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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Hey, are there any autovoice-scripts or information available where I can get one and how they work? And I also need sth like a autokick-script, however you call it  e.g. Someone whos on a "forbidden channel" (Gay, Teen ect.) should be kicked automatically if he attempts to enter my channel, best with a kick-msg like "Your stay at #XXX is not tolerated here" or something like that... I would be delighted to if someone could help me...thanks! greets Thomas Christiansen
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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1) /help autovoice-list
2) For the autokick thing you'd have to whois every user joining your channel, to get the list of the channels they're on(/help on join), then capture the raw event and look for not wanted channels(/help raw events), but if many ppl joins your channel you get flooded off.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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1)For an autovoice script you can either do what theRat told you either make one yourself... You will need: /help on join /help levels you must know how to set a mode...right? mode # +v $nick 2) For the Ban channels kicker you asked check out this...Hope you found what you needed.
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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Auto voice is easy, use search next time 
on 1:JOIN:#:{
if ($me isop #) {
if (%Voice.Count == $null) { inc %Voice.Count 1 | mode # +v $nick }
if (%Voice.Count < 5) { inc %Voice.Count 1 | mode # +v $nick }
set -u5 %Voice.Count %Voice.Count
} Tested and works!Replace "if ($me isop #) {" with " if ($me isop #your channel) {" Autokick: first you need to create an badnicks.ini file, like this: filename=badnicks.ini line 1 = [kicknick] line 2 = whore line3 = gayman line4 = etc etc (this will only work this way)
on 1:JOIN:#:{
if ($me isop #) {
if ($nick isin $readini(badnicks.ini,kicknick) { ban #channel $nick | kick #channel $nick [reason] }
should work, if $nick event works here. Combined:
on 1:JOIN:#:{
if ($me isop #) {
if (%Voice.Count == $null) { inc %Voice.Count 1 | mode # +v $nick }
if (%Voice.Count < 5) { inc %Voice.Count 1 | mode # +v $nick }
set -u5 %Voice.Count %Voice.Count
if ($nick isin $readini(badnicks,kicknick) { ban #channel $nick | kick #channel $nick [reason] }
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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no reason to set it up where u have to replace all the # with the real channel name ..... just change them all to $chan as the events they trigger under recognize $chan as #channame
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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No need to do that either, # works the same as $chan.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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aaaand @<level>:<event> works the same as if ($me isop $chan) { >:D
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Yes I am aware of that.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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true on both accounts ..... just had me wondering tho why someone would instruct someone to change something that really doesnt need changing ..... maybe they would tell someone this with adding the fact the if u only want it to work in one specific channel change # to that channel name..... just hoping that was thier intent and they didnt want to confuse an admitted newbie to scripting
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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Jesper, your code won't work, as you don't have the right format for $readini. Here is a bad channel scanner:
on *:JOIN:#: {
if ($me isop #) {
var %a = 1
while ($nick ison $readini(badchans.ini,chans,%a)) {
mode # +b $address($nick,2)
kick # $nick $readini(badchans.ini,chans,kickmsg)
if (!$readini(badchans.ini,chans,%a)) { return }
inc %a
Alternate the .ini and kickmsg accordingly. The blacklisted chans sould be added in numbers: e.g.: (This is correct) 5=#blah 6=#blahblah 7=#blahblahblah (This is wrong) 5=#blah 125=#blahblah 694345674632456=#blahblahblah Hope i helped you out. Nice idea btw, although it might seem kind of including racism.
Last edited by gerdigos; 23/04/03 09:05 PM.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Well, as you say, that is a BAD channel scanner, though not in the way you meant bad. :tongue: 1. That would require you to be on every channel listed as bad, or you won't know "if ($nick ison <it>)". ("while" is an "if" statement) 2. It also will attempt to ban & kick $nick once for every "bad" channel they are on. Kicking a user more than once will cause errors. 3. $readini is slow, suppose after a netsplit, when 20 users re-join, and there were 10 channels listed as "bad". The script does $readini() 10 times for each nick, 20 x 10 = 200 $readini's. Even worse, it also checks the next channel before returning to the while condition. That makes a total of 20 x 20 x $readini  +++++++++ Personal opinion: If you don't like seeing that other users are on certain channels, don't look at the channels they are on. It isn't like you have to avoid this info, it is NOT shown to you by default, you have to actually seek it out.
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Thanks for your help, guys!! Most appreciated!  greets!
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Looking back on this post, it could be taken as an outright putdown of your scripting, but it wasn't meant that way. I was originally going to offer some ways around the things I pointed out, but then I decided that would be hypocritical considering my views on "bad channel kicks", so I left them out. Without them the post looks a bit nasty, please take it as pointing out where you might have done better, rather than however it may look.