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Pikka bird
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Pikka bird
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i already did that

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Pikka bird
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Pikka bird
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well, i got a 120/10mbit fiber line , so i dont think thats the problem, anyways where do i find this mirc buffer thing ?

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Alt-O > Display I think. I don't have mIRC here to check. Just check one of the last sections in the options for buffer. Like I said, though... that probably won't be the issue if it's locking up completely rather than just freezing. argv0's comment about drivers is more likely the issue. There are times when having the newest driver is worse and vice versa.

Btw, your internet connection has nothing to do with slow downs caused by buffer or logging. Those are internal to your computer relating to RAM, hard drive, and CPU.

I still think it would help you to find out if it freezes at regular intervals or if it's random. You could time it with a watch or else run a timer script that displays every second so that you know when it stops by looking at the number of seconds. A good test would be this:

on *:start: { .timer 0 1 echo -s $!time(hh:nn:ss) }

Then, exit mIRC and start it up and leave the status window in focus. Take note of the time it starts (including seconds). It will keep showing the time every second. Leave it until it freezes and then note that time. Once it freezes, close mIRC and repeat. Do this at least a 3-4 times. Then compare the times and see if either: 1) it freezes at a specific time (such as right at XX:50:00 or whatever), or 2) if the time between when it started and the time when it locked up is the same each time.

Note that if mIRC doesn't lock up permanently, but only freezes for a short time, you should not close mIRC, but let it unfreeze on its own. Otherwise, you can close it each time you test.

If there is any common thing in your results (such as the 2 results I mentioned), post the results here. Commonality in the results will tell us that something timed is happening and will narrow down the possible causes. If it's completely random (for both results I mentioned... not just one of them), then it also helps narrow the cause down, though not as much.

Beyond that, you might also try an older version of mIRC and see if you have the same problem.

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Hoopy frood
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if 50% CPU load could cause overheating I think you have a hardware problem... even 100% CPU is not supposed to cause overheating and serious problems other then lag since it eats up all your processing power.

I still believe the problem is not mIRC or it must be something quite obscure since I haven't heard anywhere here saying "Yes I experience this too" to make it reproduceable.

and you were not downloading content using the DCC feature in mIRC either? because running many DCC's could be another piece of the puzzle.

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Pikka bird
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Pikka bird
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well im not so sure about overheating though

its watercooled

well i dced a few times yes , its nice they resueme when mirc froze
xdcc bots are realy nice speed of 2.6 MB/s with some

but somehow the freezing has cooled down , it stil freze sometimes

but does anyone knows what script it is what upp use ? for when highlighting my name i get a pm when mirc is on the back ground or a notice in the channel im active on , i realy like that part of upp also does anyone knows something like gtsdll ?, mainly for foobar

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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UPP is a script. It doesn't use scripts.

"Highlighting" your name when you have a PM is easy enough to do. It just depends what exactly you mean by highlighting. You can have a tooltip popup, you can have it show the PM in the active window. You can have all PMs go to a single window. Some of this is available right from mIRC and some you might need to use a small script to do. I'd suggest asking in the Scripts forum for help if you want a small script to do that or else checking sites like Hawkeye and Mircscripts for ones that are already done.

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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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I have this problem as well, mirc just gives me the apphangb1 thing in Windows 7 Ultimate x64. It happens when I idle for a bit and return almost always. I'm running mirc 6.35 with one script, gtsdll. The thing is for me, it only happens when I'm in Japanese locale. Works fine in US locale, as far as I know anyway.

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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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I have been experiencing this occasionally as well out of the blue on Windows 7 Ultimate x64.

I am not using any DLLs like these other guys are using. I'm using mIRC 6.35 directly from mirc.com.

I have confirmed that I have no sort of malware of any kind on the machine. I'm highly involved with doing that sort of forensic work.

The freeze is similar to what occurs whenever you force a script into an infinite loop, except the break button does not fix the issue. My issue disappears after about 20-30 seconds when mIRC decides to start responding again. It's kinda strange.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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If you have an anti-virus program (and I hope you do), check to see what, if any, kind of scan is initiated upon program access.

