; irc2html [2004.04.18] by Andy Dufilie
; Website: http://pages.cthome.net/pdufilie/
; Change this alias if you want output files to go to a different directory or have different filenames.
alias -l modify_output_filename {
var %directory = $nofile($1-)
var %file = $nopath($1-)
; replace invalid characters
%file = $mkfn(%file)
; remove "#"
%file = $remove(%file,$chr(35))
; make sure there's a character before the "."
if (.* iswm %file) %file = _ $+ %file
; replace char 160 (non-breaking space)
%file = $replace(%file,$chr(160),_)
return %directory $+ %file
; buffer conversion
; /buf2html [window]
alias buf2html {
if ($window($1-)) var %@ = $1-
else var %@ = $active
%i2h.buffermode = 1
if (%@ == status window) filter -swz @i2h
elseif (=* iswm %@) {
%i2h.buffermode = 0
savebuf %@ irc2html.tmp
loadbuf @i2h irc2html.tmp
.remove irc2html.tmp
else filter -wwz %@ @i2h
var %x = $line(@i2h,0)
while (%x) {
if ($line(@i2h,%x) == $chr(32)) dline @i2h %x
dec %x
var %t = %@ buffer
var %f = $mkfn(%@) $+ .html
var %outputfile = $i2h(%t,%f)
echo $colour(i) -q *** Done making %outputfile
;run $shortfn(%outputfile)
; file conversion
; /log2html [file]
alias log2html {
var %dll = 0
if ($1 == -dll) {
%dll = 1
tokenize 32 $2-
elseif ($1 == -mrc) {
%dll = 0
tokenize 32 $2-
if ($isfile($1-)) var %log = $1-
elseif ($version < 5.8) var %log = $dir="Pick a .log" $shortfn($logdir*.log)
else var %log = $sfile($logdir*.log,Pick a .log)
if ($isfile(%log) == $false) {
if (%log) echo $colour(info) * /log2html: File doesn't exist: %log
if (*.log iswm %log) var %html = $left(%log,-3) $+ html
else var %html = %log $+ .html
if (%dll) {
var %irc2html.dll = $findfile($scriptdir,irc2html.dll,1)
if ($isfile(%irc2html.dll) != $true) {
%irc2html.dll = $findfile($mircdir,irc2html.dll,1)
if ($isfile(%irc2html.dll) != $true) {
echo $colour(i) *** irc2html.dll is missing.
;filename $+ $cr $+ outfile?fontname?defaultfore?defaultback?rgb0?rgb1?rgb2?rgb3?rgb4?rgb5?rgb6?rgb7?rgb8?rgb9?rgb10?rgb11?rgb12?rgb13?rgb14?rgb15
var %size = $window(@i2h).fontsize
if (%size < 0) %size = $right(%size,-1) $+ pt
else %size = %size $+ px
window -h @irc2html
var %n = 0, %params = %log $+ $cr $+ %html $+ ? $+ $window(@i2h).font $+ ;font-size: $+ %size $+ ? $+ $colour(normal) $+ ? $+ $colour(background)
close -@ @irc2html
while (%n < 16) {
%params = %params $+ ? $+ $colour(%n)
inc %n
var %outputfile = $dll(%irc2html.dll,irc2html,%params)
else {
loadbuf @i2h $shortfn(%log)
var %title = $nopath(%log)
if (*.log iswm %title) %title = $left(%title,-4) log
var %outputfile = $i2h(%title,%html)
echo $colour(i) -q *** Done making %outputfile
;run $shortfn(%outputfile)
; clipboard conversion
; /cb2html
alias cb2html {
var %x = 1, %f = clipboard.html
while (%x <= $cb(0)) {
aline @i2h $iif(* iswm $cb(%x),$cb(%x),)
inc %x
var %outputfile = $i2h(Clipboard,%f)
echo $colour(i) -q *** Done making %outputfile
;run %outputfile
; single line conversion (output to window)
; /irc2html <text>
alias irc2html {
if (* !iswm $1-) return
if (* !iswm $window(@irc2html)) reset
close -@ @i2h
window -h @i2h
aline @i2h $1-
window -h @irc2html
var %x = $line(@irc2html,0)
