At the end of your link, it is said how to convert it to another codepage:
This can be used for other languages as well, by following these changes:
1) Find the ANSI code of the first letter in the new language's alpha-bet, e.g. in this example - 224 is the ANSI code of the first letter in the Hebrew alpha-bet - "Alef"
2) Find the ANSI code of the last letter in the new language's alpha-bet, e.g. in this example - 250 is the ANSI code of the last letter in the Hebrew alpha-bet - "Tav"
3) Replace the previously found codes in the regex of the event trigger. This will make the event catch only possible transformable messages, and not all messages.
4) Replace the GDI charset number in the "heb2utf" alias to the new language number.
5) Optional: Change the name of the alias "heb2utf" (and all its references) to "<yourlang>2utf", e.g. "greek2utf".
For 1) & 2), look up the
greek block, it ranges from 0370 to 03FF (880 to 1023).
It gives for 3):
on $*:TEXT:$(/[ $+ $chr(880) $+ - $+ $chr(1023) $+ ]/):#,?: {
For 4), The Gdi charset for greek is 161, so you replace that accordingly and you're done.
The whole thing would be:
alias greek2utf {
if ($isid) {
return $utfdecode($utfencode($1-, 161))
echo -ag $utfdecode($utfencode($1-, 161))
alias saygreek {
.raw -n PRIVMSG $active : $+ $greek2utf($1-)
echo -at < $+ $iif($chan, $nick($chan, $me).pnick, $me) $+ > $1-
on $*:TEXT:$(/[ $+ $chr(880) $+ - $+ $chr(1023) $+ ]/):#,?: {
if ($greek2utf($1-) != $1-) {
var %g $v1
if ($chan) {
echo -gt $chan Possible greek translation ( $+ $nick($chan, $nick).pnick $+ ): %g
elseif ($query($nick)) {
echo -gt $nick Possible greek translation ( $+ $nick $+ ): %g