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#224072 05/08/10 03:31 AM
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Ebbit Offline OP
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This evening I upgraded from mIRC v6.35 to v7.1. I'm delighted by the new Unicode superpowers, but my View Logs dialog unexpectedly disappeared after I upgraded. When I click the View Logs icon or select View Logs from the Tools menu, Windows Explorer opens the folder containing my log files. A clean install of v6.35 restores the View Logs dialog, but a clean install of v7.1 continues to open the folder instead of the dialog. I'm running Windows 7, and I've never had this problem before now. Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated. I'm mystified.

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Babel fish
Babel fish
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99.9% sure this change was on purpose.

This was changed in mIRC 7.0 beta, and has stayed like that.

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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Yeah, I have to admit, I dislike this change immensely. I'm probably going to downgrade to get back the functionality, since I use it daily.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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It's funny how people differ.
Someone mentioned this change to me last week and I hadn't even used (nor needed) that functionality in over 10 years of using mIRC.
Even now there are still sometimes options or functionalities in mIRC which are new to me.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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The View Logs dialog was removed in mIRC v7.1 for two reasons: I often received comments about its non-intuitive design, and I often received emails from users who had trouble finding the folder where their log files were stored, since they wanted to access them directly.

The new behaviour gives you access to your log files directly through the Windows explorer interface. You can also search through your logs using the Windows explorer search feature by right-clicking on the folder name and selecting "Search".

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Mostly harmless
Mostly harmless
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Is there anyway the search for this might be upgraded where you can do IP searches like with the old logs. I am also having problems where I searched for a pm log but it couldn't find it due to more being behind it.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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As Khaled stated, search is now done through explorer. If you want to search for specific things in your logs that explorer's search is not good at finding, you can write a script to use $findfile or /filter to accomplish this.

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Ebbit Offline OP
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Thank you, Khaled and others, for your quick responses. Like Szantovitch, I've used the View Logs dialog nearly daily, but the first person I asked about the change had no idea what dialog I meant. mIRC is wonderful software, and it's used by many different people in many different ways.

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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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I don't like this new change either frown

Windows 7 Search isn't very good, I typed some words I know to exist but it was incapable of searching the text inside the log files. I don't really want to have to load up Windows Grep every time I need to find something.

It can't even find a simple "hello" in 8 years of Quakenet logs:

Last edited by aarste; 11/08/10 12:14 AM.
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Yeah, that's almost exactly what I tried when the responses came up to use the windows explorer. I'd have felt silly if it worked, since it'd have been there all this time. However... it doesn't work. frown

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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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I don't think a replacement should be hard to script, to be honest.


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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Originally Posted By: aarste
Windows 7 Search isn't very good, I typed some words I know to exist but it was incapable of searching the text inside the log files.

By default Windows 7 won't search the contents of .log files. You can fix this by going to Indexing Options (search the Control Panel) -> Advanced -> File Types. You'll still need to click the "File Contents" button on the actual search page unless you choose to index your log directory.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Also, you don't need to enable the index to search contents. Not sure why yours doesn't, but mine shows this:

You can also adjust your Search Options (Tools -> Folder Options -> Search) to always search file contents, even in non-indexed locations:

However, you should note that searching through an indexed directory would be extremely fast, much faster than mIRC's log viewer or Windows Grep could manage, so it's certainly recommended if you're doing a lot of log searching.

- argv[0] on EFnet #mIRC
- "Life is a pointer to an integer without a cast"
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Sorry about that, you are quite right - I had assumed that a feature as basic as searching file contents would be a part of Windows 7. It seems that Windows 7 does not search through the contents of log files, as well as many other text file types, by default. You have to make changes in the Control Panel to the "Folder Options" and "Indexing Options" settings. I have been testing this out and even after making those changes, the search feature still seems unreliable for me - it appears to use a kind of word match as opposed to a text match. Even so, I did not expect mIRC users to have to change Windows 7 settings just to be able to search through log files.

I am not too happy with the old View Logs folder in mIRC so if I add it back I will have to make some changes to it to make it simpler and clearer. In the mean time there are some really great search applications out there such as Agent Ransack which even adds a "Search" item to the Windows Explorer right-click menu for folders.

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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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On the note of a logviewer in mIRC, it would be *really* nice if we could view the logs in mIRC itself, with colour codes in effect.

Just a suggestion, although I'm not counting on it too much.


