With "timed intervals"; do you mean for example "every two hours"?
If yes, a basic example would be:
alias MyTimer {
if ($1 == off) { .timerMyTimer off }
else { .timerMyTimer 0 $duration(2h) if ($me ison #somechannel) msg #somechannel <My Message> }
"/MyTimer" will start the timer, "/MyTimer off" will stop it.
The alias can be called in your bot by events, e.g. a trigger ("on text"), or "on start", or "on me:*:join:#somechannel" ...
If instead you want to message at specific, fixed times/days of the week, maybe
this thread (i.e. the script in my last post there) is of help.
In case neither is what you have in mind, provide an example please