Well, regardless of the number of call allowed, the suggestion was also about reintroducing recursion without having to use 2 aliases or scid/scon, which are merely hack/workaround bypassing the current limit set (did you even intend to allow recursion that way?).
Keeping direct recursion disabled by default would keep compatibilities and /maxdepth, or a new command, could be used to allow user to allow very specific aliases to be called from themselves.
This would require some subtle changes, such as calling an alias from itself would no longer send it to the server (if it's a built-in name, it would no longer call the built-in command), calling the alias as an identifier from itself would no longer make it returns $null and ignore the call but would work 'as expected'.
Would that be an option or do you just have in mind to eventually increase the limit but we would still use the current scid/scon or 2 aliases methods to do recursion?
@Raccoon: There is no argument over this point, only you seem to think the '!' command prefix has something to do with recursion, it's not the case. That prefix has a purpose regardless of recursion and the behavior happening where mIRC force the call of a built-in command when you try to call an alias from itself by calling it as a command
Last edited by Wims; 02/02/15 12:35 AM.