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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Where it is msg # under the JSONOpen? Change that to $1?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I added a fixed script to my previous post
Last edited by FroggieDaFrog; 24/05/15 07:48 PM.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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It's still not displaying the message. I waited an hour.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Are you trying to get this to trigger using the same client its running on?
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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I went to my chat and typed !viewerupdate it says "viewer update has been started" and then it doesn't display any message after 60 seconds in my chat.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Every time I do !viewerupdate, mIRC becomes completely unresponsive. It didn't do this with the other script, I don't understand what is going on. I even moved mIRC to another computer and still the same results. Please help Currently this is the only script that works, but it doesn't display the follower count.
on *:text:*:#: {
if ($strip($1) == !viewerupdate) {
if ($strip($2) == $null) {
set %viewerschan $chan
msg $chan Viewer Update Has Been Started
.timer.update 0 60 sayviewers $chan intellibot_v2.0 nightbot wizebot
if ($strip($2) == off) {
msg $chan Viewer Update has been stopped
.timer.update off
alias sayviewers {
set %viewers $nick($1,0)
var %v = 1
while (%v <= $nick($1,0)) {
if ($istok($2-,$nick($1,%v),32)) {
dec %viewers 1
inc %v
JSONOpen -ud followcount https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/channels/ $+ $mid(#, 2-)
msg $1 Stream update for $remove(#,$chr(35)) followers: $json(followcount, followers) Viewers: %viewers
on *:part:#: {
if ($chan == %viewerschan) {
if ($timer(.update)) {
.timer.update off
This script displays the follower count.
on *:text:*:#: {
if ($strip($1) == !streamstatus) {
if ($strip($2) == $null) {
sayviewers $chan vector_bot nightbot wizebot
alias sayviewers {
set %viewers $nick($1,0)
var %v = 1
while (%v <= $nick($1,0)) {
if ($istok($2-,$nick($1,%v),32)) {
dec %viewers 1
inc %v
JSONOpen -ud followcount https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/channels/ $+ $mid(#, 2-)
msg $1 Stream status for $remove(#,$chr(35)) followers: $json(followcount, followers) Viewers: %viewers
Last edited by powerade661; 25/05/15 06:10 AM.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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I have been trying to figure out this all night. I have came to the conclusion (is this possible) when I execute the command without the timer, it is parsing JSON, but when I do it through the timer, it is only displaying the message without parsing JSON. Could this be the case, does anyone have any idea? The current script works and stops when the streamer leaves. It's just the follower count that doesn't work.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I had a few typo's in my script. Here's an update: on $*:text:/^!viewerupdate(\s|$)/Si:#: {
if (!$istwitch) { return }
if ($2- == off && $nick isop # && $timer(FollowerUpdate $+ $cid $+ #)) {
$+(.timerFollowerUpdate, $cid, #) off
msg # Viewer update has been stopped
elseif ($0 == 1) {
msg $chan Viewer Update Has Been Started
$+(.timerFollowerUpdate, $cid, #) 1 60 sayviewers # intellibot_v2.0 nightbot wizebot
on *:part:#: {
if (!$istwitch) { return }
if ($mid(#, 2-) == $nick && $timer(FollowerUpdate $+ $cid $+ #)) {
$+(.timer, $v1) off
alias sayviewers {
if (!$istwitch) { return }
var %i = 1, %v = 0
while (%i <= $nick($1, 0)) {
if (!$istok($2-, $nick($1, %i), 32)) {
inc %v
inc %i
JSONOpen -ud followcount https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/channels/ $+ $mid($1, 2-)
msg $1 Stream update, followers: $json(followcount, followers) Viewers: %v
$+(.timerFollowerUpdate, $cid, $1) 1 60 sayviewers $1-
alias -l isTwitch return $iif($status == connected && $regex($server, /^(?:tmi|irc)\.twitch\.tv$/i), $true, $false) And here is the output:
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Thank you so much! It works great! I appreciate your time and patience with me. Have a good day!
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Quick question, how would I increase the time to 30 minutes instead of 60 seconds? Would I put it place of where ever 1 60 are?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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replace the 60 with the number of SECONDS. so instead of you'd have the following for 30 minutes
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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It's not updating the follower count, I still have to restart mIRC in order to get it to update. Also it's not the excluding the channel.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Well never mind, it's not updating the follower count even when I restart mIRC anymore.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Update, I have to restart the computer in order for it to update now. Is there anyway to refresh this so I don't have to restart the computer?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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as far as I've tested, it should continue to update unless it encounters an error. To restart the update process, use !viewerupdate again
Just to make sure, you do have the json parser from my signature installed aswell, correct?
Last edited by FroggieDaFrog; 26/05/15 01:29 PM.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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How do I install that? No I don't.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Never mind, I just installed it. Testing it now.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Just to make sure I am installing this correctly, I go to file, then new and copy and paste the JSON parser into there correct?
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Ok the script works but it is still not excluding the channel. It still counts the channel as a viewer. I installed the JSON parser and everything works as it should, it updates and everything.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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so you want to ignore both a list of bots, and the streamer? If that is the case: on $*:text:/^!viewerupdate(\s|$)/Si:#: {
if (!$istwitch) { return }
if ($2- == off && $nick isop # && $timer(FollowerUpdate $+ $cid $+ #)) {
$+(.timerFollowerUpdate, $cid, #) off
msg # Viewer update has been stopped
elseif ($0 == 1) {
msg $chan Viewer Update Has Been Started
$+(.timerFollowerUpdate, $cid, #) 1 60 sayviewers # intellibot_v2.0 nightbot wizebot
on *:part:#: {
if (!$istwitch) { return }
if ($mid(#, 2-) == $nick && $timer(FollowerUpdate $+ $cid $+ #)) {
$+(.timer, $v1) off
alias sayviewers {
if (!$istwitch) { return }
var %i = 1, %v = 0, %ignore = $mid($1-,2-)
while (%i <= $nick($1, 0)) {
if (!$istok(%ignore, $nick($1, %i), 32)) {
inc %v
inc %i
JSONOpen -ud followcount https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/channels/ $+ $mid($1, 2-)
msg $1 Stream update, followers: $json(followcount, followers) Viewers: %v
$+(.timerFollowerUpdate, $cid, $1) 1 60 sayviewers $1-
alias -l isTwitch return $iif($status == connected && $regex($server, /^(?:tmi|irc)\.twitch\.tv$/i), $true, $false)
Last edited by FroggieDaFrog; 26/05/15 06:17 PM.