Hello everyone,
I'm pretty new to MSL right now and as I'm livestreaming almost every day I would like to use my own (IRC)/Twitch.tv-Bot.
I've got a few features already implemented like:
Point system
Songrequests (Via AutoDJ by Nightbot)
I would like to add some additional features/commands and don't know if it's possible to enable this and if so, how.
Here are the features that I would like to implement and need help with.
Also hier die Funktionen die ich plane:
-expand point-system for raffles/giveaways/bids
-Spam/Link protection. For example enable some kind of "whitelist" for links like: youtube,facebook,myvideo,souncloud,lolking,battle.net etc.
-Output of stats of several Gameing-Profiles: For example !league euw Namitsoo --> Tells the user the current league.
There is the developer API of LoL:
https://developer.riotgames.com/ -> Every user has his own API-Key to request information.https://prod.api.pvp.net/api/lol/euw/v2.4/league/by-summoner/19673408/entry?api_key=API-KEY
This is also possible for other commands and requests.
-"Nice to have": Games (Rock,Scissors,Papers/Rolls/Bidding
-Additionally Planned: Songrequest System (currently active as mentioned the AutoDJ function of nightbot) -> I don't know if it's possible to "open" youtube/soundcloud links via command in IRC?!
-General administrative commands (!ban user_xy -> bans user_xy, !timeout user_xy 30 ->timeout a user for 30seconds)
-Finally: A way to have the bot running 24/7 -> Is there a free way to solve this?
Kind regards