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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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Hello mIRC Geniuses,
I want to set up a script so that when, lets say, someone needs me they can say !request and it will send a text to my phone saying "Username Needs you".
I think I can figure everything out up to the texting part. I know someone programmed a bot in perl to do that, and I am just wondering if it's available in mIRC.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Technically it might be possible, but it is, somewhat, dependent on the methods that messages can be sent to your cell phone. Eg: I can't set up mIRC to send a text message to my cell phone using my provider's website, due to the fact that the messaging system from the website requires an authorization code, which is generated at the time of the message to be sent. You've probably seen the type of thing I'm talking about where there's a sequence of letters and numbers that have to be entered, but they are shown to you as a picture, so you can't just copy & paste the code. However, my provider does support messages sent to my phone using an e-mail format of myphonenum@provider.com and mIRC can be set up to send messages like that, using something like /url -n mailto:email.address@provider.com?subject=Subject with the ?subject=Subject being optional.
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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Another excellent method is using AIM, which I've seen a few web projects starting to use. You'd have to login to AIM, much like you'd have to login to an email server to send an email, but it's another option as well if you want full automation.
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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Both of these idea's sound great.
Memo, I would love to attempt yours if you explain how to do it a little more.
Russle, I did try the email thing. Everything works for it, except someone needs to manually hit send. Is there any way that your aware of to automatically send the message?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I've seen topics that refer to an alias called sendkeys While I don't understand how it works, this is the one recently posted by Horstl alias -l sendkeys { .comopen a WScript.Shell | .comclose a $com(a,SendKeys,3,*bstr,$$1-) } Maybe he can explain how it works, or make other comments on it. I had it working with a script, but due to losses occured due to hard drive crash, that was one of a few codes that I lost.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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This alias just simulate the keyboard, /sendkey %r would simulate alt + r (% is alt) and open the mirc script editor (if mirc is active)
#mircscripting @ irc.swiftirc.net == the best mIRC help channel
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Make a socket script that connect to your SMTP server and sends the message. SMTP is very easy to use (S = Simple), so it should be easy to create a script to send an email. In fact, I happen to have one that I made a long time ago:
alias sendmail {
set %sndmail.smtpserver your.smtp.server.com
set %sndmail.smtpport 25
set %sndmail.debug $true
;------ SET THESE VALUES THEN CALL /sendmail -----
set %sndmail.fromaddress from@address.com
set %sndmail.toaddress to@address.com
set %sndmail.subject This is the email subject
set %sndmail.body This is the email body
set %sndmail.logfile $+(maillog.,$asctime(dd.mm.yyyy),.txt)
set %sndmail.state 1
if ($sock(sendmail)) sockclose sendmail
write %sndmail.logfile # Connect Attempt to %sndmail.smtpserver $+ : %sndmail.smtpport
sockopen sendmail %sndmail.smtpserver %sndmail.smtpport
on *:sockread:sendmail:{
var %temptext
sockread %temptext
tokenize 32 %temptext
write %sndmail.logfile $asctime(HH:nn:ss) -> $1-
if ((%sndmail.state == 1) && ($1 == 220)) {
mailsockwrite HELO localhost
maildebug 220 -> HELO
inc %sndmail.state
elseif ((%sndmail.state == 2) && ($1 == 250)) {
mailsockwrite MAIL From: $+ %sndmail.fromaddress
maildebug 250 -> MAIL
inc %sndmail.state
elseif ((%sndmail.state == 3) && ($1 == 250)) {
mailsockwrite RCPT To: $+ %sndmail.toaddress
maildebug 250 -> RCPT
inc %sndmail.state
elseif ((%sndmail.state == 4) && ($1 == 250)) {
mailsockwrite DATA
maildebug 250 -> DATA
inc %sndmail.state
elseif ((%sndmail.state == 5) && ($1 == 354)) {
mailsockwrite Subject: %sndmail.subject
mailsockwrite $crlf
mailsockwrite %sndmail.body
mailsockwrite .
