If you want to handle each match from the file in the specified text:
/findit this line of text would get searched
$findit(this line of text would get searched)
alias findit {
if (!%findit:lookup) {
set %findit:lookup $1-
;this assumes file.txt is in your mIRC dir
filter -fk $qt($mircdirfile.txt) findit *
var %c = %findit:count
unset %findit:*
;This is after searching is done
; %c is the total number of matches found
$iif($isid,return,echo -a Total Matches Found:) %c
elseif (!$2 && $isid && $gettok($1,1,59) isin %FindIt:lookup) {
inc %findit:count
;this is where you would handle the matches
; %FindIt:Count is the match number
; %FindIt:Lookup is the text that is being searched
; $1- is the match from the file
echo 03 :: $1-
I tested it using the contents of the file
...(repeated 10 times)
/findit I am looking for csi.miami.2.522.02 and the.mentalist.457 in my file!
Ran it 25x, found 20 matches in each search(echo'd out), then total number of matches found echo'd out
Each search with echoing taking ~.25s(ticks being inaccurate and all)