This is the point where your anti-virus, unless told otherwise, will perform a scan when a .exe file is opened.

I've seen some people have their anti-viruses set to do a full system scan every time a .exe file is opened. This, fairly obviously, is overkill for safety and extremely slows down the system.

Without knowing which anti-virus you have, I can't be of any more assistance regarding where to go to check/change those settings.

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Pikka bird
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Pikka bird
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seems it isnt just me realy that freeze , its realy the compactability on windows 2 and mirc, guess i should head over to kvirc or something , its a waste for the license i paid for though, but it seems you guys cant figure it out , so the other potion is for me to use a other client , i tyed it w/o scrips, and w/o foobar , wit h my pc it frreze still, and i just heart from another user it hapends the same with him to

Last edited by ShiroiTaiga; 19/03/10 12:13 AM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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It's not mIRC, or if it is, it's a conflict specific to your hardware and/or drivers. Why? Because there are a LOT of people using Windows 7 (both 32bit and 64bit) and mIRC without problems. For that reason, it's a setting on your end either in mIRC or in Windows or in some other program you are running. Or else, as mentioned, it's some hardware or driver issue.

In addition, many suggestions were given to you and you haven't responded with the results of those suggestions (such as the time between freezing that I suggested). You want people to help you and they are... but if you don't respond back with results, no one can do much for you. Troubleshooting is no good without results.

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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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A revious post by ShiroiTaiga:

only mirc is on and speedfan becuz if mirc use 50%load all nicht it can cause overheat so i have speedfan watching that

Then later on:

well im not so sure about overheating though
its watercooled


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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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And? That does not respond in any way to the majority of suggestions for troubleshooting the problem.

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#Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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I knew someone would reply with "And?" typical post ..
Your post just did the same if you want to be picky.

It suggests that the OP is lying about certain things, and that it's not mIRC at all. I'm also willing to bet that the Windows 7 copy isn't legit either. These are all factors.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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The point was that your reply to me didn't tell me anything that wasn't already known and didn't respond to what I had said in the first place. And, nowhere did I say that the OP was lying, nor do I think so. I was pointing out that the OP needs to respond to suggestions if he wants help. Why you're in here confusing the issue, I have no idea.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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To no one in particular ( you were handy, Riamus2 smile ) I am using Windows 7 64bit (validated), AMD Phenom quad core processor, 4GB ram, mIRC6.35 (registered), and several scripts of my own installed .. some that SHOULD cause freezing, but don't (at least not noticeably). I am wondering if the problem could be processor or ram related instead of mIRC or installed scripts?

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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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I SAID he was lying about a few things.
If you're getting easily confused, then something is seriously wrong. Every answer he seems to give, goes against his previous replies. It's not that hard to notice.

PS: It was a general reply in the first place, as CtrlAltDel said .. 'you were handy'

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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Can anyone verify that it works in Japanese locale in x64 Windows 7 Ultimate? That's when it crashes on my end.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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If you could answer the following questions it may help narrow down the issue:

Does this issue happen with a clean install of the official version of mIRC v6.35 from the mIRC website, with no scripts or addons? If you are using anything else, it will be impossible to track down the issue.

Are you downloading large files? If you are, your anti-virus software will freeze mIRC at the end of each download while it scans the downloaded files.

Are you connecting to the server using an SSL secure connection? If you are, does the issue still happen if you use a non-SSL connection?

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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Hi, was pointed to this thread as I have the same issue. I noticed early on that mirc would crash only when there were Japanese characters on screen. And only when the chat window was active. It doesn't always happen, but when it does, Japanese characters are on the active chat window. At first I assumed it was font or otherwise utf8 related. But as others have reported problems specifically with win7 and system locale set to Japanese, I'm now leaning towards that theory as well.

I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit and a clean official version of mIRC v6.35 (technically not anymore as I now use gtsdll, but I only got that recently and mirc was crashing prior to that). I don't download files with mirc (or at least never have when mirc has crashed) and I'm not using a SSL connection. Before Win7, I was using 32bit Win XP with system locale set to Japanese and this sort of crash never happened.

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