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#248251 29/09/14 09:23 PM
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Wims Offline OP
Hoopy frood
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Hoopy frood
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I was going to make a report but figured I would try here first, whenever I reboot mIRC (7.36), the following alias won't work:
alias internetip {
  var %n a $+ $ticks
  .comopen %n msxml2.xmlhttp
  if ($com(%n,Open,1,bstr,GET,bstr,http://ipinfo.io/ip)) {
    if (!$comerr) {
      if ($com(%n,Send,1)) {
        if (!$comerr) {
          if ($com(%n,responseText,2)) {
            if (!$comerr) {
              var %r $remove($com(%n).result,$cr,$lf)
            else echo -a error 5
          else echo -a $!com on responseText is 0 -- $comerr
        else echo -a error 4
      else echo -a $!com on send is 0 -- $comerr
    else echo -a error 3
  else echo -a $!com on open is 0 -- $comerr
  if ($com(%n)) .comclose %n
  return %r
Try //echo -a $internetip after rebooting mIRC, which should return an error, but any call after that will work correctly. Any idea what could be the problem?

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Wims #248253 30/09/14 10:09 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Last edited by westor; 30/09/14 11:00 AM.

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westor #248254 30/09/14 11:00 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I tried to find a way but i parse this error.

try use $com(%n).error and $com(%n).errortext


i found some results for this error http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb166327.aspx

EDIT: I try the code with bool,false options include (i saw this from an previous code) try to use this code maybe this will help find your problem laugh.

alias internetip {
  var %n a $+ $ticks
  .comopen %n msxml2.xmlhttp
  if ($com(%n,Open,1,bstr,GET,bstr,http://ipinfo.io/ip,bool,false)) {
    if (!$comerr) {
      if ($com(%n,Send,1)) {
        if (!$comerr) {
          if ($com(%n,ResponseText,2)) {
            if (!$comerr) { var %r $remove($com(%n).result,$cr,$lf,$crlf) }
            else echo -a error 5
          else echo -a $!com on responseText is 0 -- $comerr -> $com(%n).error -> $com(%n).errortext -> $com(%n).argerr -> $com(%n).progid
        else echo -a error 4
      else echo -a $!com on send is 0 -- $comerr -> $com(%n).error -> $com(%n).errortext -> $com(%n).argerr -> $com(%n).progid
    else echo -a error 3
  else echo -a $!com on open is 0 -- $comerr -> $com(%n).error -> $com(%n).errortext -> $com(%n).argerr -> $com(%n).progid
  if ($com(%n)) .comclose %n
  return %r

- Thanks!

Last edited by westor; 30/09/14 11:12 AM.

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westor #248256 30/09/14 05:03 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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That fixed it for me.

Not sure why it would work on subsequent calls but not the first one though.

hixxy #248259 30/09/14 06:29 PM
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Hoopy frood
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The bool false makes the request synchronous as opposed to asynchronous (which is the default), so it may be that, on the first call, the system needs time to set up the object, loads DLLs, and so on, so it defaults to asynchronous callback handling, whereas subsequent calls are faster, so it returns the result immediately.

Khaled #248261 30/09/14 06:39 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Originally Posted By: Khaled
The bool false makes the request synchronous as opposed to asynchronous (which is the default), so it may be that, on the first call, the system needs time to set up the object, loads DLLs, and so on, so it defaults to asynchronous callback handling, whereas subsequent calls are faster, so it returns the result immediately.

So what is the better and faster way to grap the info? i saw that with bool false the lookup way sometimes freeze mIRC can you please post an faster way ? smile

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westor #248262 30/09/14 06:49 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Originally Posted By: Khaled
The bool false makes the request synchronous as opposed to asynchronous (which is the default), so it may be that, on the first call, the system needs time to set up the object, loads DLLs, and so on, so it defaults to asynchronous callback handling, whereas subsequent calls are faster, so it returns the result immediately.

Thanks, makes sense.

Originally Posted By: westor
So what is the better and faster way to grap the info? i saw that with bool false the lookup way sometimes freeze mIRC can you please post an faster way ? smile

Because it's synchronous that means that mIRC will wait for your system to connect to the internet and get the result before continuing with the rest of the script. Asynchronous would allow the rest of the script to continue and would then run an event when the socket obtains the data (if mIRC supported COM events).

To make it faster you'd need to get a faster system and/or internet connection.

hixxy #248264 30/09/14 06:58 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Ah ok so there is not any other faster way to grap the info? it depend on the machine and on the internet connection?

What exactly are the requirements that must have an machine to be faster?

And the minimum internet speed that need for?

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westor #248278 01/10/14 09:55 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Also there is an bug on this code, if the web details changed then does not get the new web details and giving the old.

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