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#211826 02/05/09 01:32 AM
Joined: May 2009
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aresvip Offline OP
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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alias wc_close wc_cleanup
alias wc_quit wc_out QUIT $iif($0,: $+ $1-)
alias wc_out {
  if ($sock(wc) == $null) return
  if ($window(@wc_debug)) echo 10 -ti2 @wc_debug >> $1-
  sockwrite -n wc* $1-
alias wc_debug {
  /window -el15 @wc_debug
  /aline -l 09 @wc_debug _______________
  /aline -l 0 @wc_debug ± Actions ±
  /aline -l 15 @wc_debug Connect
  /aline -l 15 @wc_debug Join
  /aline -l 15 @wc_debug Register
  /aline -l 09 @wc_debug ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
  if ($_online) titlebar @wc_debug - Nick: $_me
  else titlebar @wc_debug - Disconnected
alias -l wc_cleanup {
  if ($window(@wc_debug)) titlebar @wc_debug - Disconnected
  sockclose wc
  .disable #wc_connecting
  .timer 1 0 unset %wc_me
  .signal -n wceDISCONNECT

alias -l wc_nick return $read(nicks.txt)
alias -l wc_nick2 return $read(nicks.txt)
alias -l wc_user return $read(nicks.txt)
alias -l wc_realname return $read(nicks.txt)

alias _getnick return $gettok($_strip:($1),1,33)
alias _getuser return $gettok($gettok($1,2,33),1,64)
alias _gethost return $gettok($1,2,64)
alias _strip: return $iif(:* iswm $1,$right($1,-1),$1)
alias _me if ($isid) return %wc_me | set %wc_me $$1 | if ($window(@wc_debug)) titlebar @wc_debug - Nick: %wc_me
alias _online return $iif($sock(wc),$true,$false)
alias blast { 
  set %line 0
  set %l 0
  echo -a Loading $lines(pr0x.txt) Proxy Clones
  ;.enable #wc_connecting

alias nicks {
  if ( %l == $lines(nicks.txt) ) { var %l 0 }
  else {
    inc %l 1
    set %nick $gettok($read(nicks.txt, %line),1,32)

alias blast2 {
  if ( %line == $lines(pr0x.txt) ) { halt }
  else {
    inc %line 1
    sockopen wc $+ $gettok($read(pr0x.txt, %line),1,32) $+ $rand(1,100) $+ $rand(1,100) $gettok($read(pr0x.txt, %line),1,32) 23

on *:sockopen:wc*: { 
  if ($sockerr) {
    return $wc_cleanup
    echo -s Dead Socket Detected On: $sock($sockname).ip
  else {
    sockwrite -n wc* OPEN 6667
    wc_out NICK $read(nicks.txt)
    wc_out USER $read(nicks.txt) "" "" : $read(nicks.txt)
on *:sockread:wc*:{
  if ($sockerr) return $wc_cleanup
  var %badpass
  sockread %badpass
  var %t
  while ($sock(wc).rq) {
    sockread %t | tokenize 32 %t
    if ($sockbr == 0) return
    if ($window(@wc_debug)) echo 11 -ti2 @wc_debug << $1-
    if ($1 == PING) wc_out PONG $2-
    else .signal -n wce_ $+ $2 $1-
  if ( lost. isin %badpass ) {
    echo -s $sock($sockname).ip Died.
    sockclose $sockname
  if ( password isin %badpass ) {
    echo -s Passworded: $sock($sockname).ip
    sockclose $sockname

  else { return }
on *:input:@wc_debug:{
  if ($left($1,1) == $readini($mircini,text,commandchar)) && (!$ctrlenter) return
  wc_out $1-
on *:sockwrite:wc:if ($sockerr) return $wc_cleanup
on *:sockclose:wc:return $wc_cleanup
on *:signal:wce_NICK:if ($_getnick($1) == $_me) _me $_strip:($3)
on *:signal:wce_PRIVMSG:{
  if (:ACTION * iswm $4-) .signal -n wceACTION $1 ACTION $3 $left($5-,-1)
  elseif (:* iswm $4-) .signal -n wceCTCP $1 CTCP $3 $mid($_strip:($4-),2,-1)
  else .signal -n wceTEXT $1 TEXT $3 $_strip:($4-)
on *:signal:wce_NOTICE:{
  if (:* iswm $4-) .signal -n wceCTCPREPLY $1 CTCPREPLY $3 $mid($_strip:($4-),2,-1)
  elseif (. isin $_getnick($1)) .signal -n wceSNOTICE $1 SNOTICE $3 $_strip:($4-)
  else .signal -n wceNOTICE $1 NOTICE $3 $_strip:($4-)

#wc_connecting off
on *:signal:wce_433:wc_out NICK $nicks
on *:signal:wce_422:wc_connected $3
on *:signal:wce_376:wc_connected $3
alias -l wc_connected {
  _me $1
  .disable #wc_connecting
  .signal -n wceCONNECT
#wc_connecting end

this wont seem to work for me they connect but theres no debug or they wont actually connect to the server what have i done wrong

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Sorry, I don't think you will get much help for proxy drone scripts here.

At least you gave it an honest try.

- argv[0] on EFnet #mIRC
- "Life is a pointer to an integer without a cast"
argv0 #211828 02/05/09 02:11 AM
Joined: May 2009
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aresvip Offline OP
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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its not for war purposes it for a socket bot chatroom, a bunch of ai socket bots that talk to each other, thats just the connection script i made it myself

Last edited by aresvip; 02/05/09 02:11 AM.
Joined: Oct 2003
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Oct 2003
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Given that you're using random open proxies I find it hard to believe such an explanation.

In any case, flooding or not, this script violates many policies such as the illegal use of proxies (I'll take a wild guess and say you have authorization to use none of them) and bypassing/evading network rules like clone limits (which I'm guessing is your reason for the proxies). We will not help you violate network policies or use people's connections without authorization.

We will help you with the AI part of your script, if you'd like.

- argv[0] on EFnet #mIRC
- "Life is a pointer to an integer without a cast"
argv0 #211833 02/05/09 03:09 AM
Joined: May 2009
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aresvip Offline OP
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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the ai works fine and no they arent just random proxies they are bncs that i havent set no password for.

ai script is fine and works fine im not just some leecher coming here to get help with war tools, i just need some help to outline my problem and ill do it myself

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aresvip Offline OP
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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fixed myself

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