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Not sure if this should be a script or a perform or ???

Basically, if a certain message appears in the server status window, i want mIRC to respond (in the same window) with a /msg Nickserv etc..

The message does not show in any channel window, and all the scripting examples I've seen assume channels for some reason. But in my case, the text is only in the status window.

How do I code that?

Thanks. smile

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Hoopy frood
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on *:NOTICE:*:?:{
  if ($nick == NickServ) {
    ;; Private notice received from NickServ

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Where would I put that text?

(Seems watched topic emails don't work...)

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Tools -> Script Editor -> Remote Tab

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Thanks. I just need to get the exact text, so I'll respond back when that happens.

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Pug1 Offline OP
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I have this:

on *:NOTICE:*you need to be identified with services*:{
  ns identify xxxxx

and it doesn't work.
What else can you suggest?

Every few seconds this message appears in the status channel:

Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services

but it has no user name, and it isn't a server message.

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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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You don't have the ? as shown in the example. It should be:

on *:NOTICE:*you need to be identified with services*:?:{
  ns identify xxxxx

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OK did that, still waiting for the actual situation to reoccur.

In the meantime I also added this, going on the example above:
on *:NOTICE:This nickname is registered.*:?:{
  (if $nick == NickServ)
  ns identify xxxxx

It seems to work, but an error appears in the status channel. It says:
(IF Unknown command
Is there a syntax error?

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on *:NOTICE:This nickname is registered.*:?:{
  if ($nick == NickServ) {
    ns identify xxxxx


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Originally Posted By: ruprecht
You don't have the ? as shown in the example. It should be:

on *:NOTICE:*you need to be identified with services*:?:{
  ns identify xxxxx

Not working.

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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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Originally Posted By: Pug1
Originally Posted By: ruprecht
You don't have the ? as shown in the example. It should be:

on *:NOTICE:*you need to be identified with services*:?:{
  ns identify xxxxx

Not working.

That's odd. It should work. This is a section of my Undernet login script:

on *:CONNECT: { unid | .timerlx 0 300 unid }
on *:NOTICE:*AUTHENTICATION SUCCESSFUL*:?: { mode $me +x | .timerlx off }
alias unid { .msg X@channels.undernet.org login %unusr %unpwd }

It tries to login when connected, and then every 5 minutes until successful. The notice event should trigger the same regardless if it's from x or nickserv. Assuming this is the case, all I can suggest is to try the long format:
/msg nickserv identify xxxxx

If the notice event isn't triggering then I have no idea. It's been many years since I've had dealings with a nickserv.

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Pug1 Offline OP
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I've currently got

on *:NOTICE:*you need to be identified with services*:?:{
  ns identify xxxxxx

but it isn't being triggered at all. It isn't a server message, and it does not show the sender. It does show every minute or so, so a timer isn't needed. It seems mIRC is not capable of seeing or acting on this message.

Maybe I need to use a timer to blindly authenticate every 15 minutes "just in case". I can't think of anything else.

If anyone wants to try investigating, you need to connect to freenode, and then try connecting to a channel that requires registration, such as #mame-dev .

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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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Originally Posted By: Pug1
If anyone wants to try investigating, you need to connect to freenode, and then try connecting to a channel that requires registration, such as #mame-dev .

Ok I see now what your problem is. That's not a server notice. It's a message with raw numeric 477.
-> rajaniemi.freenode.net JOIN #mame-dev
<- :rajaniemi.freenode.net 477 ruprecht #mame-dev :Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services

Use this instead:
raw 477:*you need to be identified with services*:{
  ns identify xxxxxx

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Originally Posted By: ruprecht
Ok I see now what your problem is. That's not a server notice. It's a message with raw numeric 477.
[quote]-> rajaniemi.freenode.net JOIN #mame-dev
<- :rajaniemi.freenode.net 477 ruprecht #mame-dev :Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services

All I see is "Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services", so hopefully 477 is the number used by all freenode servers.

Originally Posted By: ruprecht
Use this instead:
raw 477:*you need to be identified with services*:{
  ns identify xxxxxx

I've added that in, i'll see what happens. Thanks!

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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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Originally Posted By: Pug1
All I see is "Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services", so hopefully 477 is the number used by all freenode servers.

You have to turn on debug mode to see raw messages. 477 is the need reg'd nick message. It's the same across most IRC networks that use chanmode +r.

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Pug1 Offline OP
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Well, it does appear to work successfully, so thanks to ruprecht for the solution. smile

Now, if only the admins could fix the forum so (a) I don't get logged out every week; and (b) the notification email from a Watched Topic would work; then I'd be very happy indeed....

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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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My pleasure grin

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