maildebug 354 -> SEND
inc %sndmail.state
elseif ((%sndmail.state == 6) && ($1 == 250)) {
mailsockwrite QUIT
maildebug 250 -> QUIT
inc %sndmail.state
elseif ((%sndmail.state == 7) && ($1 == 221)) {
sockclose $sockname
maildebug 221 ** DONE
unset %sndmail.*
elseif ((%sndmail.state < 0) && ($1 == 221)) {
sockclose $sockname
maildebug 221 ** DONE
unset %sndmail.*
else {
mailsockwrite QUIT
maildebug -> QUIT
maildebug ** 4ERROR: $1-
set %sndmail.state -1
alias mailsockwrite {
sockwrite -n $sockname $1-
write %sndmail.logfile $asctime(HH:nn:ss) <- $1-
alias maildebug { if (%sndmail.debug) echo 3 -at $1- }
Change the variables at the top to match your server/email settings, then call /sendmail You can disable the debug echos by changing %sndmail.debug to $false. This code can only send 1 email at a time, so you must add your own code to ensure it isn't called a second time before it has finished the first time. The code logs all SMTP traffic to daily logfiles. -genius_at_work
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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Thank you for the script A few questions. Should that code go in the Alias section. Then I made this in the remote section: on 300:TEXT:!report buffer:#:{ /msg $chan Reporting Bad video buffer to Dylan, $nick | /sendmail } Second, in this part: ;------ SET THE SERVER SETTINGS ------
set %sndmail.smtpserver your.smtp.server.com
set %sndmail.smtpport 25
set %sndmail.debug $true
Is that doable for something like gmail? Where would I put the username/password in? Thanks much
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Question for Geneious at Work,
What if your Email provider wanted to use SMTP Authentication,
Then how would you edit your script to reflect this, logging in with a username/password combo?
Thanks in advance,
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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SMTP with authentication:
alias sendmail {
if (%sndmail.busy) {
echo -a Already sending. Try again later.
return -1
set %sndmail.busy 1
;------ SERVER SETTINGS ------
set %sndmail.smtpserver smtp.server.com
set %sndmail.smtpport 25
set %sndmail.doauth $true
set %sndmail.authuser smtp_auth_username
set %sndmail.authpass smtp_auth_password
set %sndmail.debug $true
;------ SET THESE VALUES THEN CALL /sendmail -----
set %sndmail.fromaddress from@address.com
set %sndmail.toaddress to@address.com
set %sndmail.subject This is the subject
set %sndmail.body This is the body
set %sndmail.logfile $+(maillog.,$asctime(dd.mm.yyyy),.txt)
set %sndmail.state 1
if ($sock(sendmail)) sockclose sendmail
write %sndmail.logfile # Connect Attempt to %sndmail.smtpserver $+ : %sndmail.smtpport
sockopen sendmail %sndmail.smtpserver %sndmail.smtpport
on *:sockread:sendmail:{
var %temptext
sockread %temptext
tokenize 32 %temptext
;echo 2 -a %sndmail.state > $1-
.timersmtp 1 5 mailsockclose $sockname
write %sndmail.logfile $asctime(HH:nn:ss) -> $1-
if ((%sndmail.state == 1) && ($1 == 220)) {
mailsockwrite EHLO localhost
maildebug 220 -> EHLO (Introduce ourselves)
%sndmail.state = 2
elseif ((%sndmail.state == 2) && ($left($1,4) == 250-)) {
; Do nothing
elseif ((%sndmail.state == 2) && ($1 == 250)) {
if (%sndmail.doauth) {
mailsockwrite AUTH LOGIN
maildebug 250 -> AUTH LOGIN (Begin authentication)
%sndmail.state = 3
else {
mailsockwrite MAIL From: $+ %sndmail.fromaddress
maildebug 250 -> MAIL (Auth OK; Specify FROM address)
%sndmail.state = 6
elseif ((%sndmail.state == 3) && ($1 == 334)) {
mailsockwrite $encode(%sndmail.authuser,m)
maildebug 334 -> $encode(%sndmail.authuser,m) (Send Base64 encoded username)
%sndmail.state = 4
elseif ((%sndmail.state == 4) && ($1 == 334)) {
mailsockwrite $encode(%sndmail.authpass,m)
