You can simplify it like this:
on *:text:*:#Accounts: {
tokenize 32 $strip($remove($1-6,$chr(36),$chr(44)))
if ($1-3 == You bought the) && ($5 == for) && ($6 isnum) {
inc %Networth. $+ $nick $6
msg $chan You have spent a total of $($+(%,Networth.,$nick),2)
Note that your tokenize would have given you 12 items because you were adding the $remove text to the end after already adding all of the text. I simplified $1-3 into one and removed $4 because that is already required if you're checking $5 and $6. And the format for displaying a dynamic variable is shown on the message line.
That said, if you're going to have more than half a dozen nicks doing this, you're better off using an INI file instead of dynamic variables. Otherwise, you're going to have a LOT of variables and that really isn't the best way to store a lot of the same data.
Also, if the item being bought can be more than one word, you'll want to use something other than $6 to obtain the price because a two word item would move the price to $7 and so on. You can get the price if it's the last item by using $gettok($1-,$0,32), or you can use $regex to obtain it. $regex would be most useful if the price could be somewhere else in the text instead of only at the end.