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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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Info: Windows 2003, mirc beta 7.12, on connect always get: ip address, look up method: normal.
heya, the newest beta seems to not want to stay with an IP i attempt to bind it to, instead it just seems to randomly pick any ip that is binded to the adapter and use it which is annoying.
Instead the IRC > Options > ports dialog, the bind adaptor/ip address is ticked and i typed in the ip address, i also typed it into the local section, however it still randomly picks one of its own. Inside the drop box in the ports dialog, it says " Local area connection " rather than showing the IPs which i believe is also another bug.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Is the IP address you are entering a valid IP address of one of your network adapters on your computer?
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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hi, yup it is, i can connect to the same address and still access the desktop + if i use an older 6* client, the bind is 100% flawless.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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If you test this with a clean install, placing both mirc.exe and an empty mirc.ini in an empty folder, do you still see the same issue?
I can't seem to reproduce this issue here. I have just tested this with both a valid and a random IP address, and mIRC retains whatever I enter, both when I connect/disconnect from servers, and when close/restart mIRC.
Are you running two different versions of mIRC from the same mirc.ini file?
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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yes, i downloaded 7.14, installed it fresh, opened and entered in a new ip never used, both into the same places and still same error, however this time, there are differences which i will paste.
Guest9811!sasdasd@66..xxx.xxx.61 Local host: . (unknown) info: on connect get: ip, look up normal
Guest9811!sasdasd@66.xxx.xxx.61 Local host: . (unknown) info: on connect get: ip, look up server
Guest9811!sasdasd@66.xxx.xxx.61 Local host: fdcserve-******* (66.xxx.xxx.123) Info: on connect get: host, look up normal
neither of these match the ip inside the port dialog box, which was 66.xxx.xxx.85 - it seems mirc wipes out the loca host and IP address boxes for some reason as well, except that last attempt where it filled them in with other information.
Last edited by Desolator; 14/10/10 04:35 PM.
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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no each version has its own folder and ini file settings/ips even
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I have still not been able to reproduce this issue - I think we will need to go through this step by step, so that we can pinpoint exactly where the issue is occurring. Here are the steps I am following:
1. Copy the mirc.exe from v7.14 into a new, empty folder, with no other files, scripts, or settings. 2. Create an empty mirc.ini file, with no settings, in the same folder as the mirc.exe. 3. Run mirc.exe 4. Enter a random nickname when the options/connect dialog appears. 5. Open the Options/Ports dialog. 6. Enable the "Bind to Adapter or IP Address" checkbox. 7. Enter IP address into the editbox. 8. Click the OK button. 9. Click the OK button in the Options dialog. 10. Type /server irc.efnet.org to connect to a server. 11. Once connected, type //whois $me to whois yourself. The whois reply should show your real IP address as seen by the server. 12. Type /quit to disconnect from the server. 13. Open the mirc.ini file in a text editor and check the [ports] section. The IP address should be saved correctly in both adapter= and address=. 14. Run mirc.exe again. 15. Open the Options/Ports dialog again. The IP address should still be set correctly.
If you follow the above steps, at which point do you see the issue? Please follow the above steps exactly.
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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done all as instructed. after connecting to the irc server, the issue is seen in the main numerics, On some ircds its after the MOTD on unrealircd, its seen in the 001 numeric.
The mirc.ini file did still contain both the ips correctly as the did the ports dialog, however in the local part, they were both blank. Both unrealircd and efnet returned this as whois,
asasasdsd is connecting from *@66.*.61 66.*.61
desolator is me@66.*.61 * bite desolator using irc.he.net Hurricane Electric IRC Server desolator actually using host 66.*.61
desolator is me@66.*.61 * bite desolator using efnet.xs4all.nl
and this message appears after every motd: Local host: fdcserve-* (66.*.61)
/note - i did notice the Ip remained constant between every connection, always 61, this is however the primary IP, not secondary/binded ones - /offnote
Last edited by Desolator; 15/10/10 11:49 AM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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The local details and the bind IP are separate features and are not connected in any way. Let's focus on your local details for now. What are your settings in the "local" dialog?
Also, please type the following into your status window and report the result:
//echo -a $os $version $beta $md5($mircexe,2) $file($mircexe).sig $script(0) $dll(0) $com(0)
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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2003 7.14 f0039ef62f2672aa9dbaa4c8bffe233c fail 1 0 0
hostname + ip address checked, look up method: server
both entry lines are blank
if u prefer, i can give u access to the desktop to try it yourself?
Last edited by Desolator; 15/10/10 12:58 PM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Are you using a hacked copy of mIRC? (Oops, sorry my mistake... the results are correct!)
It looks like your "local" feature is working correctly. It is looking up your details from the server, so it is the server that is providing the host and IP address that you are seeing in the local section. Is that correct?
Last edited by Khaled; 15/10/10 03:05 PM.
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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yes thats correct, its just however not the ip i bind... no its not a hacked copy since i downloaded it from the mirc site -> cnet sites.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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What kind of IP address are you binding to, is it a local adapter IP address?
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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yes i believe so however i cant say 100%, its a ded. server from a company, ive added the ips to the local connection adapter via network connections>Local area conntection>properties>internet protocol (tcp/ip) > properties > advanced > ip settings. they are ipv4 addresses
Last edited by Desolator; 15/10/10 03:27 PM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Do you have any options enabled in the "Port Range" section in the Ports dialog? If you disable the "Port Range" options, does that help?
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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ddc send,gets,chats was enabled, udp ip address ident server and dcc connections were enabled so disabled them all.
when i disbled the udp i got a message about my system not being configured, connected results as follows after editing the bind address to the one i want..
Local host: fdcserve-d5554d (66.*.85) - desolator is me@66.*.85 * bite
which is the one i entered indeed, after disconnected the local information was also updated and correct. - after closing and reopening mirc, the address still is there and connects prefectly to the binded ip.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Good to hear. So it looks like UPnP "IP Address" was the cause of the problem? If you can confirm that one more time by testing your connection with UPnP "IP Address" enabled/disabled I would appreciate it.
(Or perhaps I misread - it could be that the "Random Ports" option was the problem - if you could confirm which option is causing the issue that would be really helpful - thanks!)
Last edited by Khaled; 16/10/10 10:16 AM.
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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i cant find a consistancy, ive emailed you however. 
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Mostly harmless
Mostly harmless
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I can confirm this issue with mIRC 7.15. The only option necessary to reproduce is: Tools -> Options -> Connect -> Options -> Ports... -> "Bind to Adapter or IP address". Enter a valid local IP address or choose an adapter. After that a reconnect to previous reachable servers is not possible anymore. The only message in server window says: Send error ([10054] Connection reset by peer). Uncheck that option and (mostly) everything is fine. Establishing a DCC chat is not possible anymore without that option.