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#20679 24/04/03 03:07 AM
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keeker Offline OP
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Fjord artisan
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have another little problem, the network i am on uses ! as a symbol for "protected users" (can only be kicked/banned/deopped by chanserv). By Default this is restricted to SOPS and Founders....which is the way we use it. in the nick list it will who like:

now i was wondering, is there a way to get mirc to respond only to people with ! as thier symbol? like for text events tht i want to limit only to sops and above? when we join a channel, chanserv sets the mode +a.

i hope this made sense....maybe i should use the built in levels in mirc

does any of this make sense?

keek: Scots - intr.v. keeked, keek·ing, keeks
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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i was wondering the same thing ..... is there a way to loop thru a nicklist and only include users with specific modes ..... aside from o v and h ..... because several like u say do include different symbols for protected users ..... a protected user is mode +a but if u try to loop thru a $nick($chan,%n,a) that returns every user in the channel ////// also how to find a +q users or owner of a channel? i dont think u can do q as a mode scan ........ it would be nice to have these mode scans implemented

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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if $nick(#,$nick,!) { do stuff }

You can also loop through the users with a specified prefix by checking $nick(chan,N,prefix letter/symbol).

See this post for more info.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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id like to have support added tho for say loking for a specific mode say ur looking for all protected users and they dont set a prefix for it in the server setup ....... u need to loop thru all the nicks in the nicklist for ppl with mode a ..... u cant use mode a as uve showed in ur example as that returns every user in the room ...... which gets alil confussing if u can loop thru looking for q already even if its not listed in the help file???

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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It's possible as long as mIRC can reognize them somehow. If they don't have any special mode symbol it's a problem.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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yes thats what im getting at ..... maybe there should be a way to get the mode prefix regardless of any symbol ..... something like $nick($chan,N,MODELETER).mode to force it to scan for a mode and not the defualt letters

example u want to scan for +a users in channel


currently u cannot do that and specifying the a gives u all users in the channel

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Maybe I didn't get your point (the structure of your posts doesn't help much to that either) but, what are you talking about?

mirc has support for non-standard modes, by allowing you to use the mode prefix symbol instead of the letter in $nick(). For example, to get the 2nd op in a channel you can either use
So, if there is a mode +a, which would possibly conflict with mirc's special "a", just use the respective symbol for +a (which could be ! or * or anything, depending on the ircd).

Now, if you're talking about the case where "a" isn't represented by a mode symbol then there's nothing for mirc to do: it's the ircd's fault that didn't correctly supply the PREFIX= token in 005. However, even in this case, I do believe (without having tested it) that if "a" is included in PREFIX, it overrides the default special meaning for "all".

Last edited by qwerty; 24/04/03 08:03 AM.

/.timerQ 1 0 echo /.timerQ 1 0 $timer(Q).com
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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ok maybe ur not following the entire discussion or u dont understand my format ... whatever the case may be it looks like u read the last post i made without reading the previous

ill break it down like this ......
mode +a is protection on a nick ...... yet MOSt servers have no mode prefix for this MEANING there IS NO symbol
so to scan for an a in the loop DOES NOT work , it returns ALL users ..... since im simply repeating myself AGAIN to you for not following the discussion and feeling u have to slam me for my format well maybe u can undertand all that

thats why im asking that there possibly be a separate identifier in there to FORCE it to scan for a +a in the chan usermode ...... now how much more clearly can i say this to u? i figured the simple example along with reading ALL of the posts in the thread it should speak for itself ...... but alas some ppl dont read things thoroughly ...... I do hope u understand now

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I think......qwerty meant......that your posts.....are very difficult....to read....because of all the.....'s :tongue:

Never compare yourself to others - they're more screwed up than you think.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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and how does that go from my posting skills being terrible in his opinion to him not understanding plain simple english?? I really dont care if he doesnt like all the ........ in my posts or not ..... the simple fact is im carrying from ONE post to the SECOND post like its a conversation ..... he mainly was asking like he thought EVERY single post should then post a full explanation of the ordeal ....... when in actuallity if he had read the posts from start to finifh it is a complete thought.......
and if u dont like my posts with all the ........... then DONT reply to em and i wont reply to your nonsense as well qwerty.

i dont think anyone else who cant figure out how to find options or other stuff inside there mirc has a hard problem understanding my posts infact they even say TY ...... i find it hard to believe someone who posts things showing alot more intellect than they do as far as his use of regex and hashtables ...... that this intellect cant understand a post that someone who cant understand how to change thier font can?? i mean correct me if im wrong here but if a moron can understand me and u cant ...... what exactly does that make u?

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I see what you mean now. +a belongs to type A modes, but without a prefix. Apparently, I was off-topic, thinking that you meant type A modes with a prefix which was just not listed in PREFIX=, so I apologize for wasting your time explaining it to me.

Oh, and I did read the entire thread first, exactly because I didn't get your point. You can accuse me of being slow, but not of reading nothing but the last post :tongue:. I didn't "slam" you for that though; I always thought that the way you write is annoying and hard to read.

/.timerQ 1 0 echo /.timerQ 1 0 $timer(Q).com
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Easy there tiger. What just happened is called "misunderstanding". I never said I was sure of what you were talking about, nor that it is nonsense. I even started my first reply with "Maybe I didn't get your point...". You need to relax a bit and not resort to insults and questioning somebody's intellect.

/.timerQ 1 0 echo /.timerQ 1 0 $timer(Q).com
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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yer, i'm the only one who is allowed to do that! \o/

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Returns Nth nickname in the channels nickname listbox on channel #.

Properties: color,pnick, idle

The pnick property returns the nickname in a [email].@%+nick[/email] format.
on *:text:*:#your_channel: {
if ( !* iswm ($chan,$nick,a).pnick ) {

on *:rawmode:#your_channel: { if ( $1 == +a ) .auser channelowner $adress($2,5) } 
on channelowner:part:#your_channel: { .ruser $adress($nick,5) }
on channelowner:quit:: { .ruser $adress($nick,5) }
on channelowner:nick: { .ruser $adress($nick,5) | .auser $adress($newnick,5) }

on channelowner:text:#your_channel: say $nick is lewZer?

I think these should work?

//if ( khaled isgod ) echo yes | else echo no
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keeker Offline OP
Fjord artisan
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Fjord artisan
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thanks theRat, your suggestion, is just the one i was looking for!!

keek: Scots - intr.v. keeked, keek·ing, keeks
To peek; peep.

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