maildebug 334 -> $encode(%sndmail.authpass,m) (Send Base64 encoded password)
%sndmail.state = 5
elseif ((%sndmail.state == 5) && ($1 == 535)) {
mailsockwrite QUIT
maildebug 535 -> QUIT (Auth failed; Disconnect)
%sndmail.state = -1
elseif ((%sndmail.state == 5) && ($1 == 235)) {
mailsockwrite MAIL From: $+ %sndmail.fromaddress
maildebug 250 -> MAIL (Auth OK; Specify FROM address)
%sndmail.state = 6
elseif ((%sndmail.state == 6) && ($1 == 250)) {
mailsockwrite RCPT To: $+ %sndmail.toaddress
maildebug 250 -> RCPT (Specify TO address)
%sndmail.state = 7
elseif ((%sndmail.state == 7) && ($1 == 250)) {
mailsockwrite DATA
maildebug 250 -> DATA (Initiate BODY specification)
%sndmail.state = 8
elseif ((%sndmail.state == 8) && ($1 == 354)) {
mailsockwrite Subject: %sndmail.subject
mailsockwrite $crlf
mailsockwrite %sndmail.body
mailsockwrite .
maildebug 354 -> SEND (Specify BODY data; Send email)
%sndmail.state = 9
elseif ((%sndmail.state == 9) && ($1 == 250)) {
mailsockwrite QUIT
maildebug 250 -> QUIT (Email accepted; Disconnect)
%sndmail.state = -1
elseif ((%sndmail.state < 0) && ($1 == 221)) {
sockclose $sockname
maildebug 221 (Quit successful)
unset %sndmail.*
else {
mailsockwrite QUIT
maildebug -> QUIT (Unhandled result; Disconnect)
maildebug ** 4ERROR: $1-
set %sndmail.state -1
alias mailsockwrite {
sockwrite -n $sockname $1-
write %sndmail.logfile $asctime(HH:nn:ss) <- $1-
alias maildebug { if (%sndmail.debug) echo 3 -at $1- }
alias mailsockclose { if ($sock($1)) mailsockwrite $1 QUIT }
Operates the same as my previous code. If the %sndmail.doauth variable is $true, authentication is done using the specified %sndmail.authuser and %sndmail.authpass . If it is $false, authentication is not done. -genius_at_work
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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All of the code I provided should go in the REMOTES section. If gmail allows you to connect to their SMTP server through sockets (not by using their webmail portal), then you should be able to use gmail. It would be a VERY good idea to add some kind of anti-abuse to your !commands. Something like this:
on 300:TEXT:!report buffer:#:{
if (%report.buffer) {
notice $nick Bad video buffer was already reported to Dylan less than 30 minutes ago.
set -u1800 %report.buffer 1
notice $nick Reporting bad video buffer to Dylan, $nick $+ .
This will keep users from reporting more than once every 30 minutes. -genius_at_work
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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RusselB feels that Genius is an understatement for genius_at_work's level of understanding regarding mIRC scripting.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Hello genius_at_work,
I must say your advanced scripting knowledge is definetly a piece of work!
I definetly like where this is going.
Now that I am all setup on the SMTP side, is there a way to do something similar with regards to a POP server with Authentication?
I've looked all over the net, and couldn't find any documentation related to mIRC connecting to a POP server.
Thanks a bunch for everything!
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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Genius_at_work, Thank you for the script! Its great.. although developing an error. 220 -> EHLO (Introduce ourselves) 250 -> AUTH LOGIN (Begin authentication) -> QUIT (Unhandled result; Disconnect) ** ERROR: 530 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first. p27sm7379144qbp.16 221 (Quit successful) Any idea what that means? Assuming it's because gmail uses TLS for encrypted connections and the current coding doesn't support that.
Last edited by partyboy911; 17/11/08 10:04 PM.
