I can confirm that the order, and even the line duplication is in the default installation of mIRC 6.33
I just did an installation to a directory that had not previously existed, forcing the mIRC installer to go with the default settings.
I, however, found that the problem only affected the default order/setting for the lpopup section.
n2=Info:/uwho $1
n0=Whois:/whois $$1
n1=Query:/query $$1
n5=.Ignore:/ignore $$1 1
n6=.Unignore:/ignore -r $$1 1
n6=.Op:/mode # +ooo $$1 $2 $3
n7=.Deop:/mode # -ooo $$1 $2 $3
n6=.Voice:/mode # +vvv $$1 $2 $3
n7=.Devoice:/mode # -vvv $$1 $2 $3
n8=.Kick:/kick # $$1
n9=.Kick (why):/kick # $$1 $$?="Reason:"
n10=.Ban:/ban $$1 2
n11=.Ban, Kick:/ban $$1 2 | /timer 1 3 /kick # $$1
n11=.Ban, Kick (why):/ban $$1 2 | /timer 1 3 /kick # $$1 $$?="Reason:"
n13=.Ping:/ctcp $$1 ping
n16=.Time:/ctcp $$1 time
n15=.Version:/ctcp $$1 version
n18=.Send:/dcc send $$1
n19=.Chat:/dcc chat $$1
n21=Slap!:/me slaps $$1 around a bit with a large trout
Lines n2 and n16 are out of order
lines n7 and n11 occur twice
line n6 occurs 3 times (one of which shows between the two n7 lines)