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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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<nick-1> !Add alpha -nick-2- You are in the Alpha group <nick-1> !groups <nick-2> Group Alpha 1 users <nick-2> Group Beta 0 users <nick-1> !Add beta -nick-2- You are in the Beta group <nick-1> !groups <nick-2> Group Alpha 0 users <nick-2> Group Beta 1 users on $69:text:$(/^[!](groups)$/Si):#: {
if $regml(1) = groups { msg # Group Alpha $numtok(%alpha,32) users | msg # Group Beta $numtok(%beta,32) users }
on *:text:*:#:{
if $strip($1) = !add && !$3 {
if $strip($2) = alpha {
if $istok(%beta,$nick,32) { set %beta $remtok(%beta,$nick,1,32) }
if !$istok(%alpha,$nick,32) {
set %alpha $addtok(%alpha,$nick,32)
notice $nick You are in the Alpha group
elseif $strip($2) = beta {
if $istok(%alpha,$nick,32) { set %alpha $remtok(%alpha,$nick,1,32) }
if !$istok(%beta,$nick,32) {
set %beta $addtok(%beta,$nick,32)
notice $nick You are in the Beta group
else { msg # Group nonexistent. Use: !group }
} Thanks!!!
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Suggestion: on *:text:*:#:{
tokenize 32 $strip($1-)
if ($1 == !add) {
if $istok(alpha beta,$2,32) {
var %temp = $iif($2 == alpha,beta,alpha)
set $+(%,%temp) $remtok($($+(%,%temp),2),$iif($3,$3,$nick),1,32)
var %temp = $iif(%temp == alpha,beta,alpha)
set $+(%,%temp) $addtok($($+(%,%temp),2),$iif($3,$3,$nick),32)
else { msg # Group nonexistent. Use: !group alpha or !group beta }
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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RusselB, I'm not 100% sure about that suggestion... If I may,...
on *:text:*:#:{
tokenize 32 $strip($1-)
if ($1 == !add) {
if !$istok(alpha beta,$2,32) {
msg # Group nonexistent. Use: !group alpha or !group beta
var %temp = % $+ $iif($2 == alpha,beta,alpha)
var %nick = $iif($3,$3,$nick)
set $+(%temp) $remtok($(%temp,2),%nick,1,32)
%temp = % $+ $2
set $+(%temp) $addtok($(%temp,2),%nick,32)
Optimize for... speed, or size?
alias init_commands {
hmake commands
hadd commands !add cmd_add
hadd commands !groups cmd_groups
hmake commands_add
hadd commands_add alpha cmd_add_alpha
hadd commands_add beta cmd_add_beta
hmake alpha
hmake beta
alias cmd_add {
if ($hget(commands_add,$1)) {
else {
msg # Group nonexistent. Use: !group
alias cmd_groups {
msg # Group Alpha $hget(alpha,0).item users
msg # Group Beta $hget(beta,0).item users
alias cmd_add_alpha {
if $hget(beta,$nick) { hdel beta $nick }
; you could store other data here...
hadd alpha $nick $true
alias cmd_add_beta {
if $hget(alpha,$nick) { hdel alpha $nick }
; you could store other data here...
hadd beta $nick $true
on 1:LOAD: { init_commands }
on 1:START: { init_commands }
on *:text:*:#:{
if ($3) { return }
if ($hget(commands,$strip($1))) { $v1 $strip($2) }
Last edited by s00p; 09/11/09 10:11 AM.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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I hope you've read my previous message. Here's the next step to reducing needless whitespacing:
on *:text:*:#:{
tokenize 32 $strip($1-)
if ($1 != !add) {
else if !$istok(alpha beta,$2,32) {
msg # Group nonexistent. Use: !group alpha or !group beta
var %temp = % $+ $iif($2 == alpha,beta,alpha)
var %nick = $iif($3,$3,$nick)
set $+(%temp) $remtok($(%temp,2),%nick,1,32)
%temp = % $+ $2
set $+(%temp) $addtok($(%temp,2),%nick,32)
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Your latest suggestion requires the first word to be !add, yet if the 2nd word isn't alpha or beta, the outgoing message says to use !group
Thus following the format from the outgoing message, the initial command would never be executed, since !add != !group
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Correct. That's the same behaviour as your suggestion.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Opps.. my mistake and my apologies.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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<any_nick> !Add alpha -Your_Bot- You are in the Alpha group <any_nick> !groups <Your_Bot> [Group] Alpha 1 users [Group] Beta 0 users <any_nick> !Add beta -Your_Bot- You are in the Beta group <any_nick> !groups <Your_Bot> [Group] Alpha 0 users [Group] Beta 1 users on $*:text:/^!groups$/iS:#:msg # [Group] Alpha $numtok(%alpha,32) users [Group] Beta $numtok(%beta,32) users
on $*:text:/^!add\b/iS:#:{
tokenize 32 $strip($1-)
if $istok(alpha beta,$2,32) {
set $+(%,$2) $addtok($($+(%,$2),2),$nick,32)
var %2 = $iif($2 == alpha,beta,alpha)
set $+(%,%2) $remtok($($+(%,%2),2),$nick,1,32)
notice $nick You are in the $2 group
else { msg # Group nonexistent. Use: !add alpha or !add beta }
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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on $*:text:/^!groups$/iS:#:msg # [Group] Alpha $numtok(%alpha,32) users [Group] Beta $numtok(%beta,32) users
on $*:text:/^!add\b/iS:#:{
tokenize 32 $strip($1-)
; remove the else branch, since you can expect it not to be executed most of the time.
