The solution is SO simple. Just use the [alias] portion of each command and pass an alias rather than direct commands! You can even wrap them all up into a nice little alias to save yourself some time and effort..

alias _safetimer { 
  if ($timer( && (* iswm %safetimer.commands) $v2
  if (!$timer( unset %safetimer.commands
alias safetimer {
  set $1
  set %safetimer.commands $$4-
  timer $+ $1 $2-3 _safetimer

/safetimer <name> <reps> <delay> <commands>

alias _safescid {
  if (%safescid.commands) $v1
alias safescid {
  set %safescid.commands $$2-
  scid $1 _safescid
  unset %safescid.commands

/safescid <cid> <commands>

alias _safescon {
  if (%safescon.commands) $v1
alias safescon {
  set %safescon.commands $$2-
  scon $1 _safescon
  unset %safescon.commands

/safescon <scon> <commands>

You can use all of those aliases in place of /timer, /scon and /scid to make them non exploitable.