Hey. I wrote this code the other day:
on *:text:*Hello*:#: { msg $chan $read(Greetings.txt) $nick }
Which has been really working out for my mIRC bot so far.
The thing is, people tend to abuse it (duh) typing the word hello like 25 times in a minute, thus forcing my bot to flood and my computer to lag.
What I need is some sort of $if parameter or something, which would
halt this code for like 5 minutes, when somebody repeats himself 3 times in a row.
Like if somebody types 4 times in a row the word "hello", I would like my bot to respond to just the first three, and then
setting off the script or just
stop responding for 5 minutes or so.
It's got to be simple, but I'm really amateur in mIRC scripting.
Thanks in advance!