var %g1, %g2
if ($2 == alpha || $2 == beta) {
goto $2
msg # Group nonexistent. Use: !add alpha or !add beta
set %alpha $addtok(%alpha,$nick,32)
set %beta $remtok(%beta,$nick,1,32)
goto end
set %alpha $remtok(%alpha,$nick,1,32)
set %beta $remtok(%beta,$nick,32)
goto end
notice $nick You are in the $2 group
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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on $*:text:/^!add\b/iS:#:{
var %g $strip($2)
$iif(!$3 && (%g == alpha || %g == beta),goto %g)
msg # Group nonexistent. Use: !add alpha or !add beta
%alpha = $addtok(%alpha,$nick,32)
%beta = $remtok(%beta,$nick,1,32)
goto end
%beta = $addtok(%beta,$nick,32)
%alpha = $remtok(%alpha,$nick,1,32)
notice $nick You are in the %g group
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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<nick_one> !Add alpha -Your_Bot- You are in the Alpha group <any_nick> !group <Your_Bot> [Group] Alpha 1 users [Group] Beta 0 users <nick_one> !Add beta -Your_Bot- You are in the Beta group <any_nick> !groups <Your_Bot> [Group] Alpha 0 users [Group] Beta 1 users on $*:text:/^!add (alpha|beta)$/iS:#:{
var %g $regml(1)
notice $nick You are in the %g group
set $+(%,%g) $addtok($($+(%,%g),2),$nick,32)
%g = $iif(%g = alpha,beta,alpha)
set $+(%,%g) $remtok($($+(%,%g),2),$nick,1,32)
on $*:text:/^!add\b/iS:#:msg # Invalid Parameters. Use: !add alpha or !add beta
on $*:text:/^!group(s)?$/iS:#:msg # [Group] Alpha $numtok(%alpha,32) users [Group] Beta $numtok(%beta,32) users
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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gooshie, why another two text events when you can do: on *:text:*:#:{
if ($strip($1) == !add) && (!$istok(alpha beta,$strip($2),32)) {
msg # Invalid Parameters. Use: !add alpha or !add beta
if ($regex($1-,/^!(add) (alpha|beta)$/iS)) {
var %g $regml(2)
notice $nick You are in the %g group
set $+(%,%g) $addtok($($+(%,%g),2),$nick,32)
%g = $iif(%g = alpha,beta,alpha)
set $+(%,%g) $remtok($($+(%,%g),2),$nick,1,32)
if ($regex($1-,/^!group(s)?$/iS)) {
msg # [Group] Alpha $numtok(%alpha,32) users [Group] Beta $numtok(%beta,32) users
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Didn't you listen to my lecture on excess tabbing? Your solution goes about doing the same comparison twice in an incredibly inefficient manner. Please don't insult gooshie like that. Here's my suggestion for improvement:
alias alpha {
set %alpha $addtok(%alpha,$nick,32)
set %beta $remtok(%beta,$nick,1,32)
alias beta {
set %alpha $remtok(%alpha,$nick,1,32)
set %beta $addtok(%beta,$nick,32)
on $*:text:/^!add (alpha|beta)$/iS:#:{
var %g $regml(1)
notice $nick You are in the %g group
on $*:text:/^!add\b/iS:#:msg # Invalid Parameters. Use: !add alpha or !add beta
on $*:text:/^!group(s)?$/iS:#:msg # [Group] Alpha $numtok(%alpha,32) users [Group] Beta $numtok(%beta,32) users
Last edited by s00p; 16/11/09 01:30 PM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Please don't insult gooshie like that. Excuse me, s00p. Please don't be melodramatic. Insult is too strong of a word for me to begin with. I was just offering my take on it. You sound, to me, as if one should feel insulted to post against another person's suggestion. For God's sake, this is a learning forum where people are free to give it a shot with their ideas.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Tomao asked, "why another two text events..." Answer: Because compared to your example it is six lines shorter, over a hundred bytes smaller and only triggers on what it should. would this be better? on $*:text:/^!(add\b|groups?\b) ?(alpha\b|beta\b)?/giS:#:{
