You are correct!
Well, I believe it should be like this:
on op:text:!identify &:?:{
if ($md5($$2) !=== $ulist($address($nick,8)).info) { .msg $nick Sorry, but the password you entered doesn't match my records }
else {
var %a = 1, %b = $comchan($nick,0)
while %a <= %b {
if ($me isop $comchan($nick,%a)) && ($nick !isop $v2) { .mode $v2 +o $nick }
inc %a
Tell me what you think now...
Also, yes, the users`s IP and password are to be stored in the users list, not in a file.
The format users could be manually added with is:
op:USER`S-ADDRESS password
It would be best to use this command, if you want to add them manually yourself:
//guser op NICK PASSWORD
Where NICK = the user's nickname and PASSWORD = the password you want to give them.
Hope this helps xD