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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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If anyone wants to take a look at it, I've been working on a script to do this. It works well except if you have a lot of really large log files and you search all of them instead of limiting the search by date/channel/etc.

menu Channel,Status,Query {
  Search Logs:dialog -m LogSearch LogSearch

Dialog LogSearch {
  title "Log Search"
  size -1 -1 300 70
  option dbu

  text "Path\filename to search (wildcards accepted):",1,5 5 110 10
  edit "",2,115 4 170 10, autohs
  button "...",3,287 4 10 10

  text "Search log file(s) for (wildcards accepted):",4,5 20 110 10
  edit "",5,115 19 170 10, autohs

  button "Search",6,5 35 25 10

  text "NOTE: This is a long warning.  The full warning is in my post.",7,45 35 250 40

on *:dialog:logsearch:init:0: {
  did -ra $dname 2 $gettok($mklogfn($active),1- -2,92) $+ \

on *:dialog:logsearch:sclick:*: {
  if ($did == 3) { did -ra $dname 2 $sdir($gettok($mklogfn($active),1- -2,92) $+ \) }
  if ($did == 6) {
    var %path = $iif($right($did($dname,2),1) == \,$did($dname,2),$gettok($did($dname,2),1- -2,92))
    var %file = $iif($right($did($dname,2),1) == \,*,$gettok($did($dname,2),-1,92))
    set %i.search $did($dname,5)
    if (!$window(@LogSearch)) { window -knz @LogSearch }
    clear @LogSearch
    aline @LogSearch Search Results for * $+ %i.search $+ * :
    noop $findfile(%path,%file,0,1,ilogsearch $1-)

alias ilogsearch {
  if ($fopen(ilogsearch)) { .fclose ilogsearch }
  .fopen ilogsearch $qt($1-)
  .fseek -w ilogsearch * $+ %i.search $+ * 
  var %isearch = $fread(ilogsearch)
  while (%isearch) {
    echo @LogSearch 04 $+ $gettok($1-,-1,92) $+ : %isearch
    .fseek -w ilogsearch * $+ %i.search $+ * 
    var %isearch = $fread(ilogsearch)
  .fclose ilogsearch

I am, of course, open to suggestions to improve it (especially speed with larger log files). And, yes, output formatting can be changed. I just set this formatting up because it was quick and easy. I plan to use a nicer output format later.

Example paths:

Example searches:
how are you

Log filenames can be different based on your settings. What is shown above is just one format used as an example. Wildcards work in all formats.

Searches are done as *search item/phrase* (it puts wildcards at the beginning and end). You can include them yourself, but it isn't necessary. It will search for whole phrases or split words/phrases (like in the last example).

Warning message in the dialog box reads:
Searching for a common word/phrase may 'freeze' mIRC until finished. This may disconnect you. This is especially true if you have a lot of log files or very large log files. Try searching only specific files or use wildcards in the path\filename to limit the search. Example (if your log filenames include the date and network): c:\mirc\logs\#channel.*.2010*.log

I left it out of the code blocks so it doesn't put a long horizontal scrollbar. If you want, you can put it back into the script.

Invision Support
#Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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As Riamus pointed out, this is ridiculously easy to script.

//window @thelog | /loadbuf @thelog $logdir\thefilename.log

Searching can be done with /filter.

I don't see why it needs a builtin feature.

- argv[0] on EFnet #mIRC
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Bowl of petunias
Bowl of petunias
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Is for those that don't know how to script but want the functionality.

I personally like the log viewer as it's implemented on NoNameScript. Unfortunately this full featured script is no longer developed and it needs to be upgraded and fixed to work correctly on mIRC 7, but is by far the best full script I found.

If this kind of view can be implemented in mIRC will be awesome. And of course, let it to be changed via scripting.

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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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I'm not all that tech savy, but when I upgraded to MIRC 7.1 I found that it automatically logs all conversations? Is there a way to disable this logging feature? If I recall correctly, past versions allowed you to select whether yoiu wanted to log files or not? I'm still stuck in MS Vista:( Suggestions/HelP. Thanks

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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The options for logging have not changed. Alt-O > IRC > Logging.

Invision Support
#Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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Thanks - Didn't help much.

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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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So we should expect the "search in logs" to come back in a future version?

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Try out the public beta (7.11).

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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Sorry for Necro-ing a thread, but I just wanted to say that the new log viewer is really great. Thanks for putting it in!

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