if (</html> isin $line(@irc2html,%x)) dline @irc2html %x
window -aw @irc2html
on *:close:@irc2html:unset %i2h.*
alias -l reset {
close -@ @i2h @irc2html
unset %i2h.*
window -h @i2h
alias -l _rgb {
tokenize 44 $rgb($colour($1))
return $base($1,10,16,2) $+ $base($2,10,16,2) $+ $base($3,10,16,2)
; $i2h(title,outfile) returns output file w/ quotes
; /i2h with no parameters is used for /irc2html single-line conversion
alias -l i2h {
var %title = $1
var %outputfile = $modify_output_filename($2)
window -h @irc2html
var %ctime = $ctime, %x = 16
while (%x) {
dec %x
%i2h. [ $+ [ %x ] ] = $_rgb(%x)
if (* iswm %outputfile) || ($line(@irc2html,0) !isnum 1-) {
if (* iswm %outputfile) aline @irc2html <html><head><title> $+ %title $+ </title><style type="text/css"><!--
else aline @irc2html <html><head><title>irc2html</title><style type="text/css"><!--
var %size = $window(@i2h).fontsize
if (%size < 0) %size = $right(%size,-1) $+ pt
else %size = %size $+ px
aline @irc2html body{font-family: $+ $window(@i2h).font $+ ;font-size: $+ %size $+ ;color: $+ %i2h. [ $+ [ $colour(no) ] ] $+ ;background-color: $+ %i2h. [ $+ [ $colour(b) ] ] $+ ;}
aline @irc2html --></style></head><body>
%x = $line(@i2h,0)
while (%x) {
%i2h.ecolor = $line(@i2h,1).color
convert $line(@i2h,1)
dline @i2h 1
editbox -a %x
dec %x
editbox -a
if (* iswm %outputfile) {
aline @irc2html </body></html><!-- $duration($calc($ctime -%ctime)) -->
unset %i2h.*
savebuf @irc2html " $+ %outputfile $+ "
close -@ @irc2html
else aline @irc2html </body></html>
close -@ @i2h
return %outputfile
alias -l classname {
var %bold = $1, %underline = $2, %fcolor = $3, %bcolor = $4, %reverse = $5, %bg = $6
var %class = $iif(%underline,$iif(%bold,W,X),$iif(%bold,Y,Z))
if (%reverse != 1) {
if (%class == Z) %class =
%class = %class $+ $chr($calc($asc(A) + %fcolor))
if (%bcolor != %bg) %class = %class $+ $chr($calc($asc(A) + %bcolor))
return %class
alias -l classdef {
var %class = $1, %bold = $2, %underline = $3, %fcolor = $4, %bcolor = $5, %reverse = $6, %ncolor = $7, %bg = $8
var %def = . $+ %class $+ {font-weight: $+ $iif(%bold,bold,normal)
%def = %def $+ ;text-decoration: $+ $iif(%underline,underline,none)
%def = %def $+ ;color: $+ %i2h. [ $+ [ $iif(%reverse,%bg,%fcolor) ] ]
%def = %def $+ ;background-color: $+ %i2h. [ $+ [ $iif(%reverse,%ncolor,%bcolor) ] ]
%def = %def $+ ;}
return %def
; convert one line of text
alias -l convert {
if (* !iswm $1-) return
var %nbsp = $chr(160), %b = , %r = , %u = , %k = , %o = , %text = $replace($1-,&,&,<,<,>,>) $+ %o, %ncolor = $colour(no), %ecolor = %ncolor, %bg = $colour(b), %etag = 0
if ($version >= 6.14) && (%i2h.buffermode) %ecolor = %i2h.ecolor
elseif ($1 == *) {
if (/*: iswm $2) || ($2-3 == Invalid format:) || ($2-4 == Too many parameters:) || ($2-3 == Invalid parameters:) %ecolor = $colour(i)
elseif (Break: iswm $2) %ecolor = $colour(c)
else %ecolor = $colour(a)
elseif (-?*- iswm $1) var %ecolor = $colour(not)
elseif (-> [*] iswm $1-2) var %ecolor = $colour(c)
elseif ($1 == ***) var %ecolor = $colour(i)
if (%ecolor !isnum) %ecolor = %ncolor
if (%ecolor != %ncolor) %etag = 1
