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Vogon poet
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Vogon poet
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I have tested it, and now it's not stopping the timer if the streamer leaves. Any ideas? Everything else is working fine.

Last edited by powerade661; 26/05/15 10:09 PM.
Joined: Jan 2015
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Vogon poet
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Vogon poet
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How long should I wait for it to update. Does anyone know?

Last edited by powerade661; 26/05/15 10:25 PM.
Joined: Jan 2015
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Vogon poet
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Vogon poet
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Ok so the update is, it works for a while and then it will just stay with one channel and it won't grab the data from the API. I have tried allowing mIRC through the firewall private and public, I didn't really want to turn off my firewall, but I did just to test and it still did the same thing. I don't really know what's going on. Would anyone recommend I reinstall windows and start over from scratch? That's literally the only thing I haven't tried. The timer also doesn't stop when the streamer leaves. Any help with this would be much appreciated. I have tried everything.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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If you tried everything you'd be able to identify the point of failure. Reinstalling mIRC, let alone Windows, would have no effect.

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Vogon poet
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Vogon poet
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Let me rephrase that. I have tired everything that I know how to do.

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Vogon poet
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Vogon poet
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Also the reason why I said should I reinstall windows is because when I moved the program over to another computer it allocated over 4GB of RAM. But when I moved it to the computer it was on before, it only allocated 1.12GB of RAM. I am thinking there could be an issue with the operating system. The application is very unresponsive most of the time as well.

Last edited by powerade661; 27/05/15 10:24 PM.
Joined: Jan 2015
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Vogon poet
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Vogon poet
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Any ideas as to why it's not stopping the timer when the streamer leaves?

Joined: Jan 2015
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Vogon poet
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Vogon poet
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Posts: 168
Never mind I figured it out. Here is the fixed code for anyone wondering.

on $*:text:/^!viewerupdate(\s|$)/Si:#: {
  if (!$istwitch) { return }
  if ($2- == off && $nick isop # && $timer(FollowerUpdate $+ $cid $+ #)) {
    $+(.timerFollowerUpdate, $cid, #) off
    msg # Viewer update has been stopped
  elseif ($0 == 1) {
    msg $chan Viewer Update Has Been Started 
    $+(.timerFollowerUpdate, $cid, #) 1 60 sayviewers # nightbot wizebot moobot
on *:part:#: {
  if (!$istwitch) { return }
  if ($mid(#, 2-) == $nick && $timer(FollowerUpdate $+ $cid $+ #)) {
    $+(.timerFollowerUpdate, $cid, #) off
alias sayviewers {
  if (!$istwitch) { return }
  var %i = 1, %v = 0, %ignore = $mid($1-,2-)
  while (%i <= $nick($1, 0)) {
    if (!$istok(%ignore, $nick($1, %i), 32)) {
      inc %v
    inc %i
  JSONOpen -ud followcount https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/channels/ $+ $mid($1, 2-)
  msg $1 Stream update, followers: $json(followcount, followers) Viewers: %v
  $+(.timerFollowerUpdate, $cid, $1) 1 60 sayviewers $1-
alias -l isTwitch return $iif($status == connected && $regex($server, /^(?:tmi|irc)\.twitch\.tv$/i), $true, $false)

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