I want to make 3 commands on one line.
Ban the exact NICK
Ban the exact IDENT (user id).
Ban the virtual IP
I have not found the exact mask that you do this:
*!User ID@*
test_ban_kick [test@CUpRZQ.A8PlmG.virtual]
Nick: test_ban_kick
User ID: test
Virtual IP:CUpRZQ.A8PlmG.virtual
I want the command do this:
+b test_ban_kick!*@*
+b *!test@*
+b *!*@CUpRZQ.A8PlmG.virtual
But that does not put a ban user ID containing the word 'test', but to do so only to 'test'. No to 'testing' for example.
I tried:
if ($1 == kb) { .mode $chan +b $address($2,5) | .mode $chan +b $address($2,2) | .mode $chan +b $address($2,1) }
But this line is wrong!