offline OP
Ameglian cow
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Ameglian cow
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maroon this is not for mirc did u try it ?
this is for BOT script not a user mirc script

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Unless you've created a program that runs mIRC scripting language, this looks like the bot would be an mIRC running this script. It's using commands available only to a nick which has been given OPER privileges, so if you're trying to run it without being made an OPER, then of course it's not going to work for someone who can't see the actual IP addresses hidden behind the IP shadowing.

And by "not work", does it mean it doesn't work at all, or just that it doesn't work the right way. It's going to be hard for someone to debug an OPER-level script without being an OPER, and since different networks can have slightly different commands and behaviors, it's possible for a script to work for an OPER at one network without working for an OPER at a different network.

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Tano Offline OP
Ameglian cow
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Ameglian cow
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maroon do u have any suggesting for another idea how to make a new snipet regex like this ?

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Regex would fail because of garbage-in garbage-out.

The whole point of IP shadowing is to prevent what you're trying to do, unless you've been given OPER privileges because you need it. When $address(nick,3) shows a hostname like *.DEADBEEF.DEADBEEF.IP, you can't use /dns to resolve it because it's not a 'real' host name. There may be ways to peel back the disguise to see the IP behind the cloak, but it would be difficult for scripts to do that, and if I were to post such an exploit other than the obvious tricks, the post would get deleted.

Obvious tricks are things like trying to use DCC SEND to discover someone's IP, which is why some networks only allow receiving files when you've put someone on a DCCALLOW list. Or if you control a website where you can see the IP addresses that connect to it, and get someone to open a link in their browser, assuming everyone will click on a mystery link from someone they don't know.

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Tano Offline OP
Ameglian cow
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Ameglian cow
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Can we talk in pm if u want, i need some helps

Last edited by Tano; 12/04/18 11:04 PM.

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