I was looking at making this kind of script where i can use a certain kind of command (such as ^msg - not !) for a game i play and we have this server hooked up to irc echo which im an admin on so if i use @^hi <name> it would send that message in that channel. @ being the command which is used for admin chat.
I was trying to make it out of this script that a former admin made but it was to hard for me even to figure out what to do
on *:TEXT:!unbanlast:#chan.echo:{
msg $chan !lastban
set %fwhere IRC
set %fwho $nick
/set %askIP true
That was the command i was gonna make it out of but don't think it would work anyways.
The server echo's the admin chat in the channel for halfop and plus (%, @, & etc) and would look like this in the channel:
<%gamebotname> *** Admin GameName (ID:??):
So if i wanted to send a msg into that echo channel it would look like:
<%gamebotname> *** Admin GameName (ID:??): ^hi there
and then my bot would see it and send the msg to echo like:
<name> hi there
Thats it, It probs sounds hard by the way i'v explained it but i tried to explain it the best i could.
Other mods and admins have this kind of thing but wont give me the script

Anyways if you can help me i will be very greatful.