var %btext = $replace(%text,%k,%b,%r,%b,%u,%b,%o,%b), %codenum = 1, %numcodes = $count(%btext,%b), %nextcodepos, %codepos = 1, %prevcodepos, %nocomma, %class, %baseclass, %prevclass
var %char, %bold = 0, %underline = 0, %reverse = 0, %fcolor = %ecolor, %bcolor = %bg, %aline, %length = $len(%text), %tcolor, %inside_span = 0
%baseclass = $classname(%bold,%underline,%ecolor,%bcolor,%reverse,%bg)
%class = %baseclass
if (%etag) {
%aline = <span class= $+ %class $+ >
; define class if not already defined
if (%i2h.c [ $+ [ %class ] ] != 1) {
iline @irc2html 2 $classdef(%class,%bold,%underline,%fcolor,%bcolor,%reverse,%ncolor,%bg)
%i2h.c [ $+ [ %class ] ] = 1
while (%codenum <= %numcodes) {
%prevcodepos = %codepos
%nextcodepos = $pos(%btext,%b,%codenum)
%codepos = %nextcodepos
; read control codes
while ($mid(%btext,%codepos,1) == %b) {
inc %codenum
%char = $mid(%text,%codepos,1)
if (%char == %k) {
inc %codepos
%nocomma = 1
%tcolor =
while ($mid(%text,%codepos,1) isnum) {
%tcolor = $ifmatch
inc %codepos
if ($mid(%text,%codepos,1) isnum) {
%tcolor = %tcolor $+ $ifmatch
inc %codepos
if (%tcolor == 99) %tcolor = %ecolor
if (%fcolor == 99) %fcolor = %bcolor
%tcolor = $calc(%tcolor % 16)
%fcolor = $calc(%fcolor % 16)
if (%nocomma) %fcolor = %tcolor
else %bcolor = %tcolor
if (%nocomma) && ($mid(%text,%codepos,1) == ,) {
%nocomma = 0
inc %codepos
else break
if (* !iswm %tcolor) {
%fcolor = %ecolor
%bcolor = %bg
else {
if (%char == %b) %bold = 1 - %bold
elseif (%char == %u) %underline = 1 - %underline
elseif (%char == %r) %reverse = 1 - %reverse
elseif (%char == %o) {
%fcolor = %ecolor
%bcolor = %bg
%bold = 0
%underline = 0
%reverse = 0
inc %codepos
; done reading control codes
%prevclass = %class
%class = $classname(%bold,%underline,%fcolor,%bcolor,%reverse,%bg)
; append text since last control code
if (%prevcodepos < %nextcodepos) {
var %" = " $+ $mid(%text,%prevcodepos,$calc(%nextcodepos -%prevcodepos)) $+ "
if (" * " iswm %") %aline = %aline $+ %nbsp $+ $right($left(%",-2),-2) $+ %nbsp
elseif (" * iswm %") %aline = %aline $+ %nbsp $+ $right($left(%",-1),-2)
elseif (* " iswm %") %aline = %aline $+ $right($left(%",-2),-1) $+ %nbsp
else %aline = %aline $+ $right($left(%",-1),-1)
; break out of loop if this the end of the line
if (%codepos > %length) break
; check if span class needs changing
if (%class != %prevclass) {
; close off previous tag if needed
if (%inside_span) {
%aline = %aline $+ </span>
%inside_span = 0
; begin new tag if needed
if (%class != %baseclass) {
; define class if not already defined
if (%i2h.c [ $+ [ %class ] ] != 1) {
iline @irc2html 2 $classdef(%class,%bold,%underline,%fcolor,%bcolor,%reverse,%ncolor,%bg)
%i2h.c [ $+ [ %class ] ] = 1
; output text & new span tag
aline @irc2html %aline $+ <span
%aline = class= $+ %class $+ >
; remember that we're inside a span tag
%inside_span = 1
; close previous span tag if needed
if (%inside_span) {
%aline = %aline $+ </span>
%inside_span = 0
; add remaining text if needed
if (%codepos <= %length) %aline $+ $mid(%text,%codepos)
; close outer span tag if needed
if (%etag) %aline = %aline $+ </span>
; output with line break
aline @irc2html %aline $+ <br>