var %c $regml(1),%g $regml(2)
if !$3 && %g && %c = add {
notice $nick You are in the %g group
set $+(%,%g) $addtok($($+(%,%g),2),$nick,7)
%g = $iif(%g = alpha,beta,alpha)
set $+(%,%g) $remtok($($+(%,%g),2),$nick,1,7)
elseif %c = add { msg # Invalid Parameters. Use: !add alpha or !add beta }
elseif !$2 { msg # [Group] Alpha $numtok(%alpha,7) users [Group] Beta $numtok(%beta,7) users }
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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s00p on $*:text:/^!add (alpha|beta)$/iS:#:notice $nick You are in the $regml(1) group | $regml(1)
on $*:text:/^!add\b/iS:#:msg # Invalid Parameters. Use: !add alpha or !add beta
on $*:text:/^!groups?$/iS:#:msg # [Group] Alpha $numtok(%alpha,7) users [Group] Beta $numtok(%beta,7) users
alias alpha %alpha = $addtok(%alpha,$nick,7) | %beta = $remtok(%beta,$nick,1,7)
alias beta %alpha = $remtok(%alpha,$nick,1,7) | %beta = $addtok(%beta,$nick,7)
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Two more methods using hash tables: on $*:text:/^!(add\b|groups?\b) ?(alpha\b|beta\b)?/giS:#:{
var %g $regml(2)
if !$3 && $regml(1) = add && %g {
hadd -m %g $nick
notice $nick You are in the %g group
%g = $iif(%g = alpha,beta,alpha)
$iif($hget(%g),hdel %g $nick)
elseif ($regml(1) = add) msg # Invalid Parameters. Use: !add alpha or !add beta
elseif (!$2) msg # [Group] Alpha $hget(alpha,0).item users [Group] Beta $hget(beta,0).item users
} Smaller and more precise: on $*:text:/^!add (alpha|beta)$/iS:#:{
var %g $regml(1)
hadd -m %g $site
notice $nick You are in the %g group
%g = $iif(%g = alpha,beta,alpha)
$iif($hget(%g),hdel %g $site)
on $*:text:/^!add\b/iS:#:msg # Invalid Parameters. Use: !add alpha or !add beta
on $*:text:/^!groups?$/iS:#:msg # [Group] Alpha $hget(alpha,0).item users [Group] Beta $hget(beta,0).item users
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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s00p on $*:text:/^!add (alpha|beta)$/iS:#:notice $nick You are in the $regml(1) group | $regml(1)
on $*:text:/^!add\b/iS:#:msg # Invalid Parameters. Use: !add alpha or !add beta
on $*:text:/^!groups?$/iS:#:msg # [Group] Alpha $numtok(%alpha,7) users [Group] Beta $numtok(%beta,7) users
alias alpha %alpha = $addtok(%alpha,$nick,7) | %beta = $remtok(%beta,$nick,1,7)
alias beta %alpha = $remtok(%alpha,$nick,1,7) | %beta = $addtok(%beta,$nick,7) 'smaller' isn't always 'more optimal'.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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would this be better?on $*:text:/^!add (alpha|beta)$/iS:#:{
if $regml(1) = beta { %alpha = $remtok(%alpha,$nick,1,7) | %beta = $addtok(%beta,$nick,7) }
else { %alpha = $addtok(%alpha,$nick,7) | %beta = $remtok(%beta,$nick,1,7) }
notice $nick You are in the $regml(1) group
on $*:text:/^!add\b/iS:#:msg # Invalid Parameters. Use: !add alpha or !add beta
on $*:text:/^!groups?$/iS:#:msg # [Group] Alpha $numtok(%alpha,7) users [Group] Beta $numtok(%beta,7) users