I have an image bot I've been working on for a while. I currently have it set up to have the URL be input first, then tags after, but they are all on the same line in the .txt file.
Would there be any way to call just the URL from the .txt file and not any of the rest of the line? I have a search function set up for people to search the tags for images, but currently it also displays all of the tags along with it.
For the actual write portion of my write command I have as follows:
.write images.txt $+(($left($3,1),$mid($3,2)) $+(($left($4-,1),$mid($4-,2))
where $1 is !images, $2 == add, $3 is the URL, and $4- is everything after (tags).
and for my call I have as follows:
if (!$2) { msg # $read(images.txt,n) }
Any help would be greatly appreciated!