Hi Guys I need some help with this script. I have 2 bots running in a channel displaying xdcc packets for users to request. The problem I am having is the packets are in 2 different formats and the viewer is only seeing one of them. the first format is ex.
(@ lemorg » «« [#152] (3x|134.8Mb) - MP3_-_Whitburn_Country_1980-6.zip ) the viewer sees and displays this format in the request window with no problems but the 2nd format ex. ( «+ clubbot » Pack #148: PI207 | 57 meg's | 0 gets ) is not being recognized by the viewer. I believe I need to add the 2nd format around line 46 of the viewer script but not sure what to do. Can Anyone please help with this. Here is a link to the script since it is kind of long. If it is not possible for the viewer to see both formats then i need it to just see the 2nd format. here is the link