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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Gmail requires TLS/SSL to connect, which fortunately is trivial in mSL since it natively supports SSL sockets. You need to download and install the OpenSSL libraries. mIRC requires libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll to be in $mircdir $sslready can be used to check if SSL is available or not. Various SSL settings can be changed in the Connect/Options dialog and are available only if the OpenSSL libraries have been loaded successfully. As far as changing the script, I'll leave that to the man whom wrote it. I would recommend going ahead however and installing OpenSSL and verifying it's working (in the Options as stated above, or //echo -a $sslready).
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I haven't been able to get gmail to respond to my TLS connection attempts.
I already have a POP3 script that I need to test before I post it.
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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Any suggestions on an email service that doesn't require a TLS connection?
Also, how do you get it to abort sending an email. I tried a different email service and had a wrong port.. so it's been sitting there trying to send it constantly. Restart mIRC and Restarting the computer did nothingScratch that, doing it on a different computer and it's working with my comcast email! Thanks a ton! One last final question.. I am trying to get it to put what they say into the text message. So if they say !text Hey Where Are you it will include that. I have the script setup like: on 300:TEXT:!text*:#:{ /msg $chan Hello $nick , I am now texting " $2- " to Dylan | /sendmail } And in the body part of the script it's setup as: set %sndmail.body $nick says " $2- "
Last edited by partyboy911; 18/11/08 12:42 PM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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In my code, if you change this line:
set %sndmail.body This is the body
to this: You can use the command like this: /sendmail Your message body goes here. /sendmail $nick says: $2- Also, you should make all of your !commands like the !report buffer one I posted above. Otherwise, you will have people abusing your SMS messages. -genius_at_work
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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In my code, if you change this line:
set %sndmail.body This is the body
to this: You can use the command like this: /sendmail Your message body goes here. /sendmail $nick says: $2- Also, you should make all of your !commands like the !report buffer one I posted above. Otherwise, you will have people abusing your SMS messages. -genius_at_work Genius at work, you are the genius. Thank you VERY much! Props to you.
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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Weird.. I might have been testing it too many times. I am getting the "Already sending. Try again later.". Is there a command to abort sending it? Or do I just wait it out? Restarting does nothing
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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There's a design flaw in the code, it doesn't gracefully fall back to defaults in the event of an unknown error (User kills the sockets, mIRC crashes/restarts, etc)
To get it to work again you need to unset the variable it internally sets to gauge if it's currently sending or not, and that is %sndmail.busy
/set %sndmail.busy 0
/unset %sndmail.busy
/unset %sndmail.*
any of those will work. genius_at_work will have to update the code for you to prevent this from happening in the future. A simple on start event, or adding additional checks, or however this code guru decides.
Last edited by _Memo; 18/11/08 10:47 PM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Change this line:
alias mailsockclose { if ($sock($1)) mailsockwrite $1 QUIT }
to this:
alias mailsockclose {
if ($sock($1)) mailsockwrite $1 QUIT
