we just had a heated back and forth on IRC. things got pretty ugly:
<vrn> Jaytea: Your mom is so ugly when she uses $appstate it returns "Hiding from you"
<jaytea> your mom thinks $width() is bugged because it keeps returning 'too fat'
<jaytea> your mom looks like she hasn't triggered an on *:action: event in years
<vrn> jaytea: Your mom is so fat when she uses $fullscreen the computer becomes self-conscious
<jaytea> someone needs to teach your mom how to use $compress()
<vrn> jaytea: someone needs to teach your mom how to use $mask()
<jaytea> well your mom used /hop and crashed mirc
<jaytea> your mom has the following line in all her scripts: /* goto gym */
<Litch> Jaytea's mom is soo fat, everytime she calls $status it returns "Hungry"
<vrn> jaytea: Your mom is so fat she can /break a while loop without using the command.
do you guys have any other hilarious mIRC related 'your mom' jokes? please do share!