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Joined: Jan 2012
Posts: 2
Bowl of petunias
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Bowl of petunias
Joined: Jan 2012
Posts: 2
I'm curious if this is possible. When I'm not actively using mIRC I have it set to beep when someone says something either in a channel or through PM, however its annoying not knowing which. I was wondering if I could apply different sounds to different things. Such as all PM's would have their own sound instead of the single beep, or multiple beeps upon a new message. Then apply a sound to each specific channel so I would know which room there was activity in so I could decide to ignore it or not.

Thanks for any help you can give!

Joined: Feb 2003
Posts: 3,432
Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Feb 2003
Posts: 3,432
You can look at help /msg and also look at /help on open . And then add a sound to evey event..
; Will play on all private messages to you
on *:text:*:?:{
  /splay path/to/sound/file.mp3

; Will play on all channel messages
on *:text:*:#:{
  /splay path/to/sound/file.mp3

; Will play a sound when you get a query
on *:OPEN:?:*: {
  /splay path/to/sound/file.mp3

This end up in your remote. ALT + R in mirc.

;- edit

You can use a line if you want to ignore some channels.
on *:text:*:#:{
   if ($chan != #some_channel) && ($chan != #anothet_channel) { 
   /splay path/to/sound/file.mp3

Last edited by sparta; 24/03/12 09:31 AM.

if ($me != tired) { return } | else { echo -a Get a pot of coffee now $+($me,.) }

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