You don't need to loop for the
N of <nick> on <chan> like in the getnickidle-alias to get $nick($chan,
N).idle. You can do without that loop (and thus without that alias) by using $nick($chan,
$nick).idle right away
Regarding the kick issue, you put "($nick($chan,
$1).idle > %idletime) " which should be ($nick($chan,
$2).idle > %idletime)
Below's but a suggestion:
- added the 60s %limit local variable on top, just in case you don't set some global variable elsewhere. If you want to use "%idletime", just rename %limit to %idletime
- merged some conditions
- moved the kick-command (it will now
either msg
or kick)
- put #$3 in place of $3 in case of an omitted channel prefix
- added the case #$3 == $chan
on *:TEXT:!idle*:#uno: {
var %limit = 60
if (!$2) { msg $chan you must supply a nickname and optionally a channel. }
else {
if ((!$3) || (#$3 == $chan)) {
if ($2 ison $chan) {
var %idle = $nick($chan,$2).idle
if (($me isop $chan) && ($2 != $me) && (%idle > %limit)) { kick $chan $2 You have been idle too long! ( $+ $duration(%idle) - limit is $duration(%limit) $+ ) }
else { msg $chan $2 has been idle on $chan for $duration(%idle) $+ . }
else { msg $chan $2 is not on $chan $+ . }
elseif ($me ison #$3) {
if ($2 ison #$3) { msg $chan $2 has been idle on #$3 for $duration($nick(#$3,$2).idle) $+ . }
else { msg $chan $2 is not on #$3 $+ . }
else { msg $chan I am not on #$3 $+ . }
P.S. Try to
wrap pasted code with the [code][/code] tags