.timersmtp2 1 3 mailsockcleanup $1
alias mailsockcleanup {
if ($sock($1)) sockclose $1
unset %sndmail.*
on *:START:{ unset %sndmail.* }
And below this line: add this line:
.timersmtp 1 5 mailsockclose sendmail
That should clear out everything created by the script so that you can send again. -genius_at_work
Last edited by genius_at_work; 19/11/08 01:37 AM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Here is a POP3 code:
alias dogetmail getmail EMAIL_1 smtp.first.com 110 myusername MyPassword $true email\first\
alias dochkmail getmail EMAIL_2 smtp.second.com 110 my.email@second.com ThisPassword $false email\second\
; /getmail [-e] <name> <server> <port> <username> <password> <transfer> <savepath>
; <name>: Name for this connection, single word only
; <server>: IP or server of POP3 server
; <port>: Port of POP3 server
; <username>: Username for logging into POP3 server
; <password>: Password for logging into POP3 server
; <transfer>: $true = Download&DeleteMessages; $false=LeaveOnServer
; <savepath>: absolute or relative path to save downloaded emails
alias getmail {
if (-* iswm $1) {
var %sw = $1
tokenize 32 $2-
var %dir = $7
if (!$isdir(%dir)) mkdir %dir
if (!$isdir(%dir)) {
echo 4 -a POP3 $1 * ERROR: Unable to create path %dir
var %SID = $+(pop.,$ticks,$rand(000,999))
if ($exists($+($p3get($+(%SID,.path)),%SID,.txt))) goto picksid
$+(.timer,.,%SID) 1 5 getmailcleanup %SID
p3add $+(%SID,.name) $1
p3add $+(%SID,.addr) $2
p3add $+(%SID,.port) $3
p3add $+(%SID,.user) $4
p3add $+(%SID,.pass) $5
p3add $+(%SID,.save) $6
p3add $+(%SID,.path) $7
p3add $+(%SID,.write) 0
p3add $+(%SID,.state) 1
if ($sock(%SID)) sockclose %SID
sockopen $iif(e isin %sw,-e) %SID $p3get($+(%SID,.addr)) $p3get($+(%SID,.port))
on *:SOCKOPEN:pop.*:{
var %SID = $sockname
echo 3 -a POP3 $p3get($+(%SID,.name)) * Connected to $+($p3get($+(%SID,.addr)),:,$p3get($+(%SID,.port))) as $p3get($+(%SID,.user))
on *:SOCKREAD:pop.*:{
var %s
sockread %s
tokenize 32 %s
;echo -a > $1-
var %SID = $sockname
$+(.timer,.,%SID) 1 5 getmailcleanup %SID
if (-ERR isin $1) {
echo 4 -a POP3 $p3get($+(%SID,.name)) * ERROR @ $+ $p3get($+(%SID,.state)) $+ : $1-
sockwrite -n $sockname QUIT
p3add $+(%SID,.state)) -1
elseif ($p3get($+(%SID,.state)) < 0) {
sockclose $sockname
elseif ((OK isin $1) && (!$p3get($+(%SID,.write)))) {
if ($p3get($+(%SID,.state)) == 1) {
sockwrite -n $sockname USER $p3get($+(%SID,.user))
p3add $+(%SID,.state)) 2
elseif ($p3get($+(%SID,.state)) == 2) {
sockwrite -n $sockname PASS $p3get($+(%SID,.pass))
p3add $+(%SID,.state)) 3
elseif ($p3get($+(%SID,.state)) == 3) {
sockwrite -n $sockname STAT
p3add $+(%SID,.state)) 4
elseif ($p3get($+(%SID,.state)) == 4) {
echo 12 -a POP3 $p3get($+(%SID,.name)) * $2 $iif($2 == 1,message,messages)
if (($2 > 0) && ($p3get($+(%SID,.save)))) {
p3add $+(%SID,.count)) 1
p3add $+(%SID,.state)) 5
p3add $+(%SID,.num)) $2
.remove $+($p3get($+(%SID,.path)),%SID,.tmp)
sockwrite -n $sockname RETR $p3get($+(%SID,.count))
else {
sockwrite -n $sockname QUIT
p3add $+(%SID,.state)) 99
elseif ($p3get($+(%SID,.state)) == 5) {
p3add $+(%SID,.write)) 1
elseif ($p3get($+(%SID,.state)) == 6) {
if ($p3get($+(%SID,.dele)) < $p3get($+(%SID,.num))) {
p3add $+(%SID,.dele)) $calc($p3get($+(%SID,.dele)) + 1)
sockwrite -n $sockname DELE $p3get($+(%SID,.dele))
else {
sockwrite -n $sockname QUIT
p3add $+(%SID,.state)) 99
elseif ($p3get($+(%SID,.state)) == 99) {
sockclose $sockname
echo 3 -a POP3 $p3get($+(%SID,.name)) * Disconnected from server
p3wdel $+(%SID,.*)
elseif ($p3get($+(%SID,.state)) == 5) {
if ($1- == .) {
.rename $+($p3get($+(%SID,.path)),%SID,.tmp) $+($p3get($+(%SID,.path)),%SID,.txt)
echo 7 -a POP3 $p3get($+(%SID,.name)) * Saved new message as $+($p3get($+(%SID,.path)),%SID,.txt)
p3add $+(%SID,.write)) 0
if ($p3get($+(%SID,.count)) < $p3get($+(%SID,.num))) {
p3add $+(%SID,.count)) $calc($p3get($+(%SID,.count)) + 1)
sockwrite -n $sockname RETR $p3get($+(%SID,.count))
else {
p3add $+(%SID,.dele)) 1
sockwrite -n $sockname DELE 1
p3add $+(%SID,.state)) 6
else {
write $+($p3get($+(%SID,.path)),%SID,.tmp) $iif($1,$1-,$crlf)
alias p3add hadd -m pop3 $1 $2-
