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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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$MyIdle - returns the number of seconds since something/anything was SENT TO the currently active connection. Be it a manual command or scripted, including PING/PONG events If not connected to a server $null is returned.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Decently easy to script, but yeah, I've wanted this feature a number of times myself. I second this idea.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Just to add a note or two to this request:
It doesn't have to be sync'ed with what the server has as my idle time. I just want an identifer that returns the number of seconds since mIRC tried to send something to the server
I know in my first post I mentioned "PING/PONG" events, but what I meant was including the last time mIRC tried to send a PING request to the server or reply to a PING request with /PONG
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Then you just want $idle, since that's what it does.
- argv[0] on EFnet #mIRC - "Life is a pointer to an integer without a cast"
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Pan-dimensional mouse
Pan-dimensional mouse
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Then you just want $idle, since that's what it does. $idle tells you the time since you last pressed enter in an edit box. It has nothing to do with data transmission. Basically FroggieDaFrog is asking for the equivalent of $sock().ls and $sock().lr, except for server connections.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Most of the time it's close enough, given that most /commands are related to server data. For who commonly perform local scripting tasks (/echo), it might be a bit off, but for the average user it should be spot on. In any case, this can be scripted if you really need it with the following: alias setidle { if (-> * iswm $1-) set %lastmsg. $+ $cid $ctime | return $1- }
alias myidle { return $calc($ctime - $($+(%,lastmsg.,$cid),2)) }
ON *:CONNECT:.debug -i nul setidle
- argv[0] on EFnet #mIRC - "Life is a pointer to an integer without a cast"
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I'm trying to avoid the /debug work around(It's what I'm currently using at the moment) because, for most users it's spot on. But for those same "local scripting tasks", /debug is quite commonly used as well to get raw numerics and the such.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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You could always overload your /debug and generalize it, for instance:
alias debug {
if (-i nul debug_multiplex != $1-) {
echo $color(info) -sl * /debug: do not use this command, handle the DEBUG signal event instead.
!debug $1-
alias debug_multiplex { .signal -n DEBUG $1- | return $1- }
ON *:CONNECT:.debug -i nul debug_multiplex
; Uncomment this for the standard /debug @debug behaviour.
;ON *:SIGNAL:DEBUG:window @debug | echo @debug $1-
Instead of the error, you could also intelligently wrap the new command within the SIGNAL events, allowing you to handle multiple /debug commands at a time. It wouldn't be very hard. You'd add the file/window argument to a list of outputs and just loop through those outputs in your signal event: ; inside /debug alias:
var %opts = ""
if (-* iswm $1) { %opts = $1 | tokenize 32 $2- }
if ($1 == off) {
%debug_outputs = $remtok(%debug_outputs,$2,0,32)
else {
if (i isin %opts) { echo $color(info) -sl * /debug: handle the DEBUG signal event instead. | return }
var %output = $iif($1 == on,debug.log,$1)
if (@* iswm %output) window $iif(n isin %opts,-n,) %output
%debug_outputs = $addtok(%debug_outputs,%output,32)
; add a default signal event
var %i = 1
while ($gettok(%debug_outputs,%i,32)) {
var %output = $v1
$iif(@* iswm %output,echo,write) %output $1-
inc %i
This doesn't handle some of the optional debug switches, but it should be clear how to add support for those, and not very difficult. I show the error message if -i is used, suggesting that they use the signal event instead of a custom alias. Wouldn't be that hard to support the identifier argument too, though.
- argv[0] on EFnet #mIRC - "Life is a pointer to an integer without a cast"
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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FYI, full debug multiplexer is here: ; DEBUG multiplexer
; Changes to normal /debug behaviour:
; 1. Initiating a new /debug does not end the previous debug command.
; Messages will still be sent to the old window or file.
; 2. To stop a debug logger, type /debug off <window | filename>
; Use /debug -i off <window | filename> <identifier> to stop a prior /debug -i call.
; 3. You can use ON *:SIGNAL:DEBUG: { ... } to watch for a debugging message.
alias debug {
if ($1- == -i nul debug_multiplex) { .debug $1- | return }
var %opts = ""
if (-* iswm $1) { %opts = $1 | tokenize 32 $2- }
if ($1 == off) {
set %debug_outputs. $+ $cid $remtok(%debug_outputs. [ $+ [ $cid ] ],$iif($2,$2,debug.log),0,32)
if (i isin %opts) {
set %debug_identifiers. $+ $cid $remtok(%debug_identifiers. [ $+ [ $cid ] ],$3,0,32)
else {
var %output = $iif($1 == on,debug.log,$1)
if (@* iswm %output) window $iif(n isin %opts,-n,) %output
set %debug_outputs. $+ $cid $addtok(%debug_outputs. [ $+ [ $cid ] ],%output,32)
if (i isin %opts) {
set %debug_identifiers. $+ $cid $addtok(%debug_identifiers. [ $+ [ $cid ] ],$2,32)
alias debug_multiplex { .signal -n DEBUG $1- | return $1- }
ON *:CONNECT:.debug -i nul debug_multiplex
on *:EXIT:unset %debug_outputs.* | unset %debug_identifiers.*
var %i = 1
while ($gettok(%debug_outputs. [ $+ [ $cid ] ],%i,32)) {
var %output = $v1
if (%output != nul) $iif(@* iswm %output,echo,write) %output $1-
inc %i
var %i = 1
while ($gettok(%debug_identifiers. [ $+ [ $cid ] ],%i,32)) {
var %name = $v1
if ($isalias(%name)) %name
inc %i
} Certainly not perfect, but should be workable.
- argv[0] on EFnet #mIRC - "Life is a pointer to an integer without a cast"