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Babel fish
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Babel fish
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need help with this WHOIS resolver page

I already have full script accesing it, here is only for sock:
and in past it was with this:
sockopen whois whois.cyberabuse.org 43

but they changed something and now it doesn't work

any help on this ? :P

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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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I went to the main site: http://www.fr2.cyberabuse.org and the pages there show contact information for the group. Ask them...

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Babel fish
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Babel fish
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I don't know how to even explain them what I want :P

here is easy

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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If you already have a script with a bug, posting it would probably be more useful than expecting somebody to guess what you're doing or writing something from scratch.

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Babel fish
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Babel fish
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posting it all is not necessary

i just need to know, what is parsed to link given in #1 post
to come back to me, but to get this data i need correct connection as also written in the original
sockopen whois whois.cyberabuse.org 43

which doesn't link to it anymore

Last edited by vinifera; 05/01/12 08:28 PM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Well you're trying to connect on port 43, I don't see anywhere on the site which says they support that. What do you want anyone here to do about it? The problem is not related to mIRC at all.

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Babel fish
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Babel fish
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I didn't say it was problem of mirc
but since connecting via sockets used in SCRIPTING
has SOMETHING to do with mirc scripting, I asked here

now, is there any other way beside mailing them with weird email
to find out which is correct address/sock link and port ?

I tried with TCPView and it resulted in nothing visible

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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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default port for websites is port 80

Last edited by pball; 06/01/12 04:57 AM.

My personal site with some scripts I've released.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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How are we supposed to know the correct details when we don't even know what you're implementing? We can't help you with your current script if you weren't parsing plain http content, because that's all that seems to be available. You can connect on port 80 to do so, but again this might have to be done from scratch. Or not. Because we don't know what you have.

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Babel fish
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Babel fish
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oh well here you are then
its 4 years old

;              Trace IP

alias traceip {
  if ($dialog(tracert) == $null) { halt }
  .enable #NDNS
  sockclose whois
  if ($regex($1,/^(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})$/)) {
    sockopen whois whois.cyberabuse.org 43
    set %whois.ip %tracedata
  else { dns %tracedata }

#NDNS off
on *:DNS:{
  if ($dns(0).ip) {
    set %whois.ip $dns(0).ip
    sockopen whois whois.cyberabuse.org 43
  else {
    if ($dialog(tracert) == $null) { dialog -mn tracert tracert }
    did -a tracert 4 Error: Unable to resolve Host or IP ( $+ %tracedata $+ )
    did -e tracert 5,6
  .disable #NDNS
#NDNS end

on *:sockopen:whois: {
  if ($sockerr) {
    if ($dialog(tracert) == $null) { dialog -mn tracert tracert }
    did -a tracert 4 Error: Unable to connect to WHOIS server.
    did -e tracert 5,6
    sockclose whois 
  else {
    sockwrite -nt whois %whois.ip
    unset %whois.ip

on *:sockread:whois: {
  if ($dialog(tracert) == $null) { dialog -mn tracert tracert }
  var %data
  sockread -n %data
  if ($left(%data,1) == %) || (%data == $null) { return }
  if ([ Informations * iswm $strip(%data)) { did -ra tracert 4 Tracerouting %tracedata $crlf | did -a tracert 4 $chr(32) $crlf | did -a tracert 4 %data $crlf | did -a tracert 4 $chr(32) $crlf }
  elseif (IP range * iswm $strip(%data)) { did -a tracert 4 %data $crlf }
  elseif (Network name * iswm $strip(%data)) { did -a tracert 4 %data $crlf }
  elseif (Infos * iswm $strip(%data)) { did -a tracert 4 %data $crlf }
  elseif (Country * iswm $strip(%data)) { did -a tracert 4 $chr(32) $crlf | did -a tracert 4 %data $crlf }
  elseif (Abuse * iswm $strip(%data)) { did -a tracert 4 %data $crlf }
  elseif (Source * iswm $strip(%data)) { did -a tracert 4 %data $crlf }
  unset %tracedata
  did -e tracert 5,6

and the dialog (non improtant stuff but if you want to test it you need it)
alias tracert {
  if (!$dialog(tracert)) && ($1 != $null) { .set %tracedata $1 | dialog -mn tracert tracert }
  elseif (!$dialog(tracert)) { dialog -mn tracert tracert }

dialog tracert {
  title "Trace Route"
  icon $mircdirsystem\domin.icl, 21
  size -1 -1 189 224
  option dbu
  box "User or Host or IP", 1, 10 11 170 38
  edit "", 2, 17 29 156 11, autohs
  box "", 3, 10 57 170 136
  edit "", 4, 17 68 156 119, autohs autovs multi
  button "Trace", 5, 97 203 35 14
  button "Close", 6, 145 203 35 14, cancel

on *:dialog:tracert:init:0:{
  did -r $dname 4
  did -m $dname 4
  did -b $dname 5
  if (($dialog(hostscan)) || ($dialog(chanscan)) || ($dialog(nickscan)) || ($dialog(clonescan)) || ($dialog(operscan)) || (%tracedata != $null)) { did -ra $dname 2 %tracedata | did -e $dname 5 }

on *:dialog:tracert:edit:2:{
  if ($did($did).text == $null) { did -b $dname 5 }
  else { did -e $dname 5 }

on *:dialog:tracert:sclick:*:{
  if ($did = 5) {
    did -r $dname 4
    did -b $dname 5,6
    set %tracedata $did(2)
    did -a $dname 4 Tracerouting %tracedata $crlf
    .timerstucked 1 7 did -e $dname 6
  if ($did = 6) { unset %tracedata | .timerstucked off | sockclose whois }

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Try it using port 80 instead of port 43.

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Babel fish
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Babel fish
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I did

it still gives nothing

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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It appears the site no longer exists. Just tried loading it in Chrome and got nothing.

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Babel fish
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Babel fish
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the one on 1st post does
I even tried to add "fr2" as in new one
but nothing happens

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