alias p3get return $hget(pop3,$1)
alias p3wdel hdel -w pop3 $1-
alias getmailcleanup {
if ($sock($1)) {
sockwrite -n $1 QUIT
sockclose $1
if ($p3get($+($1,.name)) != $null) echo 3 -a POP3 $p3get($+($1,.name)) * Disconnected from server
if ($hget(pop3)) p3wdel $1
Sample aliases /dogetmail and /dochkmail demonstrate how to call the /getmail alias. /dochkmail shows only checking whether new messages exist, and /dogetmail shows checking for new messages and downloading and deleting those messages. Downloaded messages are saved in the path that you specify for that connection. This code has been tested on a non-SSL POP3 server. Theoretically, it can also connect to SSL POP3 servers, though I cannot test that functionality because I don't have SSL installed in my mIRC. To enable SSL, add the -e switch to the /getmail command. Example:
/getmail -e EMAIL_3 smtp.server.com 995 username password $true email\third
Let me know about any errors. Also, let me know if it works on SSL servers. -genius_at_work
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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All I have to say is WoW!,
your work is really quite impressive.
Awesome job and great work!.
PS. Your code does not have any errors in it and works for me on a non SSL POP Server.
Great Job!, thanks so much again.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I forgot to mention that the POP3 code is multi-call capable. You can call /getmail several times without having to worry about the calls interfering with each other. Example:
alias multimail {
getmail EMAIL_1 smtp.first.com 110 myusername MyPassword $true email\first\
getmail EMAIL_2 smtp.second.com 110 my.email@second.com ThisPassword $false email\second\
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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For working TLS support, you have to issue a request to use it in both POP3/SMTP. Here are the rfc's for POP3 and SMTP. Good work btw.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Here is a sample of a connection attempt to gmail's smtp server:
(Open non-SSL connection to smtp.gmail.com:587) 220 mx.google.com ESMTP t1sm528266poh.2 EHLO localhost 250-mx.google.com at your service, [] 250-SIZE 35651584 250-8BITMIME 250-STARTTLS 250 ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES STARTTLS 220 2.0.0 Ready to start TLS EHLO localhost (Server disconnects immediately)
Everything up to the last 220 matches the RFC you posted, but I can't find any documentation regarding this part:
S: <waits for connection on TCP port 25> C: <opens connection> S: 220 mail.imc.org SMTP service ready C: EHLO mail.ietf.org S: 250-mail.imc.org offers a warm hug of welcome S: 250 STARTTLS C: STARTTLS S: 220 Go ahead C: <starts TLS negotiation> C & S: <negotiate a TLS session> C & S: <check result of negotiation>
If anyone can point me to the information to complete the TLS negotiation, I should be able to get my code working.
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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I can't find any information on the handshake, other than direct C code for the SSL/TLS protocol itself. But I'm willing to bet the OpenSSL library handles the handshake portion internally (verifying certificates), and you only need to use a SSL socket to get it to work. After receiving a 220 response to a STARTTLS command, the client MUST
start the TLS negotiation before giving any other SMTP commands. If,
after having issued the STARTTLS command, the client finds out that
some failure prevents it from actually starting a TLS handshake, then
it SHOULD abort the connection. I don't see any outlined sections explaining if the server is responsible for verifying a TLS handshake, but it's probably standard practice for the server to abort the connection if there is going to be a problem with the handshake. An earlier post you a said you don't have the SSL libraries.. to simplify things, someone has the DLLs zipped ready to be extracted to $mircdir over here
Last edited by _Memo; 20/11/08 03:11 AM.
