I am trying to make my bot have the ability to join multiple channels. I am aving some problems with it:
1. The first thing i want is for someone saying !join in my bot's chat it joins their chat. I have problems with it joining their chat. Here's my script
on *:text:!join:#mychannel: { /join # $+ $nick | msg #paintballbot joining $nick $+ 's chat }
The thing is the # is treated as my own channel, so if bob says !join it will say /join #mychannelbob, not #bob.
2. I want my bot to basically be a moderation bot for other channels (not !addcom or stuff yet) That includes stuff like the linkblock (looks for a .com(and other domains) and says .timeout). I was wondering if there was a way to make a on:text command that is similar to this?
on *:text:*.com*:#bob:{
if ($read(reglist.txt $+ $nick,nw,$nick)) return
Msg $chan .timeout $nick 1
Msg $chan Stop posting links!