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Bowl of petunias
Bowl of petunias
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I have been working on the same thing currently I have a work around with sending to gmail but it requires installing an SMTP server on my system, socket connecting to it and having in the RCPT TO:Whoever@gmail.com and then setting a filter inside gmail to check for the subject to be IRC Text Message and From to be from what ever I setup in the MAIL FROM:. I am using my own custom script to connect and currently I have found a way to use MS-DOS to connect correctly to gmail and send an email log file shown below. I am working on a way for a TLS connection through mSL code currently and will keep you updated on my progress (just started all of this about 25 hours ago and have spent about 18 or so hours total towards learning SMTP protocol, AUTH, TLS connections, and writing my script. This is the command entered with openssl installed in C:\Windows\System32
C:\Documents and Settings\User>openssl s_client -connect smtp.googlemail.com:25 -starttls smtp -crlf
*Notes for command above s_client - Used to establish that you are the client -connect - Connect to proceeding server:port -starttls - Automatically start a TLS connection simliar to a telnet connection smtp - telling the -starttls that this is a smtp server -crlf - Changes normal LF or linefeed (next line) into CR LF or Carriage return Line Feed (which is required for SMTP) *Note S> = server notice C> = Client typed. Added Blank Lines for easier Readability. Only S> and C> are actual communication all * are notes. Edit - All commands sent to openSSL should be lowercase. If you try and use an uppercase R or Q it will not send the command but be interpreted as either renegotiate or quite respectively.
S>250-mx.google.com at your service, []
*servers Welcome after the TLS handshake
S>250-SIZE 35651584
*servers modes available
C>ehlo Demonlord.Haxx
*ehlo to tell server that we want enhanced SMTP
S>250-mx.google.com at your service, []
S>250-SIZE 35651584
*New server modes presented
C>auth login
*Tell the server we want to login
S>334 VXNlcm5hbWU6
*Server asking for username VXNlcm5hbWU6 stands for username in *Base64
*Client Username changed to Base 64 in this case it means Example
S>334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6
*Server Asking for password UGFzc3dvcmQ6 = Password in base 64
*Client Password in Base 64 in this case it means Gmail
S>235 2.7.0 Accepted
*Server accepts Login
C>mail from:<fad2007@gmail.com> auth=fad2007@gmail.com
*You *MUST* add the AUTH like this to make it work correctly!
S>250 2.1.0 OK 28sm2010271qbw.11
C>rcpt to:<relayirc@gmail.com>
S>250 2.1.5 OK 28sm2010271qbw.11
S>354 Go ahead 28sm2010271qbw.11
C>Test123 123 12345
S>250 2.0.0 OK 1227251631 28sm2010271qbw.11
*Message Being sent
*Ends openssl connection
*openssl connection closed successfully
Last edited by Demonlord; 21/11/08 08:07 AM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I'm looking at your log file there, and I'm noticing something weird. You said that the log starts after the TLS connection is already established, but I read in one of the RFCs that the server MUST NOT send 250-STARTTLS if the TLS connection already exists. I wonder if gmail follows that portion of the SMTP protocol properly, or if the google programmers have created their own gSMTP protocol.... I don't have access to any other TLS-enabled SMTP servers, but it might be interesting to try the connection on one that isn't gmail.
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Bowl of petunias
Bowl of petunias
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The 250 - STARTTLS is just a server option, it is listing the available functions of the server if you actually respond using that it will say that the TLS session is already started.
Right now I am working with VB to try and write a mIRC dll that when you can use to send the variables %emailSMTPserv %emailSMTPport %emailAUTHlogin %emailAUTHpass %emailMailFrom %emailRcptTo %emailTo %emailFrom %emailSubject %emailMessage to it using the /dll command and it will interface with the OpenSSL dll's to open the connection using TLS automatically and then have it send the email. I am not very good with VB so this may take me a bit of time. But I am thinking its about the only way to do a secure connection to a SMTP server.
I already tried having mIRC write a .bat file and running it but as soon as the OpenSSL command is run it doesn't parse any other commands until the OpenSSL ends. Also using the -e switch with sockopen doesn't do the handshake either so don't think its possible using sock mSL commands.
If the DLL doesn't work out the only other way I can see is possibly using Stunnel to negotiate the TLS handshake.
Last edited by Demonlord; 22/11/08 02:26 AM.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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GaW: I also get this error when using gmail. [11/24/08] [08:44:50] ** ERROR: 530 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first. 4sm4604398yxd.2 Edit: Apparently, I quoted something that was said above. My bad. You can pretty much ignore this post. Edit2: I realize this is a bit out of left field, but I'm able to send emails from my hotmail account to my phone (I assume most phones that can get text messages can also get emails from hotmail). Wouldn't it be easier to just make a script that accesses your hotmail account and sends the email right to your phone? I'm not terribly good with sockets, and I know hotmail has you jump through some hoops to do this kind of thing. However, I suspect it would be easier for someone who knows what they're doing to do tha instead of fooling around with TLS
Last edited by Thrull; 24/11/08 02:47 PM.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Using the SMTP code provided to send email,
Is there a way to send html email instead of just plain text.
I was trying to play around with it for a bit, but my results are either a blank screen or plain text.
I am just wondering if its possible
Any ideas?
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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Seeing how the OP came here wanting help for Gmail, and Gmail being the only popular web email service out there that offers SMTP/POP3 access (for free), I'd say the foolish thing would be to bother tackling Hotmail.
Since you're not too familiar with sockets, I wonder why you would suggest using sockets since that would be the hardest way of approaching a javascript enriched email service? The easiest method here would be just to use nHTML imo.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Seeing how the OP came here wanting help for Gmail, and Gmail being the only popular web email service out there that offers SMTP/POP3 access (for free), I'd say the foolish thing would be to bother tackling Hotmail. Yes, I'll refrain from posting ideas from now on. What WAS I thinking? Its not like I was trying to be helpful or anything. After all, since the gmail thing is working so well as it is, why would we need other ideas? Since you're not too familiar with sockets, I wonder why you would suggest using sockets since that would be the hardest way of approaching a javascript enriched email service? The easiest method here would be just to use nHTML imo. Well, as far as I know, Mirc can't use nHTML. I suggested using sockets because, well, its possible and your way isn't. Again, I thought it would be wise to try do have an idea that might work as opposed to one that wouldn't. I'll refrain from doing that in the future as well.
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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nHTML is a DLL written specifically for mIRC, which as far as I know, still works. Here is the link to a modified version which quite a few scripters use. From Hotmail.com -- Windows Live ID requires JavaScript to sign in. To use hotmail for sending email, sockets alone wouldn't suffice. The method this thread has been talking about uses a method where socket scripting alone works, however theres been a bit of a snag with the TLS involved. Your suggestion wasn't ridiculous, just not practical in this situation. Using Hotmail via nHTML would be possible if one chose to go that route, though. I believe using AIM would be the best medium for sending text messages, however. Because not all carriers support phonenumber@carrier.tld, and that introduces a limitation. AIM however uses SMS so it's compatible with all carriers. I'm not sure if TOC allows sending mobile messages, but Oscar for sure does.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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I tried using hotpop.com instead of gmail. It seems to work for the first few steps, then it just stops doing anything. This is what I see with debug on: [11/28/08] [16:53:16] 220 -> EHLO (Introduce ourselves) [11/28/08] [16:53:16] 250 -> AUTH LOGIN (Begin authentication) [11/28/08] [16:53:16] 334 -> c2xpbXRocnVsbHhASG90UE9QLmNvbQ== (Send Base64 encoded username) [11/28/08] [16:53:16] 334 -> VGh1bmRlcjE= (Send Base64 encoded password) [11/28/08] [16:53:16] 250 -> MAIL (Auth OK; Specify FROM address) [11/28/08] [16:53:16] 250 -> RCPT (Specify TO address) It looks like the first few steps are handled fine, but after that it simply stops.